This is a nixpkgs derivation for lolcommits.
It was written to help this discourse post.
You can easily run it by issuing the following:
nix run -f --command lolcommits
Do what exactly?
Try: lolcommits --enable (when in a git repository)
Or: lolcommits --help
It includes all the necessary dependencies such as mplayer & imagemagick
❯ cat ./result/bin/lolcommits
#! /nix/store/j8vysakw78bpgngba32hfwwikqda9yx2-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash -e
export PATH='/nix/store/1dysm4zfzss74rw6vvhqbs623rxgygx4-mplayer-1.4/bin:/nix/store/z1fh9yz3mikpmdmxpnbs2i249477q5yf-imagemagick-6.9.11-14/bin'${PATH:+':'}$PATH
exec -a "$0" "/nix/store/xjvpw6p1yqsid0fags6bya607hzd6ff8-lolcommits-0.16.2/bin/.lolcommits-wrapped" "$@"