The prerequisites for this course are rather important. If you've never written any HTML or CSS, you may have a hard time keeping up. If you've been through the GDI intermediate HTML and CSS and feel comfortable with that, you'll have no problems with the CSS we'll be changing in class.
Likewise, if you've never written any programming code, such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or other programming languages, I'm not going to be covering programming concepts in general in this course. That said, Sass's programming capabilities are simple, and if you understand the concepts of variables, operators, if statements and for loops, you'll do just fine.
There will be command line usage, although not strenuous use. If you understand how to launch a command line window and commands such as "mkdir, ""cd", "ls", and friends, you should not have any problems. Understanding enough of git to checkout branches from the remote repository is required as well.
You will definitely need to be able to install software on your computer. If you don't have the ability to do this, talk to the class coordinator.
In conclusion:
This is an advanced class, and participants should be familiar with the following topics:
- Some programming knowledge
- Use of the command line
- Installing software on their laptop
In addition, the following must be completed before class:
- Make sure you have Atom or Sublime Text 2 or 3 installed on your system.
- Make sure you have Chrome browser installed.
- Make sure you have Git installed.
- Make sure you have Node.js v6.9.1 LTS installed.
- Clone the project files onto your Desktop or someplace you can work with them. See the README file for the project files.