From ca48a7355607db59af5a575f62afc0ab9b077357 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Zonca <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 10:14:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] feat: moved hd2017 to its own module

 pysm/models/ |   3 +-
 pysm/models/     | 422 +---------------------------------------
 pysm/models/   | 417 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 417 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pysm/models/

diff --git a/pysm/models/ b/pysm/models/
index 110d9dba..ce8c2e59 100644
--- a/pysm/models/
+++ b/pysm/models/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # flake8: noqa
-from .dust import ModifiedBlackBody, DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody, HensleyDraine2017
+from .dust import ModifiedBlackBody, DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody
+from .hd2017 import HensleyDraine2017
 from .power_law import PowerLaw, CurvedPowerLaw
 from .template import Model, read_map, apply_smoothing_and_coord_transform
 from .spdust import SpDust, SpDustPol
diff --git a/pysm/models/ b/pysm/models/
index cd3280b3..410d6a0a 100644
--- a/pysm/models/
+++ b/pysm/models/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import numpy as np
-from .. import units as u
 from pathlib import Path
-from .template import Model
-from .. import utils
+import numpy as np
 from numba import njit
 from astropy import constants as const
-from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
-import healpy as hp
+from .. import units as u
+from .. import utils
+from .template import Model
 class ModifiedBlackBody(Model):
@@ -382,413 +382,3 @@ def blackbody_nu(freq, temp):
     # flux =, u.spectral_density(freq * 1e9))
     return bb_nu
-class HensleyDraine2017(Model):
-    """ This is a model for modified black body emission.
-    Attributes
-    ----------
-    I_ref, Q_ref, U_ref: ndarray
-        Arrays containing the intensity or polarization reference
-        templates at frequency `freq_ref_I` or `freq_ref_P`.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        map_I,
-        map_Q,
-        map_U,
-        freq_ref_I,
-        freq_ref_P,
-        nside,
-        has_polarization=True,
-        unit_I=None,
-        unit_Q=None,
-        unit_U=None,
-        map_dist=None,
-        mpi_comm=None,
-        f_fe=None,
-        f_car=None,
-        rnd_uval=True,
-        nside_uval=256,
-        seed=None,
-    ):
-        """ This function initializes the Hensley-Draine 2017 model.
-        The initialization of this model consists of:
-        i) reading in emission templates from file, reading in data
-        tables for the emissivity of silicate grains, silsicate grains
-        with iron inclusions, and carbonaceous grains,
-        ii) interpolating these tables across wavelength and
-        interstellar radiation field (ISRF) strength,
-        iii) generating a random realization of the interstellar
-        radiation field, based on the modified Stefan-Boltzmann law,
-        and measurements of dust temperature from Planck.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        map_I, map_Q, map_U: `pathlib.Path` object
-            Paths to the maps to be used as I, Q, U templates.
-        unit_* : string or Unit
-            Unit string or Unit object for all input FITS maps, if None,
-            the input file should have a unit defined in the FITS header.
-        freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P: Quantity or string
-            Reference frequencies at which the intensity and polarization
-            templates are defined. They should be a astropy Quantity object
-            or a string (e.g. "1500 MHz") compatible with GHz.
-        nside: int
-            Resolution parameter at which this model is to be calculated.
-        f_fe: float
-            Fractional composition of grain population with iron inclusions.
-        f_car: float
-            Fractional composition of grain population in carbonaceous grains.
-        rnd_uval: bool (optional, default=True)
-            Decide whether to draw a random realization of the ISRF.
-        nside_uval: int (optional, default=256)
-            HEALPix nside at which to evaluate the ISRF before ud_grade is applied
-            to get the output scaling law. The default is the resolution at which
-            the inputs available (COMMANDER dust beta and temperature).
-        seed: int
-            Number used to seed RNG for `uval`.
-        """
-        super().__init__(nside=nside, map_dist=map_dist)
-        # do model setup
-        self.I_ref = self.read_map(map_I, unit=unit_I)
-        # This does unit conversion in place so we do not copy the data
-        # we do not keep the original unit because otherwise we would need
-        # to make a copy of the array when we run the model
-        self.I_ref <<= u.uK_RJ
-        self.freq_ref_I = u.Quantity(freq_ref_I).to(u.GHz)
-        self.has_polarization = has_polarization
-        if has_polarization:
-            self.Q_ref = self.read_map(map_Q, unit=unit_Q)
-            self.Q_ref <<= u.uK_RJ
-            self.U_ref = self.read_map(map_U, unit=unit_U)
-            self.U_ref <<= u.uK_RJ
-            self.freq_ref_P = u.Quantity(freq_ref_P).to(u.GHz)
-        self.nside = int(nside)
-        self.nside_uval = nside_uval
-        self.f_fe = f_fe
-        self.f_car = f_car
-        self.f_sil = 1.0 - f_fe
-        # break frequency below which model is not valid.
-        self.__freq_break = 10.0 * u.GHz
-        # data_sil contains the emission properties for silicon grains
-        # with no iron inclusions.
-        sil_data = self.read_txt("pysm_2/sil_fe00_2.0.dat")
-        # data_silfe containts the emission properties for sillicon
-        # grains with 5% iron inclusions.
-        silfe_data = self.read_txt("pysm_2/sil_fe05_2.0.dat")
-        # data_car contains the emission properties of carbonaceous
-        # grains.
-        car_data = self.read_txt("pysm_2/car_1.0.dat")
-        # get the wavelengt (in microns) and dimensionless field
-        # strengths over which these values were calculated.
-        wav = sil_data[:, 0] *
-        uvec = np.arange(-3.0, 5.01, 0.1) * u.dimensionless_unscaled
-        # The tabulated data is nu * I_nu / N_H, where N_H is the
-        # number of hydrogen atoms per cm^2. Therefore the units of
-        # the tabulated data are erg / s / sr.
-        sil_data_i = (
-            sil_data[:, 3:84]
-            * u.erg
-            / u.s
-            /
-            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
-        silfe_data_i = (
-            silfe_data[:, 3:84]
-            * u.erg
-            / u.s
-            /
-            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
-        car_data_i = (
-            car_data[:, 3:84]
-            * u.erg
-            / u.s
-            /
-            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
-        sil_data_p = (
-            sil_data[:, 84:165]
-            * u.erg
-            / u.s
-            /
-            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
-        silfe_data_p = (
-            silfe_data[:, 84:165]
-            * u.erg
-            / u.s
-            /
-            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
-        car_data_p = (
-            car_data[:, 84:165]
-            * u.erg
-            / u.s
-            /
-            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
-        # interpolate the pre-computed solutions for the emissivity as a
-        # function of grain 4 composition F_fe, Fcar, and field strenth U,
-        # to get emissivity as a function of (U, wavelength).
-        # Note that the spline, when evaluated, returns a unitless numpy array.
-        # We will later ignore the cm^2 in the unit, since this does not affect
-        # the outcome, and prevents the conversion between uK_RJ and Jy / sr
-        # in astropy.
-        assert sil_data_i.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
-        self.sil_i = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, sil_data_i.T)
-        assert silfe_data_i.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
-        self.car_i = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, car_data_i.T)
-        assert silfe_data_i.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
-        self.silfe_i = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, silfe_data_i.T)
-        assert sil_data_p.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
-        self.sil_p = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, sil_data_p.T)
-        assert car_data_p.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
-        self.car_p = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, car_data_p.T)
-        assert silfe_data_p.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
-        self.silfe_p = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, silfe_data_p.T)
-        # now draw the random realisation of uval if draw_uval = true
-        if rnd_uval:
-            T_mean = self.read_map(
-                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
-                unit="K",
-                field=3,
-                nside=self.nside_uval,
-            )
-            T_std = self.read_map(
-                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
-                unit="K",
-                field=5,
-                nside=self.nside_uval,
-            )
-            beta_mean = self.read_map(
-                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
-                unit="",
-                field=6,
-                nside=self.nside_uval,
-            )
-            beta_std = self.read_map(
-                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
-                unit="",
-                field=8,
-                nside=self.nside_uval,
-            )
-            # draw the realisations
-            np.random.seed(seed)
-            T = T_mean + np.random.randn(len(T_mean)) * T_std
-            beta = beta_mean + np.random.randn(len(beta_mean)) * beta_std
-            # use modified stefan boltzmann law to relate radiation field
-            # strength to temperature and spectral index. Since the
-            # interpolated data is only valid for -3 < uval <5 we clip the
-            # generated values (the generated values are no where near these
-            # limits, but it is good to note this for the future). We then
-            # udgrade the uval map to whatever nside is being considered.
-            # Since nside is not a parameter Sky knows about we have to get
-            # it from A_I, which is not ideal.
-            self.uval = hp.ud_grade(
-                np.clip(
-                    (4.0 + beta.value) * np.log10(T.value / np.mean(T.value)), -3.0, 5.0
-                ),
-                nside_out=nside,
-            )
-        elif not rnd_uval:
-            # I think this needs filling in for case when ISRF is not
-            # a random realization. What should the default be? Could
-            # choose a single value corresponding to T=20K, beta_d=1.54?
-            pass
-        else:
-            print(
-                """Hensley_Draine_2017 model selected, but draw_uval not set.
-                Set 'draw_uval' to True or False."""
-            )
-        # compute the SED at the reference frequencies of the input templates.
-        lambda_ref_i =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        lambda_ref_p =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        self.i_sed_at_nu0 = (
-            (
-                self.f_sil * self.sil_i.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_i)
-                + self.f_car * self.car_i.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_i)
-                + self.f_fe * self.silfe_i.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_i)
-            )
-            * u.Jy
-            /
-        )
-        self.p_sed_at_nu0 = (
-            (
-                self.f_sil * self.sil_p.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_p)
-                + self.f_car * self.car_p.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_p)
-                + self.f_fe * self.silfe_p.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_p)
-            )
-            * u.Jy
-            /
-        )
-    @u.quantity_input
-    def evaluate_hd17_model_scaling(self, freq: u.GHz):
-        """ Method to evaluate the frequency scaling in the HD17 model. This
-        caluculates the scaling factor to be applied to a set of T, Q, U maps
-        in uK_RJ at some reference frequencies `self.freq_ref_I`,
-        `self.freq_ref_P`, in order to scale them to frequencies `freqs`.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        freq: float
-            Frequency, convertible to microns, at which scaling factor is to
-            be calculated.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tuple(ndarray)
-            Scaling factor for intensity and polarization, at frequency
-            `freq`. Tuple contains two arrays, each with shape (number of pixels).
-        """
-        freq = utils.check_freq_input(freq) * u.GHz
-        # interpolation over pre-computed model is done in microns, so first convert
-        # to microns.
-        wav =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
-        # evaluate the SED, which is currently does the scaling assuming Jy/sr.
-        # uval is unitless, and lambdas are un microns.
-        scaling_i = (
-            self.f_sil * self.sil_i.ev(self.uval, wav)
-            + self.f_car * self.car_i.ev(self.uval, wav)
-            + self.f_fe * self.silfe_i.ev(self.uval, wav)
-        ) / self.i_sed_at_nu0
-        scaling_p = (
-            self.f_sil * self.sil_p.ev(self.uval, wav)
-            + self.f_car * self.car_p.ev(self.uval, wav)
-            + self.f_fe * self.silfe_p.ev(self.uval, wav)
-        ) / self.p_sed_at_nu0
-        # scaling_i, and scaling_p are unitless scaling factors. However the scaling
-        # does have the assumption of Jy / sr in the output map. We now account for
-        # this by multiplying by the ratio of unit conversions from Jy / sr to uK_RJ
-        # at the observed frequencies compared to the reference frequencies in
-        # temperature and polarization.
-        scaling_i *= (u.Jy /
-            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freq)
-        ) / (u.Jy /
-            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(self.freq_ref_I)
-        )
-        scaling_p *= (u.Jy /
-            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freq)
-        ) / (u.Jy /
-            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(self.freq_ref_P)
-        )
-        return scaling_i.value, scaling_p.value
-    @u.quantity_input
-    def evaluate_mbb_scaling(self, freq: u.GHz):
-        """ Method to evaluate a simple MBB scaling model with a constant
-        index of 1.54. This method is used for frequencies below the break
-        frequency (nominally 10 GHz), as the data the HD17 model relies upon
-        stops at 10 GHz.
-        At these frequencies, dust emission is largely irrelevant compared to
-        other low frequency foregrounds, and so we do not expect the modeling
-        assumptions to be significant. We therefore use a Rayleigh Jeans model
-        for simplicity, and fix scale it from the SED at the break frequency.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        freq: float
-            Frequency at which to evaluate model (convertible to GHz).
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tuple(ndarray)
-            Scaling factor for intensity and polarization, at frequency
-            `freq`. Tuple contains two arrays, each with shape (number of pixels).
-        """
-        # At these frequencies dust is largely irrelevant, and so we just
-        # use a Rayleigh-Jeans model with constant spectral index of 1.54
-        # for simplicity.
-        RJ_factor = (freq / self.__freq_break) ** 1.54
-        # calculate the HD17  model at the break frequency.
-        scaling_i_at_cutoff, scaling_p_at_cutoff = self.evaluate_hd17_model_scaling(
-            self.__freq_break
-        )
-        return (
-            scaling_i_at_cutoff * RJ_factor.value,
-            scaling_p_at_cutoff * RJ_factor.value,
-        )
-    @u.quantity_input
-    def get_emission(self, freqs: u.GHz, weights=None) -> u.uK_RJ:
-        """ This function calculates the model of Hensley and Draine 2017 for
-        the emission of a mixture of silicate, cabonaceous, and silicate
-        grains with iron inclusions.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        freqs: float
-            Frequencies in GHz. When an array is passed, this is treated
-            as a specification of a bandpass, and the bandpass average is
-            calculated. For a single frequency, the emission at that
-            frequency is returned (delta bandpass assumption).
-        Returns
-        -------
-        ndarray
-            Maps of T, Q, U for the given frequency specification.
-        Notes
-        -----
-        If `weights` is not given, a flat bandpass is assumed. If `weights`
-        is specified, it is automatically normalized.
-        """
-        freqs = utils.check_freq_input(freqs) * u.GHz
-        # if `weights` is None, then this evenly weights all frequencies.
-        weights = utils.normalize_weights(freqs, weights)
-        output = np.zeros((3, len(self.I_ref)), dtype=self.I_ref.dtype)
-        if len(freqs) > 1:
-            # when `freqs` is an array, this is treated as an specification
-            # of a bandpass. Definte `temp` to be an array in which the
-            # average over the bandpass is accumulated.
-            temp = np.zeros((3, len(self.I_ref)), dtype=self.I_ref.dtype)
-        else:
-            # when a single frequency is requested, `output` is just the
-            # result of a single iteration of the loop below, so `temp`
-            # and `output` are the same.
-            temp = output
-        # loop over frequencies. In each iteration evaluate the emission
-        # in T, Q, U, at that frequency, and accumulate it in `temp`.
-        I, Q, U = 0, 1, 2
-        for i, (freq, _) in enumerate(zip(freqs, weights)):
-            # apply the break frequency
-            if freq < self.__freq_break:
-                # TODO: this will calculate the HD17 scaling at the break
-                # frequency each time a frequency below 10 GHz is requested.
-                # Could store this to save recalculating it each time.
-                scaling_i, scaling_p = self.evaluate_mbb_scaling(freq)
-            else:
-                scaling_i, scaling_p = self.evaluate_hd17_model_scaling(freq)
-            temp[I, :] = self.I_ref.value
-            temp[Q, :] = self.Q_ref.value
-            temp[U, :] = self.U_ref.value
-            temp[I] *= scaling_i
-            temp[Q:] *= scaling_p
-            if len(freqs) > 1:
-                utils.trapz_step_inplace(freqs, weights, i, temp, output)
-        return output << u.uK_RJ
diff --git a/pysm/models/ b/pysm/models/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be53fe03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pysm/models/
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
+import healpy as hp
+from .. import units as u
+from .. import utils
+from .template import Model
+class HensleyDraine2017(Model):
+    """ This is a model for modified black body emission.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    I_ref, Q_ref, U_ref: ndarray
+        Arrays containing the intensity or polarization reference
+        templates at frequency `freq_ref_I` or `freq_ref_P`.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        map_I,
+        map_Q,
+        map_U,
+        freq_ref_I,
+        freq_ref_P,
+        nside,
+        has_polarization=True,
+        unit_I=None,
+        unit_Q=None,
+        unit_U=None,
+        map_dist=None,
+        mpi_comm=None,
+        f_fe=None,
+        f_car=None,
+        rnd_uval=True,
+        nside_uval=256,
+        seed=None,
+    ):
+        """ This function initializes the Hensley-Draine 2017 model.
+        The initialization of this model consists of:
+        i) reading in emission templates from file, reading in data
+        tables for the emissivity of silicate grains, silsicate grains
+        with iron inclusions, and carbonaceous grains,
+        ii) interpolating these tables across wavelength and
+        interstellar radiation field (ISRF) strength,
+        iii) generating a random realization of the interstellar
+        radiation field, based on the modified Stefan-Boltzmann law,
+        and measurements of dust temperature from Planck.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        map_I, map_Q, map_U: `pathlib.Path` object
+            Paths to the maps to be used as I, Q, U templates.
+        unit_* : string or Unit
+            Unit string or Unit object for all input FITS maps, if None,
+            the input file should have a unit defined in the FITS header.
+        freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P: Quantity or string
+            Reference frequencies at which the intensity and polarization
+            templates are defined. They should be a astropy Quantity object
+            or a string (e.g. "1500 MHz") compatible with GHz.
+        nside: int
+            Resolution parameter at which this model is to be calculated.
+        f_fe: float
+            Fractional composition of grain population with iron inclusions.
+        f_car: float
+            Fractional composition of grain population in carbonaceous grains.
+        rnd_uval: bool (optional, default=True)
+            Decide whether to draw a random realization of the ISRF.
+        nside_uval: int (optional, default=256)
+            HEALPix nside at which to evaluate the ISRF before ud_grade is applied
+            to get the output scaling law. The default is the resolution at which
+            the inputs available (COMMANDER dust beta and temperature).
+        seed: int
+            Number used to seed RNG for `uval`.
+        """
+        super().__init__(nside=nside, map_dist=map_dist)
+        # do model setup
+        self.I_ref = self.read_map(map_I, unit=unit_I)
+        # This does unit conversion in place so we do not copy the data
+        # we do not keep the original unit because otherwise we would need
+        # to make a copy of the array when we run the model
+        self.I_ref <<= u.uK_RJ
+        self.freq_ref_I = u.Quantity(freq_ref_I).to(u.GHz)
+        self.has_polarization = has_polarization
+        if has_polarization:
+            self.Q_ref = self.read_map(map_Q, unit=unit_Q)
+            self.Q_ref <<= u.uK_RJ
+            self.U_ref = self.read_map(map_U, unit=unit_U)
+            self.U_ref <<= u.uK_RJ
+            self.freq_ref_P = u.Quantity(freq_ref_P).to(u.GHz)
+        self.nside = int(nside)
+        self.nside_uval = nside_uval
+        self.f_fe = f_fe
+        self.f_car = f_car
+        self.f_sil = 1.0 - f_fe
+        # break frequency below which model is not valid.
+        self.__freq_break = 10.0 * u.GHz
+        # data_sil contains the emission properties for silicon grains
+        # with no iron inclusions.
+        sil_data = self.read_txt("pysm_2/sil_fe00_2.0.dat")
+        # data_silfe containts the emission properties for sillicon
+        # grains with 5% iron inclusions.
+        silfe_data = self.read_txt("pysm_2/sil_fe05_2.0.dat")
+        # data_car contains the emission properties of carbonaceous
+        # grains.
+        car_data = self.read_txt("pysm_2/car_1.0.dat")
+        # get the wavelengt (in microns) and dimensionless field
+        # strengths over which these values were calculated.
+        wav = sil_data[:, 0] *
+        uvec = np.arange(-3.0, 5.01, 0.1) * u.dimensionless_unscaled
+        # The tabulated data is nu * I_nu / N_H, where N_H is the
+        # number of hydrogen atoms per cm^2. Therefore the units of
+        # the tabulated data are erg / s / sr.
+        sil_data_i = (
+            sil_data[:, 3:84]
+            * u.erg
+            / u.s
+            /
+            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
+        silfe_data_i = (
+            silfe_data[:, 3:84]
+            * u.erg
+            / u.s
+            /
+            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
+        car_data_i = (
+            car_data[:, 3:84]
+            * u.erg
+            / u.s
+            /
+            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
+        sil_data_p = (
+            sil_data[:, 84:165]
+            * u.erg
+            / u.s
+            /
+            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
+        silfe_data_p = (
+            silfe_data[:, 84:165]
+            * u.erg
+            / u.s
+            /
+            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
+        car_data_p = (
+            car_data[:, 84:165]
+            * u.erg
+            / u.s
+            /
+            / wav[:, None].to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        ).to(u.Jy / * ** 2)
+        # interpolate the pre-computed solutions for the emissivity as a
+        # function of grain 4 composition F_fe, Fcar, and field strenth U,
+        # to get emissivity as a function of (U, wavelength).
+        # Note that the spline, when evaluated, returns a unitless numpy array.
+        # We will later ignore the cm^2 in the unit, since this does not affect
+        # the outcome, and prevents the conversion between uK_RJ and Jy / sr
+        # in astropy.
+        assert sil_data_i.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
+        self.sil_i = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, sil_data_i.T)
+        assert silfe_data_i.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
+        self.car_i = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, car_data_i.T)
+        assert silfe_data_i.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
+        self.silfe_i = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, silfe_data_i.T)
+        assert sil_data_p.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
+        self.sil_p = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, sil_data_p.T)
+        assert car_data_p.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
+        self.car_p = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, car_data_p.T)
+        assert silfe_data_p.unit == u.Jy / * ** 2
+        self.silfe_p = RectBivariateSpline(uvec, wav, silfe_data_p.T)
+        # now draw the random realisation of uval if draw_uval = true
+        if rnd_uval:
+            T_mean = self.read_map(
+                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
+                unit="K",
+                field=3,
+                nside=self.nside_uval,
+            )
+            T_std = self.read_map(
+                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
+                unit="K",
+                field=5,
+                nside=self.nside_uval,
+            )
+            beta_mean = self.read_map(
+                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
+                unit="",
+                field=6,
+                nside=self.nside_uval,
+            )
+            beta_std = self.read_map(
+                "pysm_2/COM_CompMap_dust-commander_0256_R2.00.fits",
+                unit="",
+                field=8,
+                nside=self.nside_uval,
+            )
+            # draw the realisations
+            np.random.seed(seed)
+            T = T_mean + np.random.randn(len(T_mean)) * T_std
+            beta = beta_mean + np.random.randn(len(beta_mean)) * beta_std
+            # use modified stefan boltzmann law to relate radiation field
+            # strength to temperature and spectral index. Since the
+            # interpolated data is only valid for -3 < uval <5 we clip the
+            # generated values (the generated values are no where near these
+            # limits, but it is good to note this for the future). We then
+            # udgrade the uval map to whatever nside is being considered.
+            # Since nside is not a parameter Sky knows about we have to get
+            # it from A_I, which is not ideal.
+            self.uval = hp.ud_grade(
+                np.clip(
+                    (4.0 + beta.value) * np.log10(T.value / np.mean(T.value)), -3.0, 5.0
+                ),
+                nside_out=nside,
+            )
+        elif not rnd_uval:
+            # I think this needs filling in for case when ISRF is not
+            # a random realization. What should the default be? Could
+            # choose a single value corresponding to T=20K, beta_d=1.54?
+            pass
+        else:
+            print(
+                """Hensley_Draine_2017 model selected, but draw_uval not set.
+                Set 'draw_uval' to True or False."""
+            )
+        # compute the SED at the reference frequencies of the input templates.
+        lambda_ref_i =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        lambda_ref_p =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        self.i_sed_at_nu0 = (
+            (
+                self.f_sil * self.sil_i.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_i)
+                + self.f_car * self.car_i.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_i)
+                + self.f_fe * self.silfe_i.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_i)
+            )
+            * u.Jy
+            /
+        )
+        self.p_sed_at_nu0 = (
+            (
+                self.f_sil * self.sil_p.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_p)
+                + self.f_car * self.car_p.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_p)
+                + self.f_fe * self.silfe_p.ev(self.uval, lambda_ref_p)
+            )
+            * u.Jy
+            /
+        )
+    @u.quantity_input
+    def evaluate_hd17_model_scaling(self, freq: u.GHz):
+        """ Method to evaluate the frequency scaling in the HD17 model. This
+        caluculates the scaling factor to be applied to a set of T, Q, U maps
+        in uK_RJ at some reference frequencies `self.freq_ref_I`,
+        `self.freq_ref_P`, in order to scale them to frequencies `freqs`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        freq: float
+            Frequency, convertible to microns, at which scaling factor is to
+            be calculated.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tuple(ndarray)
+            Scaling factor for intensity and polarization, at frequency
+            `freq`. Tuple contains two arrays, each with shape (number of pixels).
+        """
+        freq = utils.check_freq_input(freq) * u.GHz
+        # interpolation over pre-computed model is done in microns, so first convert
+        # to microns.
+        wav =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
+        # evaluate the SED, which is currently does the scaling assuming Jy/sr.
+        # uval is unitless, and lambdas are un microns.
+        scaling_i = (
+            self.f_sil * self.sil_i.ev(self.uval, wav)
+            + self.f_car * self.car_i.ev(self.uval, wav)
+            + self.f_fe * self.silfe_i.ev(self.uval, wav)
+        ) / self.i_sed_at_nu0
+        scaling_p = (
+            self.f_sil * self.sil_p.ev(self.uval, wav)
+            + self.f_car * self.car_p.ev(self.uval, wav)
+            + self.f_fe * self.silfe_p.ev(self.uval, wav)
+        ) / self.p_sed_at_nu0
+        # scaling_i, and scaling_p are unitless scaling factors. However the scaling
+        # does have the assumption of Jy / sr in the output map. We now account for
+        # this by multiplying by the ratio of unit conversions from Jy / sr to uK_RJ
+        # at the observed frequencies compared to the reference frequencies in
+        # temperature and polarization.
+        scaling_i *= (u.Jy /
+            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freq)
+        ) / (u.Jy /
+            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(self.freq_ref_I)
+        )
+        scaling_p *= (u.Jy /
+            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freq)
+        ) / (u.Jy /
+            u.uK_RJ, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(self.freq_ref_P)
+        )
+        return scaling_i.value, scaling_p.value
+    @u.quantity_input
+    def evaluate_mbb_scaling(self, freq: u.GHz):
+        """ Method to evaluate a simple MBB scaling model with a constant
+        index of 1.54. This method is used for frequencies below the break
+        frequency (nominally 10 GHz), as the data the HD17 model relies upon
+        stops at 10 GHz.
+        At these frequencies, dust emission is largely irrelevant compared to
+        other low frequency foregrounds, and so we do not expect the modeling
+        assumptions to be significant. We therefore use a Rayleigh Jeans model
+        for simplicity, and fix scale it from the SED at the break frequency.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        freq: float
+            Frequency at which to evaluate model (convertible to GHz).
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tuple(ndarray)
+            Scaling factor for intensity and polarization, at frequency
+            `freq`. Tuple contains two arrays, each with shape (number of pixels).
+        """
+        # At these frequencies dust is largely irrelevant, and so we just
+        # use a Rayleigh-Jeans model with constant spectral index of 1.54
+        # for simplicity.
+        RJ_factor = (freq / self.__freq_break) ** 1.54
+        # calculate the HD17  model at the break frequency.
+        scaling_i_at_cutoff, scaling_p_at_cutoff = self.evaluate_hd17_model_scaling(
+            self.__freq_break
+        )
+        return (
+            scaling_i_at_cutoff * RJ_factor.value,
+            scaling_p_at_cutoff * RJ_factor.value,
+        )
+    @u.quantity_input
+    def get_emission(self, freqs: u.GHz, weights=None) -> u.uK_RJ:
+        """ This function calculates the model of Hensley and Draine 2017 for
+        the emission of a mixture of silicate, cabonaceous, and silicate
+        grains with iron inclusions.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        freqs: float
+            Frequencies in GHz. When an array is passed, this is treated
+            as a specification of a bandpass, and the bandpass average is
+            calculated. For a single frequency, the emission at that
+            frequency is returned (delta bandpass assumption).
+        Returns
+        -------
+        ndarray
+            Maps of T, Q, U for the given frequency specification.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        If `weights` is not given, a flat bandpass is assumed. If `weights`
+        is specified, it is automatically normalized.
+        """
+        freqs = utils.check_freq_input(freqs) * u.GHz
+        # if `weights` is None, then this evenly weights all frequencies.
+        weights = utils.normalize_weights(freqs, weights)
+        output = np.zeros((3, len(self.I_ref)), dtype=self.I_ref.dtype)
+        if len(freqs) > 1:
+            # when `freqs` is an array, this is treated as an specification
+            # of a bandpass. Definte `temp` to be an array in which the
+            # average over the bandpass is accumulated.
+            temp = np.zeros((3, len(self.I_ref)), dtype=self.I_ref.dtype)
+        else:
+            # when a single frequency is requested, `output` is just the
+            # result of a single iteration of the loop below, so `temp`
+            # and `output` are the same.
+            temp = output
+        # loop over frequencies. In each iteration evaluate the emission
+        # in T, Q, U, at that frequency, and accumulate it in `temp`.
+        I, Q, U = 0, 1, 2
+        for i, (freq, _) in enumerate(zip(freqs, weights)):
+            # apply the break frequency
+            if freq < self.__freq_break:
+                # TODO: this will calculate the HD17 scaling at the break
+                # frequency each time a frequency below 10 GHz is requested.
+                # Could store this to save recalculating it each time.
+                scaling_i, scaling_p = self.evaluate_mbb_scaling(freq)
+            else:
+                scaling_i, scaling_p = self.evaluate_hd17_model_scaling(freq)
+            temp[I, :] = self.I_ref.value
+            temp[Q, :] = self.Q_ref.value
+            temp[U, :] = self.U_ref.value
+            temp[I] *= scaling_i
+            temp[Q:] *= scaling_p
+            if len(freqs) > 1:
+                utils.trapz_step_inplace(freqs, weights, i, temp, output)
+        return output << u.uK_RJ

From fd13258252957b397a976a1c7ef32173a7440b33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Zonca <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 11:42:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] feat: implementation of the HD2017-based d5 model

 pysm/data/presets.cfg   | 15 +++++++++++++++
 pysm/tests/ |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pysm/data/presets.cfg b/pysm/data/presets.cfg
index 3812e0ac..8c828860 100644
--- a/pysm/data/presets.cfg
+++ b/pysm/data/presets.cfg
@@ -77,6 +77,21 @@ freq_ref_P = "353 GHz"
     unit_mbb_temperature = "K"
     freq_ref_I = "545 GHz"
     freq_ref_P = "353 GHz"
+class = "HensleyDraine2017"
+map_I = "pysm_2/dust_t_new.fits"
+map_Q = "pysm_2/dust_q_new.fits"
+map_U = "pysm_2/dust_u_new.fits"
+unit_I = "uK_RJ"
+unit_Q = "uK_RJ"
+unit_U = "uK_RJ"
+freq_ref_I = "545 GHz"
+freq_ref_P = "353 GHz"
+rnd_uval = true
+nside_uval = 256
+seed = 4632
+f_car = 1.0
+f_fe = 0.0
 class = "DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody"
 correlation_length = 5.0
diff --git a/pysm/tests/ b/pysm/tests/
index 2f1dccb6..cfae0c8d 100644
--- a/pysm/tests/
+++ b/pysm/tests/
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", [100, 353, 900])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_tag", ["d7"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_tag", ["d7", "d5"])
 def test_highfreq_dust_model(model_tag, freq):
     model = pysm.Sky(preset_strings=[model_tag], nside=64)
     expected_output = pysm.read_map(
-        "pysm_2_test_data/check_{}_{}_64.fits".format(model_tag, freq),
+        "pysm_2_test_data/check_{}_{}_uK_RJ_64.fits".format(model_tag, freq),
         field=(0, 1, 2),

From d1d0353ba69309aa2b7a4b5c10f9748c5b11aa03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Zonca <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 12:34:10 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] feat: implementation of d8, added uval argument

 pysm/data/presets.cfg   | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 pysm/models/   | 16 +++++++++-------
 pysm/tests/ |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pysm/data/presets.cfg b/pysm/data/presets.cfg
index 8c828860..7a254cef 100644
--- a/pysm/data/presets.cfg
+++ b/pysm/data/presets.cfg
@@ -121,6 +121,22 @@ nside_uval = 256
 seed = 4632
 f_car = 1.0
 f_fe = 0.44
+class = "HensleyDraine2017"
+map_I = "pysm_2/dust_t_new.fits"
+map_Q = "pysm_2/dust_q_new.fits"
+map_U = "pysm_2/dust_u_new.fits"
+unit_I = "uK_RJ"
+unit_Q = "uK_RJ"
+unit_U = "uK_RJ"
+freq_ref_I = "545 GHz"
+freq_ref_P = "353 GHz"
+rnd_uval = false
+uval = 0.2
+nside_uval = 256
+seed = 4632
+f_car = 1.0
+f_fe = 0.44
 class = "PowerLaw"
 map_I = "pysm_2/synch_t_new.fits"
diff --git a/pysm/models/ b/pysm/models/
index be53fe03..3f3de301 100644
--- a/pysm/models/
+++ b/pysm/models/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ def __init__(
+        uval=None,
@@ -71,6 +72,8 @@ def __init__(
             Fractional composition of grain population in carbonaceous grains.
         rnd_uval: bool (optional, default=True)
             Decide whether to draw a random realization of the ISRF.
+        uval: float
+            If no random realization is requested, can choose a fixed value of uval
         nside_uval: int (optional, default=256)
             HEALPix nside at which to evaluate the ISRF before ud_grade is applied
             to get the output scaling law. The default is the resolution at which
@@ -193,6 +196,7 @@ def __init__(
         # now draw the random realisation of uval if draw_uval = true
         if rnd_uval:
+            assert uval is None, "Cannot request a random uval and also specify a value"
             T_mean = self.read_map(
@@ -235,16 +239,14 @@ def __init__(
-        elif not rnd_uval:
+        else:
             # I think this needs filling in for case when ISRF is not
             # a random realization. What should the default be? Could
             # choose a single value corresponding to T=20K, beta_d=1.54?
-            pass
-        else:
-            print(
-                """Hensley_Draine_2017 model selected, but draw_uval not set.
-                Set 'draw_uval' to True or False."""
-            )
+            assert (
+                uval is not None
+            ), "Need to specify a uval value if not requesting a random realization"
+            self.uval = uval
         # compute the SED at the reference frequencies of the input templates.
         lambda_ref_i =, equivalencies=u.spectral())
diff --git a/pysm/tests/ b/pysm/tests/
index cfae0c8d..da0bc77b 100644
--- a/pysm/tests/
+++ b/pysm/tests/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", [100, 353, 900])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_tag", ["d7", "d5"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_tag", ["d7", "d5", "d8"])
 def test_highfreq_dust_model(model_tag, freq):
     model = pysm.Sky(preset_strings=[model_tag], nside=64)

From e3f6678e443a23a9c1c6a1b3fd1fbdeebb1e0f79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Zonca <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 13:12:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] feat: explain default for uval in docstring

 pysm/models/ | 13 ++++---------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pysm/models/ b/pysm/models/
index 3f3de301..0d2bf3f5 100644
--- a/pysm/models/
+++ b/pysm/models/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def __init__(
-        uval=None,
+        uval=0.2,
@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ def __init__(
         rnd_uval: bool (optional, default=True)
             Decide whether to draw a random realization of the ISRF.
         uval: float
-            If no random realization is requested, can choose a fixed value of uval
+            This value is used only if rnd_uval is False, the default of 0.2
+            corresponds reasonably well to a Modifield Black Body model with
+            temperature of 20K and an index of 1.54
         nside_uval: int (optional, default=256)
             HEALPix nside at which to evaluate the ISRF before ud_grade is applied
             to get the output scaling law. The default is the resolution at which
@@ -196,7 +198,6 @@ def __init__(
         # now draw the random realisation of uval if draw_uval = true
         if rnd_uval:
-            assert uval is None, "Cannot request a random uval and also specify a value"
             T_mean = self.read_map(
@@ -240,12 +241,6 @@ def __init__(
-            # I think this needs filling in for case when ISRF is not
-            # a random realization. What should the default be? Could
-            # choose a single value corresponding to T=20K, beta_d=1.54?
-            assert (
-                uval is not None
-            ), "Need to specify a uval value if not requesting a random realization"
             self.uval = uval
         # compute the SED at the reference frequencies of the input templates.