HiCognition is a data exploration tool that allows stream-lined exploration of aggregate genomic data. HiCognition is centered around Hi-C data but also enables integration of Chip-seq and region-based data.
HiCognition implements the region-set focus approach, a concept that allows exploration of genomic region sets. For more details see the concepts section of our documentation.
To get started using HiCognition, check out the quickstart section of our documentation.
If you want to set-up a HiCognition instance yourself, check out the installation section of our documentation. An optional CLI tool to interface with the web API can be found in the HiCognition library repository is under development.
If you want to contribute to HiCognition, be sure to read the development section or our documentation.
Langer, C. C. H.*, Mitter, M.*, Stocsits, R. R. & Gerlich, D. W. (2022) HiCognition: a visual exploration and hypothesis testing tool for 3D genomics. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/2022.04.30.490134
* equal contribution
@article {HiCognition2022,
author = {Langer, Christoph C. H. and Mitter, Michael and Stocsits, Roman R. and Gerlich, Daniel W.},
title = {HiCognition: a visual exploration and hypothesis testing tool for 3D genomics},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.1101/2022.04.30.490134},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2022/05/01/2022.04.30.490134},
journal = {bioRxiv}
If you want to contribute to HiCognition, be sure to read the development section or our documentation.
A demo version with all of the sessions used for the figures of the manuscript can be found on our homepage. The server has all functionality enabled and users can # for a free account using a valid e-mail address to gain fast hands-on experience of HiCognition.