module "snowflake_shared_database" {
source = "../.."
context = module.this.context
from_share = var.from_share
descriptor_name = "snowflake-database"
comment = "Sample shared Database"
replace_invalid_characters = true
default_ddl_collation = "UTF8"
log_level = "INFO"
trace_level = "ON_EVENT"
suspend_task_after_num_failures = 1
task_auto_retry_attempts = 1
user_task_managed_initial_warehouse_size = "X-Small"
user_task_minimum_trigger_interval_in_seconds = 300
user_task_timeout_ms = 200
quoted_identifiers_ignore_case = true
enable_console_output = true
create_default_roles = true
roles = {
readonly = {
comment = "Read-only role"
granted_roles = []
granted_to_users = []
- Configure private sharing on producer Snowflake Account (remember that both producer and consumer accounts have to be deployed on the same Cloud Provider for. ex. AWS and in the same region for. ex.
This step can be done manually using Snowsight UI or by running create_share.sql script on producer Snowflake account.
When using the script, please remember to properly define consumer account details in the last line:
ALTER SHARE sample_share ADD ACCOUNT="<orgname.accountname>";
- With share configured in step 1., run terraform on consumer account using below commands
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file fixtures.tfvars -out tfplan
terraform apply tfplan
Please remember to pass share details (from step 1.) to from_share
$ terraform plan
A fully qualified path to a share from which the database will be created. A fully qualified path follows the format of `<organization_name>.<account_name>.<share_name>`
Enter a value: <orgname.accountname.sharename>
Name |
Description |
Type |
Default |
Required |
context_templates |
A map of context templates used to generate names |
map(string) |
n/a |
yes |
from_share |
A fully qualified path to a share from which the database will be created. A fully qualified path follows the format of <organization_name>.<account_name>.<share_name> |
string |
n/a |
yes |