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Creating configuration file

Charlie edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 8 revisions

Config File

You will need to create a file in the bot root directory named config.json and have the following content:

  "prefix": "!",
  "discord_owner_id": "Your-Discord-ID",
  "token": "Your-Bot-Token",
  "tenorAPI": "tenor-API-key",
  "newsAPI": "news-api-key",
  "youtubeAPI": "youtube-api-key",
  "yandexAPI": "yandex-api-key",
  "geniusLyricsAPI": "genius-api-key"

Note: For basic functionality, you only need to enter the discord_owner_id and your token. If you want all commands to work then you'll need API keys. You can get them from the links below.

Getting API Keys