Topic based WebSocket Server implemented in Node.js.
- Clients make connections based on the topic they are interested in
- ws://localhost:9090?topicName=Something
- Server maintains the a map of topics vs. the subscribed connected clients
- When a client sends a message with a topic it gets pushed to all connected clients subscribed to the topic
- Example: {"topic":"Something", "message":"Some Data"}
- This entire JSON will be sent to all clients connected using ?topicName=Something
NPM, Node.js, ws
- Pull or download this folder
- Open cmd or powershell
- cd into the folder
- npm install
- Open cmd or powershell
- cd into the folder
- Enter node index
- you should see started on port 9090
- Go to to test using WebSocket Client
- Enter Server URL as "ws://localhost:9090?topicName=Something"
- Press Ctrl + C in the cmd or poweshell window to exit the server
Code Summary index.js
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const _port = 9090;
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: _port }, () => {
console.log(`started on port ${_port}`);
wss.on('connection', function connection(socket, req) {
console.log(`USER CONNECTED: ${req.connection.remoteAddress}`);
socket.on('message', (messagestring) => {
console.log(`Received: ${messagestring} `);
// Reply or do somthing
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log('USER DISCONNECTED');
socket.on('close', function () {
console.log('USER CLOSED');