# Android Map Marker Drawables

This project contains a standard set of map marker drawables/icons for Android apps. I noticed that there are many different marker icons out there, but couldn't find a nice set (along with a vector graphic, in case I needed to tweak it or add more colors) available anywhere, so I created this set.

## Examples

XHDPI (44x44):

<img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-xhdpi/map_marker_red.png" alt="Map Marker - Red" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-xhdpi/map_marker_green.png" alt="Map Marker - Green" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-xhdpi/map_marker_purple.png" alt="Map Marker - Purple" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-xhdpi/map_marker_blue.png" alt="Map Marker - Blue" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-xhdpi/map_marker_yellow.png" alt="Map Marker - Yellow" />

HDPI (32x32):

<img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-hdpi/map_marker_red.png" alt="Map Marker - Red" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-hdpi/map_marker_green.png" alt="Map Marker - Green" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-hdpi/map_marker_purple.png" alt="Map Marker - Purple" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-hdpi/map_marker_blue.png" alt="Map Marker - Blue" /> <img src="http://github.com/geerlingguy/Android-Map-Marker-Drawables/raw/master/drawable-hdpi/map_marker_yellow.png" alt="Map Marker - Yellow" />

(MDPI and LDPI not shown).

## Usage

Just grab the colored marker graphics out of each of the different drawable resolution folders and place them in your Android project's corresponding drawable folders.

If you need to create other colors, or want to otherwise tweak the icon, I've also included the original vector artwork (Android Map Marker.ai - requires Adobe Illustrator to open).

## License

MIT license; see included LICENSE.txt.

## Credits

Created by Jeff Geerling in 2012, as part of the [Catholic Diocese App](http://www.opensourcecatholic.com/project/catholic-diocese-app) project, specifically for the Jesuit Conference's Android App.