- Web development with Django (youtube, insagram, spotify pinterest)
- Automation
- https://www.python.org/
- Documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/
- python 2.7 and 3.x (Both used)
- Python 3
- introduced in 2010 and future of python
- few incompatibilities with 2.7
- Python 2.7
- Last version of Python 2
- static since 2012
Python Installation:
- python from https://www.python.org/ -> Downloads -> latest version of python
- Run Python installer -> make sure you tick "Add Python 3.x to PATH"
- Jupyter environment,
- JetBrains PyCharm community edition
- Formerly Ipython Notebook
- Notebooks contain code and text
- perfect for iterable work like machine learning
- shareable
- support multiple languages (Ruby, R, Haskell, C#, PHP, Scala...)
- This can be installed bia Anaconda
Jupyter and conda Installation:
- Anaconda (https://www.anaconda.com/download/) -> downloaded Anaconda3-2020.11-Windows-x86_64 which is latest on 20_November_2020
- it takes some time to install
- go to windows -> Anaconda Navigaor -> Jupyter notebook
- Shift + enter -> runs code
- new -> folder -> untitled folder -> select checkbox left to it -> rename -> notebooks
- new -> python 3 -> will open a notebook in new tab
- esc + m -> markdown mode
- esc + y -> code mode
Conda: package and environment manager
- Pycharm (https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/ -> download community edition) -> Install
VS Code
- VS Code https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/?dv=winzip
- Install python plugin
- Install ipykernel
- Open pycharm -> skip setting with default -> new project
- Choose workspace location
- In case you check "Create a main.py welcome script", it will create that for you
- Create app.py
- Type: print "Hello World"
- Run
You have successfully created your first hello world programme
age = 20 (declaration)
age = 30 (reassignment)
price = 19.95 (float)
first_name = "Giri" ()
is_online = False/True (false and true is not a keyword as python is case sensitive)
Exercise 1: We check in a patient named john smith he is 20 years old he is a new patient
name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Hello " + name)
Note: value returned from input function is String
Data types: Number, String boolean
Code that fails:
birth_year = input("Enter your birth year: ")
age = 22 - birth_year
Error: raceback (most recent call last): File "D:/Workspaces/workspace_pycharm/app.py", line 10, in age = 22 - birth_year TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'str'
Code after fix:
birth_year = input("Enter your birth year: ")
age = 22 - int(birth_year)
Built in functions for type conversion int() float() bool() str()
Exercise 2: Writ a calculator to print sum. Input can be integer or float
Solution 1: first = input("First: ") second = input("Second: ")
sum = float(first) + float(second)
print("sum " + str(sum))
Solution 2: first = float(input("First: ")) second = float(input("Second: "))
sum = first + second
print("sum " + str(sum))
course = "Python for beginners"
Intro The zen of python Python Command line terminal is REPL: Read Evaluate Print Loop _ to print recently printed value only available thru command line(REPL) print('Hello World') -> HEllo World - This is a side effect of print() not the result of print() In python 3 parenthesis() are mandatory while in python they were not required. This is because in python 3 print is a function call Exit REPL - send end of file control character (ctrl + Z on windows, followed by enter)((ctrl + D on mac or linux ) python uses indentation levels rather than the braces used by other languages indented by four spaces at each level
Rules for spaces:
- prefer four spaces or tabs (spaces preferred)
- Never mix spaces and tabs
- Be consistent on consecutive lines
- only deviate to improve readability
PEP (similar to JSRs it seems) PEP-8: 4 spaces rule PEP-20: Zen of python, import this in REPL
Python comes with an extensive standard library called batteries Standard library is divided into modules. To include any module use import module_name help() or help(math or any module_name), space to navigate and Q to quit from math import factorial, from math import factorial as fac / float division operator, // integer division operator
Scalar types: int - arbitrary precision integer, binary 0b10, Octal 0O10, hexadecimal 0X10 covert any type to integer via constructor. int(3.5) = 3, int (-3.5) = 3 -> it rounds towards zero
float - 64 bit floating point numbers scientific notation (large numbers ): 3e8 planck's constant (small numbers ): 1.616e - 35 float(7), float("1.618"), float ("nan") , float ("inf") , float ("-inf")
None - the null object a = None a is None = True bool - boolean logical values bool(0) = false all others true bool(0.0)=false all others true bool([])= false, bool([1,2,2]) = true bool("")=false, bool("value")=true
Relational Operators: == value equality / equivalence != value inequality / inequivalence < less-than
greater-than <= less-than or equal to = greater-than or equal to
Conditional statements if expression : print("expression is true") expression is converted to bool as if by the bool() constructor *python provides the elif keyword to eliminate the need for nested if..else structures in many cases (flat is better than nested)
while loop While expression : print("loop till expression is true") e.g.: c = 5 while c != 0 : print(c) c -= 1 augmented assignment shorthand c -= 1 for c = c - 1
Do while loop example while True: if expression: break -> break statement jumps out of the loop and only the innermost loop in case of nested loops print("go here on break")
String and collections: String str immutable sequence of unicode codepoints