This document contains a set of guidelines which any contributions to any aTomic Lab repository must follow.
If you disagree with something here, you should open up an issue to discuss making a change!
We use a modified version of GitHub Flow at aTomic Lab. The only difference is instead of deploying from a reviewed pull request, we merge first and deploy straight from master.
Part of the GitHub Flow is submitting pull requests. See for a good overview of what pull requests are and how to use them. We use the fork & pull model for managing contributions.
Branch names should adhere to the following:
- All lowercase
as space separator for branch names- If a feature branch, include the name of the feature
File names should follow the following guidelines:
- All lowercase
as space separator for file names-
as a space separator for dates in file names- Dates in
In order to ensure that our git history makes sense we have certain guidelines which we require contributors to adhere to. These are:
These are:
- Commits should be written in the imperative mood
- Commits should start with a capital letter
- Commits should not end with a full stop
This is a style used by many other Open Source projects (Linux, Rails) as well as most corporate software development shops.
This is a great guide on writing a git commit message
fix typo in introduction.
- Does not start with a capital letter
- Ends with a full stop
Added Iron Man GIF
- Does not use the imperative mood
Adding more pizza parlors to directory
- Does not use the imperative mood
Fix typo in introduction to user guide
This commit message is wonderful!
A logical unit of change can be thought of as completion of a single task.
A good way to figure out if you are not adhering to this rule is to tell yourself what you changed ("I added a picture of a donkey to the Twilio workshop"). If you find yourself having multiple statements in this description then you have made your commit too big.
Add an image of pizza, fix typos, rewrite
This commit message contains three units of change, they are:
- An image of pizza
- Fixed typos
- Rewrote
These should be split into one commit each.
Add an image of pizza
This commit is great as only one logical change was made.
A commit message is used for quickly summarizing a change. Another contributor should be able to read it, along with the content and immediately understand the change does.
Fix typo
- This commit message does not give any context
Add the spark reactor source code into the document where we add our thoughts
- This commit message is too long! It should be less than 50 characters!
- It uses too many words and could be simplified