You can access the full functionality of StravaSharp through the Client
class. Basically you have to do the following.
using StravaSharp;
var client = new Client(authenticator);
// now you can use the Client
var activities = await client.Activities.GetAthleteActivities();
Notice the constructor of Client
requires an authenticator. This is the only tricky part.
You have to implement RestSharp.IAuthenticator
interface here. The purpose of the authenticator is to provide an access token which lets you access Strava API.
Some possible authenticator implementations:
- Static authenticator: The access token can be set manually.
- OAuth2 authenticator for web application: It lets the user authenticate herself using OAuth2 authentication workflow. To better understand the workflow here, also check the usage of the authenticator in the web sample app.
- OAuth2 authenticator for mobile apps