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⚠️ This repository contains a standalone example to be used as a reference to help our partners integrate with Tilled. It is not intended to be implemented in a production environment nor is it intended to be installed as a dependency in any way.


Get started

  • Clone the project
  • Install dependencies (be sure to navigate to the directory for this project cd react/react-payment-example):
    $ npm install
    $ cd client && npm install

Create a sandbox account and add your configuration values

  • Create a .env file in this project's root directory (react-payment-example) with your secret API key:
  • Create a second .env file in the client directory (react-payment-example/client) with your merchant's account_id and your publishable API key.

_Note: React environment variables must be prefixed with REACT_APP_ and they must be included in a separate .env file in the client directory to work properly._

Start your backend and client servers

  • From the project's root, run:
$ npm run dev
  • To start only your backend server(react-payment-example/server/index.js), enter the following command from this project's root:
$ npm run start-server
  • To start the React client:
$ npm run start-client

Process your first payment

  • Navigate to http://localhost:5000 in your browser, enter 4037111111000000 as the test card number with a valid expiration date and 123 as the CVV Code and click Pay
  • Optional: Look in the browser's developer console to see payment intent creation logs
  • Go here to see your payment


This hook was created to make this example more reactive and to make it easier for Tilled partners to get up and running with Tilled.


account_id: the Tilled merchant account id. Ex: acct_XXXX public_key: publishable Tilled API key. Ex: pk_XXXX paymentTypeObj: an object with the payment method type and and object describing the fields to be injected. Ex:

card: {
    type: 'card',
    fields: {
      cardNumber: "#card-number-element",
      cardExpiry: "#card-expiration-element",
      cardCvv: "#card-cvv-element",

fieldOptions: The Tilled.js form options object. Ex:

const fieldOptions = {
    styles: {
      base: {
          '-apple-system, "system-ui", "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif',
        color: "#304166",
        fontWeight: "400",
        fontSize: "16px",
      invalid: {
        ":hover": {
          textDecoration: "underline dotted red",
        color: "#777777",
      valid: {
        color: "#32CD32",


This hook can be called from inside the component containing the Tilled.js fields and uses the useScript hook to insert the Tilled.js script into the DOM. When the component it's called from mounts, it waits until the script is ready and then does the following:

  • Creates a new Tilled instance
  • Awaits a new form instance
  • Loops through and inject the paymentTypeObj.fields
  • Updates the card brand if the DOM contains and element with the #card-brand-icon selector
  • Builds the form

Once the component unmounts, it checks to see if a form exists and runs the teardown method and returns a status message.


Invoke the hook from inside the component containing your Tilled.js fields:

Other helpful notes

  • The paymentMethodTypes variable in App.js reflects the app's state, shared by the fields components (ach-debit-fields.js and credit-card-fields.js) and App.js (specifically the submit button that calls confirmPayment). confirmPayment needs access to the form instance created with useTilled. therefore, it needs to be lifted to their closest common ancestor, App.js. For more information on lifting state, visit the Lifting State Up page in React's documentation.
  • By design, Tilled.js inserts iFrames into the DOM for PCI compliance. The values therin cannot be accessed by your client-side code. Running the teardown when components unmount, as demonstrated in useTilled will delete the form instance and the values stored in its respective iFrames.