There are two major versions that differ a lot from each other due to complete rewrite of framework
Angular 1.x : AngularJS
Angular 2+ : Angular
IDE: Visual Studio Code. (
Stack: Angular 16
File extensions:
html for Component
.scss, css, sass:
Cascading style sheets .scss is what we will be using
typescript file which will be compiled to javascript file during compilation
test classes for karma
The component is the core building block of Angular 2 applications. It represents a reusable piece of UI that is usually depicted by a custom html element.
Typescript/Es6 Module:
Generally, a module will contain code that encapsulates a specific functionality. The module will expose this functionality to the rest of the application by defining a series of exports that other parts of the system can then import.
Angular Module:
Angular 2 modules and the new NgModule decorator let us declare in one place all the dependencies and components of our application without the need to do it on a per-component basis (like we used to do in previous versions)
Similar to Annotations in java except it decorated and calls the function internally.
: to write multi-line string in html template. Backticks are used to define the new ES6 template strings. They are a new great feature of ES6 that let’s you write multiline strings natively and insert any expression directly within a string with a very straightforward syntax.
classes in Javascript:
ES6 brought classes to JavaScript amongst a host of other features. If you are a software developer with a strong typed language as background this will probably be great news for you. Don’t be fooled though, JavaScript classes are just syntactic sugar over the existing prototypical inheritance model.
Type Annotations:
TypeScript let’s you add type annotation to your variable and function declarations. This helps you with better tooling like intellisense and to catch type errors.
Type of data Bindings:
Interpolation: {{}} e.g. {{propertyName}}
one way data Binding: [] e.g. [src]
event binding: () e.g. (click)
Two-way data Binding: [()] e.g. [(]
Lint: process of finding issues before compile time only. A code was developed in C named Lint that found issues before compilation only.
- Node JS: -> Install ->
node --version
- npm: Installed with Node :
npm --version
- Angular-cli:
- Update and install
- npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
- npm cache verify
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
->ng version
You can quick start angular2 project in two ways:
- (for learning purpose, structure already available to start with)
- : Angular CLI (Preferred)
A. Install angular-cli and ceate new Project
command will create "angular-get-started" project with routing already configured alon with scss for styling
cmd npm install -g @angular/cli@latest ng new angular-get-started --routing --style scss ***after 7-10 minutes project created***
B. Folder structure of newly created project
- src
- app # your app source code (and specs)
- app.component.html # html for App component
- app.component.scss # styling for App component
- app.component.ts # controller for App component
- app.component.spec.ts # test file for App component
- app.module.ts # App Module
- app-routing.module.ts # Routing module
- assets # static assets like images, etc (same as resources folder in Java)
- environments # here you can define different environment configuration (prod, dev, etc)
- environment.ts # ng serve --dev
(to make this run, there must be environments entry in .angular-cli.json)
- # ng serve --prod
- index.html # the entry point to your app
- main.ts # it is defined in .angular-cli.json, it bootstraps AppModule
- styles.scss # the global styles for your app
Server used : lite-server (need to check where it is defined)
# dependency management
- node_modules # the source code of your app dependencies
# you do not commit this folder, generated after npm install
- package.json # all dependencies are defined here (same as pom.xml in Maven)
# npm reads all the dependencies and downloads into node_modules
# Angular-cli configuration (Important file)
# TypeScript configuration
- tsconfig.json # TypeScript compiler configuration
- tslint.json # TypeScript linting configuration
# Testing
- e2e # a folder with end to end tests
- karma.conf.js # karma test runner configuration
- protractor.conf.js # protractor e2e tests configuration
# Git specific
- .gitignore
C. Start Project webpack will build the project and serve it in browser because of -o parameter passed while serving
ng serve --open
#the short-hand syntax is: ng s -o
D. Create Component
ng g c -it -is person-details
#ng generate component --inline-template --inline-style
Note: Angular CLI relies on Webpack to inject styles and JavaScript files when they are needed.
Angular-cli intoduces generators that creates files and do respective mappings related to it as well
e.g.: ng generate interface person (ng g i person)
ng generate --inline-template person-list (ng g c -it person-list)
This will generate a new folder person-list and will place a TypeScript and a style files within that folder. Since we have selected the --inline-template option, instead of using an external template file the component will use the template property inside the @Component decorator to define an inline template
1. Create domain model
new file > person.ts > export interface Person { id : number .....}
*create person.ts in src/app folder. the reason for keeping model (and later services ) in the root app folder makes it easy to reuse in different modules.
angular-cli: ng generate interface person (ng g i person)
2. Create Component
Each component should be place in its own folder to keep all related files to that component in one place.
a. Create Folder people-list
b. Create Component people-list.component.ts
(we will use inline template and inline style for this else there will be 2 more files in this folder)
c. As we do not have any service now we can return hard-coded data from our component. Define person array with the help of person model created above.
d. use Structural directive *ngFor to repeat this array and print on html.
e. add this component in app.module.ts on the declarations.
f. use the app-people-list selector in the app.component.html
angular-cli: ng generate --inline-template person-list (ng g c -it person-list)
a. create heroservice.ts > @Injectable() export class HeroService
b. use constructor injection to inject this service in person-list component.
c. if you start the server now you will see "Error: No provider for HeroService!"
d. add this service in app.module.ts in the providers array.
angular-cli: ng generate service heroservice (ng g s heroservice)
ng generate service heroservice --module app ()
- You create a new component MyComponent with template(html here) and selector(this will be used in html to load this component)
- you specify this in the index.html Above steps will not work till we bootstrap our application
- Create Appmodule which will include all the components for this main module
- Include the Component MyComponent created above
- Create a main.ts file and load this AppModule platformBrowserDynamic.loadModule('AppModule')
- Now, in index.html use systemjs to load packages defined in systemjs.config.ts, In systemjs.config.ts app package is defines and bootstrap file is defined as main.ts
Complete flow: Systemjs(reads systemjs.config.ts) -> loads main.ts -> loads AppModule defines in main.ts -> loads MyComponent defined in AppModule -> html in template rendered