diff --git a/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/package.json b/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/package.json
index a6b23f4c7739f..9708f493ab571 100644
--- a/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/package.json
+++ b/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/package.json
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.6.2",
- "bluebird": "^3.7.0",
"cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.3",
"common-tags": "^1.8.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.15",
diff --git a/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.js.snap b/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.js.snap
index dddab5f5b8d5d..f5b8656954908 100644
--- a/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.js.snap
+++ b/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.js.snap
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe can copy JSX images 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe can copy JSX images 1`] = `"
exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe doesn't transform an iframe with dimensions: '100%' '100' 1`] = `
@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe doesn't transform an object with dimens
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe and maintains existing styles 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe and maintains existing styles 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe and maintains existing styles when a semicolon exists 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe and maintains existing styles when a semicolon exists 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe with pixel width and height 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe with pixel width and height 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe with unitless width and height 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an iframe with unitless width and height 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object and maintains existing styles 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object and maintains existing styles 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object and maintains existing styles when a semicolon exists 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object and maintains existing styles when a semicolon exists 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object with pixel width and height 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object with pixel width and height 1`] = `"
-exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object with unitless width and height 1`] = `"
+exports[`gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe transforms an object with unitless width and height 1`] = `"
diff --git a/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/index.js b/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/index.js
index 2d99374ccfe48..163d983f92336 100644
--- a/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/index.js
+++ b/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe/src/index.js
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
const visit = require(`unist-util-visit`)
const cheerio = require(`cheerio`)
-const Promise = require(`bluebird`)
const { oneLine } = require(`common-tags`)
const _ = require(`lodash`)
-const isPixelNumber = n => /\d+px$/.test(n)
-const isUnitlessNumber = n => {
- const nToNum = _.toNumber(n)
- return _.isFinite(nToNum)
+const needsSemicolon = str => !str.endsWith(`;`)
-const isUnitlessOrPixelNumber = n =>
- n && (isUnitlessNumber(n) || isPixelNumber(n))
+ * Convert anything to number, except for % value.
+ * We don't have to check for other values (em, vw, etc.)
+ * because the browsers will treat them as px anyway.
+ * @param {*} n something to be converted to number
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+const convert = n =>
+ typeof n === `string` && n.trim().endsWith(`%`) ? NaN : parseInt(n, 10)
-const needsSemicolon = str => !str.endsWith(`;`)
+ * Check whether all passed in arguments are valid number or not
+ * @param {...number} args dimension to check
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+const isValidDimensions = (...args) => args.every(n => _.isFinite(n))
-// Aspect ratio can only be determined if both width and height are unitless or
-// pixel values. Any other values mean the responsive wrapper is not applied.
-const acceptedDimensions = (width, height) =>
- isUnitlessOrPixelNumber(width) && isUnitlessOrPixelNumber(height)
+module.exports = async ({ markdownAST }, pluginOptions = {}) => {
+ const defaults = {
+ wrapperStyle: ``,
+ }
+ const options = _.defaults(pluginOptions, defaults)
+ visit(markdownAST, [`html`, `jsx`], node => {
+ const $ = cheerio.load(node.value)
+ const iframe = $(`iframe, object`)
+ if (iframe.length === 0) {
+ return
+ }
-module.exports = ({ markdownAST }, pluginOptions = {}) =>
- new Promise(resolve => {
- const defaults = {
- wrapperStyle: ``,
+ const width = convert(iframe.attr(`width`))
+ const height = convert(iframe.attr(`height`))
+ if (!isValidDimensions(width, height)) {
+ return
- const options = _.defaults(pluginOptions, defaults)
- visit(markdownAST, [`html`, `jsx`], node => {
- const $ = cheerio.load(node.value)
- const iframe = $(`iframe, object`)
- if (iframe.length) {
- const width = iframe.attr(`width`)
- const height = iframe.attr(`height`)
- if (acceptedDimensions(width, height)) {
- const existingStyle = $(`iframe`).attr(`style`) // Other plugins might set border: 0
- // so we make sure that we maintain those existing styles. If other styles like height or
- // width are already defined they will be overridden anyway.
+ let fullStyle = $(`iframe`).attr(`style`) || `` // Other plugins might set border: 0
+ // so we make sure that we maintain those existing styles. If other styles like height or
+ // width are already defined they will be overridden anyway.
- let fullStyle = ``
- if (existingStyle && needsSemicolon(existingStyle)) {
- fullStyle = `${existingStyle};`
- } else if (existingStyle) {
- fullStyle = existingStyle
- }
+ if (fullStyle.length > 0 && needsSemicolon(fullStyle)) {
+ fullStyle = `${fullStyle};`
+ }
- $(`iframe, object`).attr(
- `style`,
- `${fullStyle}
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- `
- )
- $(`iframe, object`)
- .attr(`width`, null)
- .attr(`height`, null)
- const newIframe = $(`body`).html() // fix for cheerio v1
+ $(`iframe, object`)
+ .attr(
+ `style`,
+ `${fullStyle}
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ `
+ )
+ .attr(`width`, null)
+ .attr(`height`, null)
- // TODO add youtube preview image as background-image.
+ const newIframe = $(`body`).html() // fix for cheerio v1
- const rawHTML = oneLine`
- ${newIframe}
- `
+ // TODO add youtube preview image as background-image.
- node.type = `html`
- node.value = rawHTML
- }
- }
- })
+ const rawHTML = oneLine`
+ ${newIframe}
+ `
- return resolve(markdownAST)
+ node.type = `html`
+ node.value = rawHTML
+ return markdownAST
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