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GeoExt3 workshop Build Status

Learn how to use GeoExt 3 in your ExtJS applications.

Want to do the workshop?

This assumes that Node.js is installed:

  • Download the latest workshop-contents from this URL:
  • Extract the zip-archive into a directory of your choice.
  • You should find the following files and directories in the geoext3-ws-master-folder:
    • package.json
    • src/
  • Install the dependencies of the workshop via npm install.
  • Start the workshop server with npm start.
  • Open http://localhost:4000.

Preparation steps for OSGeo-Live

If you do not have Node.js installed (e.g. if you work on a fresh OSGeo-Live), you will need to install it. Here are some example commands you need to issue in a terminal to get everything the workshop depends upon.

First, let's install nvm (Node Version Manager) which we use to manage installations of Node.js.:

curl -o- | bash

Next, please close and reopen the terminal, so that the nvm script is available.

Afterwards issue the following in the terminal to install the lates v6.x Node.js and a matching npm utility:

nvm install v6

You can now follow the instructions above.

Example steps for a Linux-system

# Create a directory gx-ws and go there …
mkdir -p ~/gx-ws && cd ~/gx-ws
# … grab the zip-archive …
# … unzip the archive …
# … change into the extracted folder
cd geoext3-ws-master
# … install dependencies via npm
npm install
# … start the workshop server
npm start

Example steps for a Windows system

The steps below can be run on a Windows machine. They have been tested on Windows 10 with PowerShell v5.1, and Visual Studio 2017.

# create a C:\gx-ws directory
$wsFolder = "C:\gx-ws"
New-Item -Path $wsFolder -ItemType Directory
# download the zip-archive
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile("", "$wsFolder/")
# unzip the archive
Expand-Archive -Path $wsFolder/ -DestinationPath $wsFolder
# install the chocolatey package manager
# if you have Visual Studio 2010+ and the Nugetextension installed you can run the
# commands below, otherwise see how to install at
Install-Package chocolatey -Force
# now install nodejs with chocolatey
choco install nodejs -y
# change into the extracted folder
cd "$wsFolder/geoext3-ws-master"
# install dependencies via npm
npm install
# start the workshop server
npm start

If gitbook fails to install try running the following separately:

npm install gitbook-cli -g

Library Versions

During the workshop you will work with the following JavaScript libraries or frameworks:

Developing instructions

For developing and enhancing the workshop.


  • Run npm i && npm start and visit http://localhost:4000
  • Edit the markdown files in src/
  • Edit exercise-files in src/exercises/

Detailed version

  • In the root directory of the repository
  • run npm install … to install node dependencies (and those of gitbook, e.g. plugins)
  • Afterwards you can use certain npm scripts:
    • npm start … starts a development server which builds the HTML version of the workshop and serves it at http://localhost:4000. Changes to any of the input files in src will be instantly visible in the generated HTML. Hit Ctrl-C to quit the development server. Changes to any files in the src/exercises-directory are published directly to http://localhost:4000/exercises/
    • npm doc:build … builds the HTML once and stores it at build/geoext3-ws
    • npm doc:pdf … builds the PDF once and stores it at build/geoext3-ws.pdf, requires that calibre is installed (see below).
    • npm doc:epub … builds the EPUB once and stores it at build/geoext3-ws.epub, requires that calibre is installed (see below).
    • npm run build:all … cleans from previous builds and creates HTML, PDF and EPUB versions of the workshop at build, requires that calibre is installed (see below).
    • npm run archive … does what npm run build:all does and creates an archive in zip-format in build/, requires that zip is installed.

Installing calibre

Certain scripts for creating a PDF or EPUB version need the calibre program; follow the instructions on installing for your operating system.