- Each module has an user assigned as *mantainer* (required). He/She is
responsible to mantain the information about module correctly and
- Only the site mantainers can replace the module mantainer (as it is required, it must to be replaced, not removed)
- There is a control (or opinion) mechanism about mantainer to allow users to force the Site Mantainers to consider to replace a mantainer (because he/she aren't doing his work or is doing bad): #TODECIDE comments and/or votes over the mantainer (associated to the user or to the user+module), abuse report...
- A mantainer can ask to be replaced
- #TODECIDE if a mantainer propose a user to replace him, the substitution is automatic
- A module could be deactivated (as in OpenERP, it's like deleted but mantaining the data in the system)
- There is Server Versions which are as the series of Launchpad for all
- #TODECIDE: a module can be for multiple versions or server modules are different?
- #TODECIDE: Which server versions have their own serie: minor or major
- A module has one or more branches (see Branch Management) which are
mantained by module mantainer and branch mantainer.
- If a module doesn't has any branch (because they has been deleted/deactivated) it's state changes to warning and an advice is sent to the mantainer
- The modules have a default branch (required if there is some branch)
which is selected by the mantainer under his own criteria.
- If the default branch is deleted/deactivated, the module state change to warning (#TODECIDE the same or diferent than if it has no branches?) and an advice is sent to the mantainer
- An User can register a new module. He/she will be the mantainer
- #TODECIDE: It requires validation? it depends on the user status (something like commiters group, based on Karma...)
- It's required to set up a branch when register a new module. This branch will be the default branch automatically
- There is Server Versions which are as the series of Launchpad for all
- #TODECIDE: Which server versions have their own serie: minor or major
- #TODECIDE: a module can be for multiple versions/series (if not, for each
Server Version a new module must to be registered)
- there is a default branch for each serie
- there is a default serie for the module
The branches represents a version of a module. It could be a fork of existent version (bugfixing) or a new version (improvement, extension)
- A branch has this fields: #TODECIDE: Which of all of them are required
- Version Number, Server Version Number and Creator User
- The Version Number will be updated
- #TODECIDE: Recomended Server Branch
- The Recomended Server Branch is set by the creator of module but it also could be changed by the Module Mantainer
- When this field is modified by the module mantanier or branch mantainer (creator), it generates an advice for the other one.
- Version Control System (VCS)
- #TODECIDE Supported VCS: git, hg, bzr, svn...
- Project Management System:
- #TODECIDE Supported PM Systems: github, bitbucket, trac...
- Package Repositories:
- A module could be associated to multiple PR
- #TODECIDE Supported PR: PyPi, apt...
- Release Files:
- Multiple files (file types) per release
- #TODECIDE Supported file types: .egg, .zip, .tar.gz
- The system has a permanent link to the last release for each module which has any release files.
- #TODECIDE The name of release file must to follow an structured format that includes the Version Number.
- Documentation URL.
- State: #TODECIDE: see the launchpad states
- Version Number, Server Version Number and Creator User
- An User can register a new branch
- #TODECIDE: It requires validation? it depends on the user status (something like commiters group, based on Karma...)
- The system periodically checks that all URLs don't crash and the version of
different release systems (files, Package Repositories...) is the last
version of the module.
- The system mark as deprecated each of these information that isn't correct: it disables the link or download system and reduce the punctuation of mantainer.
- Un mòdul té un llistat de dependències
- Una dependència té un mòdul objectiu
- Una dependència té una branca de mòdul objectiu recomanada
- La gestiona el mantenidor de la branca i dels mòduls
- Des del perfil d'usuari accedim a la llista de:
- Mòduls del que és mantenidor
- Branques de les que és creador (¿o també li diem mantenidor?)
- Mòduls (branques) del que autor (¿diferenciem creador de autor?). No té pq ser el mateix que l'anterior. Pots tenir una branca per manteir 4 canvis/bugfix però no considerar-te autor
- El perfil té un històric que s'alimenta ¿d'avisos d'un(s) tipu(s) concret? que estan relacionats amb mòdul [i branca] per poder fer filtratges i tal. Els diferents subtipus (els següents exemples) també serien un camp per filtrar
- Exemple: Aquest usuari va ser autor d'aquesta branca (i per tant, mòdul) fins el X (quan es treu un autor d'un mòdul)
- ¿També quan s'afegeix? crec que no fa falta
- Exemple: Aquest usuari va ser autor d'aquesta branca (i per tant, mòdul) fins el X (quan es treu un autor d'un mòdul)
El sistema pot generar avisos a l'estil de les notificacions d'OpenERP. Van dirigides a un usuari i aquest té una safata d'entrada. En principi no són missatges usuari a usuari, per tant tampoc hi ha respostes. Si s'habilités aquest tipus de missatges ¿fem que puguin ser públiques i series Converses? (això es pot fer amb fòrums o coses així)
- Quan es genera algun warning s'envia un avís al mantenidor del mòdul.
- L'usuari pot configurar si rep un e-mail quan rep un avís
- Els comentaris van associats a un mòdul i ¿opcionalment? a una branca
- Des del mòdul es pot veure l'arbre de comentaris complet
- Des de la branca es mostren dos pestanyes: comentaris de la branca (filtrats) i del mòdul (tots)
- #TODECIDE: Un arxiu de comentaris del mòdul per branca?
- #TODO: Discus permetria això?
- #TODECIDE: Un comentari té etiquetes
- hi ha un arxiu de comentaris per etiqueta que permetria minifòrums pels mòduls
Based on how the Wordpress Extension Web resolves this question.
- The reports are between branches, and specifying the version for each branch. The users which doesn't have this information aren't our target.
- Types:
- Between Module and its Server
- Between Module and its dependencies
- Between Modules (no dependant modules): this type probably will only be no compability report; the system must to take care about this.
- The system will calculate and show the average score of compatibility, the
number of reports and will assign a flag (red, yellow or green) taking
care this two values.
- The system will be able to select the most compatible branch (for a module set) and advice about compatibility problems.
- #TODECIDE: The author of report (User) is required (I think yes)? This info is private (not visible for anonymous, only for manainers, for anybody)?
(the bold options are my preferences)
- WebApp
- Flask
- Django
- RESTful + JSON
- Client: Python script
- Deployment: buildout