⚠️ Note: This architecture documentation has been reorganized and moved to thedocs/architecture/
directory. Please refer to docs/architecture/README.md for the current architecture documentation.This file has been preserved as docs/architecture/legacy.md for historical reference.
├── api/
│ ├── wolf/ # Wolf-related services
│ │ ├── index.ts # Main WolfService implementation
│ │ └── types.ts # Wolf-related types
│ ├── steam/ # Steam integration
│ │ ├── index.ts # Main SteamService
│ │ ├── artwork.ts # Artwork handling
│ │ ├── games.ts # Game management
│ │ └── types.ts # Steam-related types
│ ├── config/ # Configuration management
│ │ ├── index.ts # ConfigService implementation
│ │ └── types.ts # Config types
│ ├── cache/ # Cache management
│ │ └── index.ts # CacheService implementation
│ ├── logs/ # Logging system
│ │ ├── index.ts # LogService implementation
│ │ └── types.ts # Logging types
│ ├── tasks/ # Task management
│ │ ├── index.ts # TaskService implementation
│ │ └── types.ts # Task types
│ └── base.ts # Common API utilities
└── index.ts # Service exports
Location: src/services/api/wolf/index.ts
Related Files:
- Type definitionssrc/components/pairing/PairingDialog.tsx
- UI for pairingsrc/components/TaskManager.tsx
- Uses WolfService for client validation- Handles Wolf game management and client pairing
- Key operations:
- Game CRUD operations (getGames, updateGame, deleteGame)
- Game synchronization (importGames, syncPlaytime)
- Client pairing (getPendingPairRequests, findPairRequestByPin, confirmPairing)
- Client management (getClients, validateClients)
- Important: Client IDs are handled as BigInt strings to preserve numeric precision
Location: src/services/api/config/index.ts
Related Files:
- Configuration typessrc/components/Configuration.tsx
- Main config UIsrc/components/UserSettings.tsx
- User management UI- Manages application configuration and user settings
- Singleton pattern with state management
- Key operations:
- Config CRUD (loadConfig, saveConfig, getConfig)
- User management (addUser, deleteUser, selectUser, editUser)
- Current user tracking (getCurrentUser)
- Config Structure:
interface Config { currentUser?: string; libraryPath: string; usersPath: string; cachePath: string; steamGridDbApiKey: string; debugEnabled: boolean; users: Record<string, UserConfig>; }
Location: src/services/api/tasks/index.ts
Related Files:
- Task typessrc/components/TaskManager.tsx
- Task UIsrc/components/Configuration.tsx
- Task section- Manages long-running operations and their status
- Implements observer pattern for task updates
- Persistent tasks:
- Games list refresh
- Artwork refresh
- Cache clearing
- Client validation
- Provides progress updates and error handling
Location: src/services/api/steam/index.ts
Related Files:
- Artwork handlingsrc/services/api/steam/games.ts
- Game managementsrc/services/api/steam/types.ts
- Steam typessrc/components/GameGrid.tsx
- Game display UI- Handles Steam integration
- Key features:
- Game ownership tracking
- Artwork management
- Game metadata synchronization
Location: src/services/api/cache/index.ts
Related Files:
- Uses cache for artworksrc/components/GameCard.tsx
- Displays cached artwork- Manages artwork caching
- Key operations:
- Cache directory management
- Artwork caching and retrieval
- Cache invalidation
Location: src/services/api/logs/index.ts
Related Files:
- Logging typessrc/components/LogViewer.tsx
- Log display UIsrc/services/api/base.ts
- Uses logger for API errors- Centralized logging system
- Log levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
- Supports component-based logging
- Provides log retrieval and clearing
interface WolfGame {
id: string;
name: string;
path: string;
lastPlayed?: string;
playtime?: number;
artwork?: string;
interface WolfGameUpdate {
name?: string;
path?: string;
lastPlayed?: string;
playtime?: number;
artwork?: string;
interface UserConfig {
steamId: string;
steamApiKey: string;
clients?: Record<string, {
friendlyName: string;
Error Handling:
- All API calls use handleApiResponse/handleApiError
- Errors are logged with component context
- User-friendly error messages are propagated
- Use appropriate log levels (debug, info, warn, error)
- Include component name in logs
- Add relevant data context
State Management:
- Services use singleton pattern
- State changes notify subscribers
- Config changes are persisted
API Patterns:
- RESTful endpoints
- Consistent error handling
- Progress tracking for long operations
Client ID Handling:
- Always use BigInt strings for client IDs
- Preserve numeric precision
- Use encodeURIComponent for URL paths
Client ID Transformation:
- DON'T convert client IDs to numbers
- DON'T use parseInt/Number on client IDs
- ALWAYS use BigInt.toString() for client IDs
Task Management:
- DON'T create duplicate task instances
- ALWAYS use existing task IDs
- ALWAYS update task status appropriately
- DON'T modify config directly
- ALWAYS use ConfigService methods
- ALWAYS handle currentUser checks
Error Handling:
- DON'T swallow errors silently
- ALWAYS log errors with context
- ALWAYS use handleApiError
Cache Management:
- DON'T assume cache exists
- ALWAYS check cache before operations
- ALWAYS handle cache misses gracefully
- Layout-based architecture with reusable components
- Material-UI (MUI) as the base component library
- Styled components for custom styling
- Responsive design patterns
Layout Component
- App shell with drawer navigation
- Responsive app bar with search
- Theme toggle support
- User menu integration
Configuration Components
- System settings management
- User management
- Task monitoring
- Logging interface
Dialog Components
- PairingDialog for device pairing
- UserMenu for user management
- Consistent dialog patterns with actions
Form Handling:
- Controlled components with state management
- Form validation and error handling
- Consistent input patterns
State Management:
- React hooks for local state
- Service integration for global state
- Event handling patterns
Styling Patterns:
- MUI theme customization
- Styled components for custom styling
- Consistent spacing and layout
Error Handling:
- Snackbar notifications
- Form validation feedback
- Error boundaries
Loading States:
- Progress indicators
- Skeleton loading
- Task status updates
Component Structure:
- Functional components with TypeScript
- Props interface definitions
- Consistent naming conventions
State Management:
- Use hooks for local state
- Lift state up when needed
- Avoid prop drilling
Event Handling:
- Type-safe event handlers
- Consistent naming (handle*)
- Event propagation control
- Use MUI's sx prop for styling
- Theme-aware styling
- Responsive design patterns
Component Design:
- DON'T mix business logic with UI
- DON'T duplicate component logic
- ALWAYS use TypeScript interfaces
State Management:
- DON'T mutate state directly
- DON'T use complex state when simple state suffices
- ALWAYS handle loading/error states
Event Handling:
- DON'T use inline function handlers
- DON'T ignore event types
- ALWAYS cleanup event listeners
- DON'T use inline styles
- DON'T mix styling approaches
- ALWAYS use theme variables
interface ComponentProps {
// Props interface
export function Component({ prop1, prop2 }: ComponentProps): JSX.Element {
// State hooks
const [state, setState] = useState<StateType>();
// Event handlers
const handleEvent = (event: EventType): void => {
// Handle event
// Effects
useEffect(() => {
// Side effects
}, [dependencies]);
return (
<Box sx={{ /* theme-aware styles */ }}>
{/* Component JSX */}
├── UserMenu
│ └── PairingDialog
│ └── PinInput
└── TaskManager
└── TaskList
├── UserSettings
├── SystemSettings
├── TaskManager
└── LogViewer
└── GameCard
└── ArtworkDisplay
Component | Primary Services Used
UserMenu | WolfService, ConfigService
PairingDialog | WolfService
Configuration | ConfigService, TaskService
TaskManager | TaskService
LogViewer | LogService
GameGrid | SteamService, CacheService
GameCard | CacheService
ArtworkDisplay | CacheService
├── Layout.tsx # Main app layout
├── Configuration.tsx # Configuration panel
├── UserMenu.tsx # User management
├── TaskManager.tsx # Task monitoring
├── LogViewer.tsx # Log display
├── GameGrid.tsx # Game display
└── pairing/ # Pairing components
├── PairingDialog.tsx
└── PinInput.tsx
Error Handling:
export class ApiError extends Error { constructor( message: string, public status?: number, public statusText?: string, public data?: any ) { super(message); this.name = 'ApiError'; } }
Response Handling:
async function handleApiResponse<T>(response: Response, component: string): Promise<T> { if (!response.ok) { throw new ApiError( `API request failed: ${response.statusText}`, response.status, response.statusText ); } return response.json() as T; }
Service Pattern:
class ServiceName { async methodName(): Promise<ReturnType> { try { Logger.debug('Starting operation', 'ServiceName'); const response = await fetch('/api/endpoint'); const data = await handleApiResponse<ReturnType>(response, 'ServiceName'); Logger.info('Operation successful', 'ServiceName'); return data; } catch (error) { await handleApiError(error, 'ServiceName'); throw error; } } }
Error Handling:
- Use ApiError for consistent error types
- Always include component context
- Log errors with appropriate level
- Propagate errors to UI when needed
- Debug logs for operation start
- Info logs for successful completion
- Error logs with full context
- Component-based logging
Response Handling:
- Type-safe responses with generics
- Consistent error handling
- JSON parsing in central location
- Status code checking
Request Patterns:
- RESTful endpoints
- Consistent URL structure
- Proper HTTP methods
- Content-Type headers
Error Handling:
- DON'T swallow errors silently
- DON'T log without context
- ALWAYS use handleApiError
- ALWAYS include component name
Response Handling:
- DON'T assume response is JSON
- DON'T skip error checking
- ALWAYS use handleApiResponse
- ALWAYS type responses
Request Patterns:
- DON'T hardcode URLs
- DON'T skip content types
- ALWAYS encode URL parameters
- ALWAYS validate request data
- DON'T over-log
- DON'T log sensitive data
- ALWAYS use appropriate levels
- ALWAYS include context
Task Structure:
interface Task { id: string; name: string; status: TaskStatus; progress: number; message: string; startTime: string; endTime?: string; error?: Error; }
Task Status Updates:
private updateTask( taskId: string, update: Partial<Pick<Task, 'status' | 'progress' | 'message' | 'error'>> ): void { // Update task and notify subscribers }
Task Patterns:
- Unique task IDs
- Progress tracking
- Status updates
- Error handling
- Subscriber notifications
├── games/
│ ├── GET / # Get all games
│ ├── PUT /:id # Update game
│ ├── DELETE /:id # Delete game
│ ├── POST /import # Import games
│ └── POST /sync # Sync playtime
├── pair/
│ ├── GET /pending # Get pending pair requests
│ └── POST /client # Confirm pairing
└── clients/
├── GET / # Get paired clients
└── POST /unpair # Unpair client
├── games/
│ └── GET /owned # Get owned games
└── artwork/
├── GET /:appId # Get game artwork
└── POST /refresh # Refresh artwork
├── GET / # Get config
├── POST / # Save config
└── users/
├── POST / # Add user
├── DELETE /:username # Delete user
├── PUT /:username # Update user
└── POST /:username/select # Select user
├── POST /ensure # Ensure cache directory
└── artwork/
├── GET /:appId # Get cached artwork
├── POST / # Cache artwork
└── POST /clear # Clear cache
├── GET / # Get logs
├── POST / # Write log
└── POST /clear # Clear logs
interface SuccessResponse<T> {
success: true;
data: T;
interface ErrorResponse {
success: false;
error: {
message: string;
code?: string;
details?: any;
- 200: Success
- 201: Created
- 400: Bad Request
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not Found
- 500: Internal Server Error
- All endpoints are currently v1 (implicit)
- Future versions will be prefixed with /api/v2/, /api/v3/, etc.
Each service maintains its own state:
// ConfigService
private config: Config | null = null;
private isInitialized = false;
// TaskService
private tasks: Task[] = [];
private subscribers: TaskSubscriber[] = [];
// LogService
private subscribers: LogSubscriber[] = [];
private logEntries: LogEntry[] = [];
User Action
Component Event Handler
Service Method Call
API Request
State Update
Subscriber Notifications
UI Update
// Subscriber type
type Subscriber<T> = (data: T) => void;
// Service implementation
class ServiceExample {
private subscribers: Subscriber[] = [];
subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): () => void {
return () => {
const index = this.subscribers.indexOf(subscriber);
if (index !== -1) {
this.subscribers.splice(index, 1);
private notifySubscribers(data: any): void {
this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber(data));
- Direct Updates
// Update and notify
private updateState(newState: State): void {
this.state = newState;
- Optimistic Updates
// Update immediately, revert on error
async function optimisticUpdate(): Promise<void> {
const previousState = this.state;
try {
await this.saveToServer();
} catch (error) {
throw error;
- Batch Updates
// Collect changes and update once
private batchUpdate(updates: Update[]): void {
const newState = updates.reduce(
(state, update) => this.applyUpdate(state, update),
ConfigService → All Services (provides configuration)
TaskService → WolfService, SteamService (monitors operations)
LogService → All Services (provides logging)
CacheService → SteamService (provides artwork caching)
└── __tests__/
├── components/ # Component tests
│ └── __snapshots__/ # Snapshot files
├── services/ # Service tests
└── utils/ # Test utilities
// Component test pattern
describe('ComponentName', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Setup mocks and test data
it('renders correctly', () => {
const { container } = render(<Component {...props} />);
it('handles user interactions', () => {
const onAction = jest.fn();
render(<Component onAction={onAction} />);
// Service test pattern
describe('ServiceName', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Reset service state
it('handles successful operations', async () => {
const mockResponse = { /* test data */ };
global.fetch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
ok: true,
json: () => Promise.resolve(mockResponse)
const result = await service.operation();
it('handles errors', async () => {
global.fetch = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('API Error'));
await expect(service.operation()).rejects.toThrow('API Error');
- API Mocks
// Mock API response
const mockApiResponse = {
ok: true,
json: () => Promise.resolve({ data: 'test' }),
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK'
global.fetch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockApiResponse);
- Service Mocks
// Mock service implementation
jest.mock('../services/ServiceName', () => ({
operation: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('result')
- Component Mocks
// Mock child component
jest.mock('./ChildComponent', () => {
return function MockChildComponent(props: any) {
return <div data-testid="mock-child">{JSON.stringify(props)}</div>;
- Render Helpers
// Custom render with providers
function renderWithProviders(ui: React.ReactElement) {
return render(
- Test Data Generators
// Generate test data
function createTestGame(override = {}): WolfGame {
return {
id: 'test-id',
name: 'Test Game',
path: '/test/path',
- Mock Service Responses
// Mock service responses
const mockResponses = {
games: [createTestGame(), createTestGame()],
config: { /* test config */ },
error: new Error('Test error')
Component Testing:
- Test user interactions
- Verify state changes
- Check rendered output
- Test error states
Service Testing:
- Test success paths
- Test error handling
- Verify state updates
- Check subscriber notifications
Integration Testing:
- Test component trees
- Verify service integration
- Test user flows
- Check error boundaries
Test Organization:
- Group related tests
- Use descriptive names
- Follow AAA pattern (Arrange, Act, Assert)
- Keep tests focused
Owner Service: WolfService
Implementation Location: src/services/api/wolf/index.ts
Used By:
- Client pairing and config updatesUserSettings.tsx
- Client managementConfigService
- Client storage in user config
Critical Pattern:
// Always use BigInt for client IDs
const clientId = BigInt(client.client_id).toString()
// When comparing client IDs
const matches = BigInt(id1).toString() === BigInt(id2).toString()
// When storing in config
const updatedClients = {
[BigInt(clientId).toString()]: {
friendlyName: name
Config Storage:
interface UserConfig { clients?: Record<string, { friendlyName: string; }>; }
API Responses:
interface PairedClient { client_id: string; // Comes as string, must be handled as BigInt app_state_folder: string; }
Warning Signs:
- Using Number() or parseInt() on client IDs
- Direct string comparison without BigInt conversion
- Missing toString() after BigInt conversion
Owner Service: WolfService
Implementation Location: src/services/api/wolf/index.ts
Used By:
- Game display and updatesTaskService
- Sync operations
Critical Pattern:
// Game updates must preserve these fields
interface WolfGameUpdate {
name?: string;
path?: string;
lastPlayed?: string;
playtime?: number;
artwork?: string;
// All fields are optional to allow partial updates
const update: WolfGameUpdate = {
playtime: newPlaytime // Only update what changed
Owner Service: CacheService
Implementation Location: src/services/api/cache/index.ts
Used By:
- Artwork cachingGameCard.tsx
- Artwork display
Critical Pattern:
// Always check cache before fetching
const cached = await CacheService.getCachedArtwork(appId);
if (!cached) {
// Only then fetch and cache
await CacheService.cacheArtwork(appId, imageUrl);
Owner Service: TaskService
Implementation Location: src/services/api/tasks/index.ts
Used By:
- All long-running operations
- UI display
Critical Pattern:
// Tasks must be updated in this order
this.updateTask(taskId, {
status: TaskStatus.RUNNING,
message: 'Starting...',
progress: 0
// Final status must be set
this.updateTask(taskId, {
status: TaskStatus.COMPLETED, // or FAILED
message: 'Done',
progress: 100
Owner Service: ConfigService
Implementation Location: src/services/api/config/index.ts
Used By:
- All services for configuration
- User management
- Client management
Critical Pattern:
// Always use editUser for user updates
await ConfigService.editUser(
undefined, // Skip steamId update
undefined, // Skip steamApiKey update
updatedClients // Only update clients
// Never modify config directly
const config = ConfigService.getConfig();
// ❌ config.users[username] = newConfig;
// ✅ await ConfigService.editUser(username, ...updates);