This directory contains the necessary stuff to build a small binary for a non-blocking check for xproofd or xrootd services at a given host and port.
Just typing 'make' should suffice to build the binary. The name of the binary is 'xrdping' and it will be loacted in the current directory.
To build in debug mode use 'make DEB=-g'
The arguments understood by 'xrdping' can be displayed pasing the -h or --help switches.
To test 'xproofd' at 'host' and 'port' use:
$ xrdping host:port
$ xrdping host -port
To test 'xrood' at 'host' and 'port' use:
$ xrdping host:port xrd
$ xrdping host:port xrootd
(the -p switch can be used for the port also in this case).
The program returns a non negative value according to
0 the required service accepts connections at given host and port 1 no service running at the given host and port 2 a service accepts connections at given host and port but most likely is not of the required type (failure occured during handshake) 3 service at given host and port is PROOFD (or ROOTD)
To silence all messages (including errors) pass the '-nv' switch.
To increase the verbosity use the '-v' switch.
The script '' gives an example of how to use 'xrdping' in scripts. It assumes that the binary is in the current directory.
(G. Ganis - last update: Sept 16, 2011)