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266 lines (213 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

266 lines (213 loc) · 11.1 KB

5. Usage example

English | 中文

$ stands for terminal prompt

5.1. View the version number and view the parameter usage instructions

$ datafaker --version

$ datafaker --help
usage: datafaker [-h] [--meta [META]] [--interval INTERVAL] [--version]
                 [--outprint] [--outspliter OUTSPLITER] [--locale LOCALE]
                 [--outfile OUTFILE] [--format FORMAT]
                 [dbtype] [connect] table [num]

Generates SQLAlchemy model code from an existing database.

positional arguments:
  dbtype                data source type
  connect               connect info to the database
  table                 table to process
  num                   number of records to generate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --meta [META]         meta file path
  --interval INTERVAL   the interval to make stream data
  --version             print the version number and exit
  --outprint            print fake date to screen
  --outspliter OUTSPLITER
                        print data, to split columns
  --locale LOCALE       which country language
  --format FORMAT       outprint and outfile format: json, text (default:

5.2 create stu table in mysql

create table stu (
	id int unsigned auto_increment primary key COMMENT '自增id',
	name varchar(20) not null comment 'stu name',
	school varchar(20) not null comment 'school name',
	nickname varchar(20) not null comment 'nickname',
	age int not null comment 'age',
	class_num int not null comment 'class size',
	score decimal(4,2) not null comment 'score',
	phone bigint not null comment 'phone number',
	email varchar(64) comment 'email',
	ip varchar(32) comment 'IP',
	address text comment 'home address'
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;

write meta file meta.txt, the description of student。 the content of meta.txt:

id||int||auto increament id[:inc(id,1)]
school||varchar(20)||school name[:enum(file://names.txt)]
nickname||varchar(20)||nickname[:enum(鬼泣, 高小王子, 歌神, 逗比)]
age||int||student age[:age]
class_num||int||class size[:int(10, 100)]
phone||bigint||phone number[:phone_number]
address||text||home address[:address]

Each row of data in the meta.txt file is a field description of the metadata, divided into three columns by ||

  • First column: field name
  • Second column: table field type
  • Third column: field comment with construction rule tag

If the field name is not marked, a string within 20 characters will be randomly generated. You can add it and change it to: 'student name[:name]` The school name[:enum(file://names.txt)]indicates that the enumeration data is read from the local file names.txt, and the content is that the school name can only be obtained from the following 5 schools. Randomly generated.

Tsinghua Middle School
People and center
Guangdong Middle School
Pig farm School
Old compound School

The construction rule description will be described in detail later.

notice:meta.txt and names.txt must put in the same directory,and run datafaker. if there is no enum type,not need names.txt file.

5.3 read meta data from meta.txt,split by,, fake 10 recodes, output on screen

$ datafaker mysql mysql+mysqldb://root:root@localhost:3600/test stu 10 --outprint --meta meta.txt --outspliter ,,

 1, Bao Hong,, and the center, Gao Xiao prince,, 3,, 81,, 55.6,, 13197453222,,,,, Block I, Liangping Zhu Road, Xining City, Jiangsu Province 944204
 2, Liu Dong, Tsinghua Middle School, Gao Xiaopu, 3,, 31,, 52.4,, 15206198472,,,,, Block E, Hingshan Hohhot Street, Jiahe City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 706421
 3,,  ,, ,, ,,9,,84,,72.51,,18944398099,,,,,Xihe Huizhou Street, Yongan City, Anhui Province, 345415
 4,, Wang Yu,, pig farm,, teasing, 6,89,,19.3,,18,628,114,285,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 5, Lu Guizhi,, pig farm,, tea, 8, 9, 99, 92.22,, 13304570255,,,,, Block C, Xuhui Yin Street, Ying County, Jiangsu Province, China 908240
 6, Gu Yang,, pig farm,  ,, 9, 32,, 43.14,, 18025578420,,,,, Block Z, Daye Street, Liangping, Huizhou County, Heilongjiang Province 611736, China
 7, Yang Jie,, People and Center, Devil May Cry, 6, 35,, 81.25,, 13654306263,,,,, Block V, Shawan Wang Street, Linshi, Hubei Province 544660
 8, Shen Yi,, People and Center, Devil May Cry, 6, 14, 14, 73.61,, 13866020503,,,,, Dongli Ningde Street, Heshan County, Shaanxi Province Block 810017
 9, Shen Qiang,, Guangdong Middle School,, teasing, 7,48,,90.65,,13915915013,,,,,Z,Zhuan Street,Zhubei Street, Dongmei County, Gansu Province 619755
 10,, Li Dandan,, the old compound, Devil May Cry,, 3,, 67,, 87.63,, 18899812516,,,,, 791911, Block E, Xiaoshan Macau Street, Yidu County, Hunan Province
generated records : 10
printed records : 10
time used: 0.458 s

if remove outprint parameter, write into mysql.

$ datafaker rdb mysql+mysqldb://root:root@localhost:3600/test?charset=utf8 stu 10  --meta meta.txt

if run datafaker again,you must modify id[:inc(id,11)] in meta.txt, or Key reduplication error occur.

Construct rule priority:

The parser will preferentially select the third column of the ruled field comment for parsing. If there is no tag, select the field type of the second column for parsing.

This benefit is:

    1. Corresponding to the created data table, the user can use the desc tablename or show full columns from tablename to copy the table shema query. If the data is not satisfied with the field type, Marking machine for special processing in comments
    1. For the new table, mark the comment directly in the create table when creating the table. In this case, you do not need to specify a metadata file.

5.4 read meta data from data/hive_meta.txt,generate 1000 records and insert into hive

user name is yarn,hive must support acid,or else generate data file and upload to hdfs

datafaker hive hive://yarn@localhost:10000/test stu 1000 --meta data/hive_meta.txt

5.5 write to file, write to out.txt of /home directory

datafaker file /home out.txt 10 --meta meta.txt --format json

5.6 write to kafka, write to the topic hello of kafka for every 1 second

$ datafaker kafka localhost:9092 hello 1 --meta meta.txt --outprint
{"school": "\u4eba\u548c\u4e2d\u5fc3", "name": "\u5218\u91d1\u51e4", "ip": "", "age": 9, "email": "", "phone": "13256316424", "score": 3.45, "address": "\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u5b81\u5fb7\u5e02\u6d54\u9633\u5468\u8defu\u5ea7 990262", "class_num": 24, "nickname": "\u9017\u6bd4", "id": 1}
{"school": "\u4eba\u548c\u4e2d\u5fc3", "name": "\u6768\u4e3d", "ip": "", "age": 3, "email": "", "phone": "18183286767", "score": 22.16, "address": "\u8fbd\u5b81\u7701\u592a\u539f\u5e02\u53cb\u597d\u6c55\u5c3e\u8defG\u5ea7 382777", "class_num": 30, "nickname": "\u6b4c\u795e", "id": 2}
{"school": "\u6e05\u534e\u4e2d\u5b66", "name": "\u8d75\u7ea2", "ip": "", "age": 9, "email": "", "phone": "18002235094", "score": 48.32, "address": "\u5e7f\u897f\u58ee\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a\u65ed\u5e02\u6c88\u5317\u65b0\u6731\u8defc\u5ea7 684262", "class_num": 63, "nickname": "\u6b4c\u795e", "id": 3}
{"school": "\u6e05\u534e\u4e2d\u5b66", "name": "\u5f20\u7389\u6885", "ip": "", "age": 3, "email": "", "phone": "15518698519", "score": 85.96, "address": "\u5b81\u590f\u56de\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a\u6d69\u53bf\u767d\u4e91\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u8857s\u5ea7 184967", "class_num": 18, "nickname": "\u9017\u6bd4", "id": 4}
{"school": "\u732a\u573a", "name": "\u674e\u6842\u5170", "ip": "", "age": 8, "email": "", "phone": "18051928254", "score": 97.87, "address": "\u9ed1\u9f8d\u6c5f\u7701\u54c8\u5c14\u6ee8\u53bf\u6c38\u5ddd\u6d2a\u8857E\u5ea7 335135", "class_num": 46, "nickname": "\u9ad8\u5c0f\u738b\u5b50", "id": 5}
{"school": "\u4eba\u548c\u4e2d\u5fc3", "name": "\u5434\u60f3", "ip": "", "age": 3, "email": "", "phone": "14560810465", "score": 6.32, "address": "\u5b81\u590f\u56de\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a\u516d\u76d8\u6c34\u5e02\u5357\u6eaa\u7f57\u8857M\u5ea7 852408", "class_num": 12, "nickname": "\u9b3c\u6ce3", "id": 6}
^Cgenerated records : 6
insert records : 6
time used: 6.285 s

the result is:


JSON nesting or arbitrary data structure (not Json)

datafaker kafka localhost:9092 hello 10 --metaj meta.txt

use --metaj for meta file meta.txt:

    "name": [:name],
    "age": [:age],
    "school": {
        "sch_name": [:enum(file://../data/names.txt)],
        "sch_address": [:address],
        "scores": [
                "class": [:enum(Math, English)],
                "score": [:decimal(4,2,1)]
                "class": [:enum(Chinese, Computer)],
                "score": [:decimal(4,2,1)]

Datafaker replaces the marked string in meta.txt and remain the format, includes tab and space. The result is:

    "name": 驷俊,
    "age": 95,
    "school": {
        "sch_name": 旧大院,
        "sch_address": 湖北省济南市上街宁德路I座 557270,
        "scores": [
                "class": Math,
                "score": 83.28
                "class": Computer,
                "score": 52.37

You can compress the json to a string:


5.7 write to hbase

datafaker hbase localhost:9090 test-table 10 --meta data/hbase.txt

You must start hbase thrift service, not thrift2. For example, create table test-table, the column family is Cf. the content of meta data file hbase.txt is:

rowkey||varchar(20)||the rowkey
Cf:name||varchar(20)||student name

The first row must be the rowkey, rowkey(0,1,4) indicate rowkey join the first row and fifth row by _

5.8 write to es

datafaker es localhost:9200 example1/tp1 100 --auth elastic:elastic --meta meta.txt

The localhost:9200 is the connection string for es, and hosts split by comma, such as host1:9200,host2:9200.

The example1/tp1 is the index and type, split by backslash.

The elastic:elastic is account and password, If not, this parameter is not required.

5.9 write to oracle

datafaker rdb oracle://root:root@ stu 10 --meta meta.txt

sqlalchemy connection string must start with oracle:.