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Very rough and incomplete (and often wrong) working notes on how to create software tools that "enable people to understand and create in unprecedentedly powerful ways" (Bret Victor). I shall refer to such tools as cognitive tools. The purpose of the notes is to think about the problem, to understand some of what other people have thought about the problem, and to collect project ideas.

Cognitive tools to think about: reading, writing, conversation, any algorithm, Mathematica, oblique strategies, the calendar, any method for monitoring oneself (e.g., lifelogging), money, attention managers, games, flashcards, libraries, programming languages, github, Google, table of contents, page numbers, cities.

What can I contribute? Where, if anywhere, is my comparative advantage to be found?

What principles can we use to build cognitive tools?

Example question: What would it take to get the average person to understand general relativity? Could we develop general teaching tools to make it that easy? (C.f. Augustine as the "smartest person in the world" due to being able to read without speaking.) It may be that motivational hacks are the key thing here.

The comparison to self-help: Self-help gets a bad rap. Many of these software tools have a similar goal, though, which is to improve the way we think. Yet a concrete tool like (say) org mode seems to have significantly more impact than lots of what you see in the self-help books. It's a type of executable or active self-help. That shift from passive self-help, which is often vague and unactionable, to active self-help (which is by its nature very concrete) makes a big difference.

What can we learn from brain research?

Look for bottlenecks in cognition: What are our limits? Can we get around them technologically?

Are there ways we could overcome the well-known limits of working memory? I wonder if there's a way of using visual cues to effectively outsource working memory? We already do this, for example, when we multiply two numbers on paper. Might there be a slick way we can do this more generally?

Why not ask some brain scientists what the limits and bottlenecks of our minds are? My sense is that one thing we could do with a lot more of in our lives is the right cues.

Augmenting our senses: Things like telescopes, microscopes, or infrared cameras are old examples of cognitive tools.

I don't understand what makes something memorable: Why, when I watch a good movie trailer or listen to a great piece of music, do I remember it? What makes an explanation memorable? What makes something vivid?

The poverty of the verbal: Many intellectuals love verbal content, but don't really quite get other types of content: movies, music vides (say), and so on. (Exceptions are made for "respectable" artforms, such as classical music, which have a strong intellectual verbal tradition associated to them.) I've talked to people whose only opinion about the movie Avatar was that the plot and dialogue wasn't very good. That was to miss the point. If verbal content is everything then that's a reasonable point of view. But Avatar has astounding non-verbal content, and those people largely missed that content, or else got hung up on details.

Mental Models / User Model

What is a mental model? A mental model is a representation of a user's understanding of a particular concept. It's the resource in our minds that we reference to answer questions about something. For example, one can have a mental a model of how a database works. It's also possible to have a mental model of a mental model, e.g. my mental model of my mental model of how a database works. Further recursion possible, but overly-complex.

What is a user model? A user model can be thought of as a collection of mental models of a particular user. A user model aims to answer the general question "What does the system know about the user?" Or, "What does the user know? What experiences has she had?"

What is the relationship between mental model and cognitive tools? In order for a cognitive tool to be effective, the system should have an understanding of what the user knows, so the system can adapt to the user. A cognitive assistance system empowered with mental models of its users can aid in collaboration, putting the right individuals in touch and routing the right problems to the right individuals at the right time, nailing allocation of expertise.

What is a useful user model? The simplest user model is a vector of words that describe a user's knowledge/interests. We can do simple word vector dot products to determine similarity to other entities' and other users' vector models. However, this representation misses out on dimensions such as time and depth of understanding. The model need not become to complex else risk a sort of overfitting, but there are many possibilities if the right interface is developed.

How do you teach a cognitive system a user's mental models? Cognitive tools with a machine-understandable representation of the user's mental models could do powerful things. Bad but thorough: Require the user to manually supply a semantically annotated representation of everything they know, perhaps through filling out a database. Think expert systems. The arduous nature of such a requirement has low chance of adoption. Good: Provide an incentive for the user to do work in the system, e.g. a note-taking application, that allows for a limited amount of semantic interaction. As the user uses the application more, he is rewarded with recommendations. Eventually the system becomes a viable platform for collaboration, connecting users to each other, to problems, and connecting problems to the right users.

Writing as a cognitive tool

What is it about writing that makes writing powerful as a tool for thought? We may ask the prior question: is writing a powerful tool for thought? When we teach someone to write, does that make them smarter? The obvious answer, I think, is that it only makes them smarter if they practice the skill. Furthermore, writing is a skill and it's possible to be better or worse at that skill. One way in which a writer can be skilled is that it makes them much smarter.

How can one use writing to make one smarter? One way is through purely formal means. If someone asks me to square 123456 I can't easily do that in my head. But it would be straightforward to do on paper.

What makes reading a powerful tool for thought? The most obvious reason is that it allows us to acquire information that would otherwise be hard to come by. There is, in principle, little that can't be done in conversation that can be done through print. But in practice we have limited conversational resources. Writing scales better than does access to conversation. The flipside to this is that conversation is in some ways a richer medium than writing, and as a result there are things we can learn easily in conversation

Reading can make us more creative: This is a way in which reading can make us smarter which is not about the acquisition of information. And that's by stimulating. Indeed, it's possible to be good at one type of reading (say, creating new ideas), and not so good at another (say, acquiring information).

Is reading a more powerful tool for thought than writing?

Cognitive tools make us think different, not necessarily smarter: Every research scientist knows someone who spends too much time reading the past literature. It's a classic failure mode: the researcher whose first response to hearing of problem is to go and start looking up what's already been done, rather than beginning to think about the problem themself, and develp their own independent point of view. Of course, ultimately it's often helpful to do both, but it's rarely a good idea to leap straight into intensive reading.


One interesting cognitive technology is the index.

What makes indices a powerful tool for thought? They expand the range of information we can find. When I read a book I no longer need to memorize the details of the contents. Instead, I can memorize things at a coarser grain, knowing that I can go and look up details when I need. Basically, an index expands our access to knowledge. It effectively gives us a bigger database of facts to draw on.

The pattern: Cognitive technologies break bottlenecks in our brain:

Indices as a means of externalizing mental models: Individuals across domains of pursuits would benefit from a dyanmically-updating index into everything they've read and every project that they have going on. This not only serves the purpose of recall, but also makes progress toward the goal of externalizing our mental models into a machine-understandable form. And as mentioned before, externalized mental models also open the door to targeted collaboration.

Email inboxes as indices: For many of us, our email inbox contains a record of most of our business and can be searched to find information. This is particularly true for Gmail, whose interface is geared toward search. And while working at Google, I found that your inbox basically became your externalized mind, as everyone was subscribed to countless lists, with emails coming from humans an automated systems but hidden behind filters. The first place you would go when you had a question was your email inbox.

Ideas about how to make people smarter and more effective

What are the best ideas we have about how to make people smarter and more effective? I think there are two such ideas:

  1. Desire: People need to be responsible for, and reap the benefits of, their own learning. If they are, they will take ferocious control over their own learning. A huge mistake made by the education system is to ignore this fact: most 14 year-olds in the classroom have no desperate personal need to learn, and there is only a little that even the best-intentioned teachers can do to change that. Indeed, it is a natural consequence of being in the classroom: the work done there matters only a little, and smart 14 year olds know it, and respond with an appropriate attitude. Unfortunately, someone without a strong desire to learn is probably not a very effective learner. Once someone develops a very strong desire to become more effective, then they begin to seek and benefit from learning opportunities at a tremendous rate.

  2. Environment trumps everything except desire. Perhaps 100,000 people lived in Florence in the mid 1400s. People born there (or in the countryside just outside) included Michaelangelo, Botticelli, and Donatello, as well as many other famous (but not quite as immortal) artists. Now, you start to do back-of-the-envelope calculations, and someone born in Florence at that time was perhaps 10,000 times more likely to be an immortal artist than an aspiring artist today. In other words, the best way to become a great artist wasn't to be born very talented, or be inspired by some special muse or whatever. It was to live in Florence in the late 1400s. That choice of environment completely swamped "natural talent" and just about every other variable I can think of, except desire.

I'd say these conditions are very close to necessary and sufficient conditions. Conditions 2 is not quite necessary --- one can think of examples where it has not been met. But as the Florentine example shows, it is tremendously important, probably far more important than we think.

Much of what we believe about learning is false: This is a corollary to the above remarks. It follows from the observation that schools get something very basic wrong: they don't understand the primary nature of desire for learning, and how difficult it is to develop that desire when you treat children in the paternalistic manner that underlies schooling. This is an example of a false belief, in this case one that's predicated on a (very widespread) false model of how we learn. Another good example of how we use false models comes from Tim Gallwey's work on the inner game, showing how conventional models of coaching fail, since they actually create internal interference. A consequence of all this is that I should feel free to re-examine the basics, and to identify (and then challenge) conventional wisdom.

Are our minds machines that can be debugged? Marvin Minsky introduces this notion in his essays on education for One Laptop Per Child. For example, in OLPC Memo 3, Minsky suggests that what is missing from schools is teaching children good ways to think about thinking. He admits that psychology remains a soft science and we have not found adequate axioms for this to be a subject in schools, but there is something core to the reflective/creative ways that, say, scientists and engineers are associated with, and those should be stressed, even more so than the content itself. Of course, we should all aim for expertise in something, and hence we need passion for topics which can only arise from exposure to content.

Dealing with abstraction

How to deal with abstraction? finding multiple representations, simplifying, approximating, finding the salient feature. All these may be used in combination. One way of building software tools to help us think is to build software tools that make it easier to do these things.

Multiple representations: It helps us dramatically when we can find ways of representing a new abstraction in terms of something else that we already have ways of working with. Think of the way we can understand Hermitian matrices in terms of their eigenvalue decomposition, for example.

Simplifying the abstraction: Consider the way we can simplify a topological space down to a number, by counting the number of connected components. This provides information that can, for example, be used to prove that two topological spaces are not homeomorphic.

Approximating the abstraction: A cow is not perfectly spherical, but to a good approximation... To work, we need to develop a good understanding of how to control the impact of the approximation.

Finding the salient feature: This is often the key to solving problems.


What can we learn from games?

Why are so many educational games terrible? I think the problem is that many of the theories from the educational literature aren't very good.

What makes games such a great tool for thought? Watch this guy play Tetris. I won't spoil the surprise, but the last minute or so is almost beyond belief.

Are games the only way? Marshall McLuhan once commented that "Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either."

People get amazingly good at games, very, very quickly. Why is this? Why do they get good so much faster than they do with other kinds of learning?

A related question: why do people remember so much more from movie trailers than they do from 2-3 minutes of other material?

Why do we easily tolerate repetition of some material but not of others?

How much does it help to add sound? I'll bet it helps a lot.

Active reading and explorable explanations

This is an idea of Bret Victor's. The idea is to make documents interactive so that the read can easily modify elements of the document and, in real time, other elements will change in response. It's a way of exploring what's going on.

Reactive documents: A synthesis of spreadsheet and document. Elements of the document can be modified, which in turn updates other parts of the document. Victor has a Javascript library, tangle, which can be used to author reactive documents. I could potentially write a reactive document for my blog. Here's a WordPress page about how to include Javascript in just a single post.

The advantage over spreadsheets: Victor makes the point that while spreadsheets are great, they don't explain the model that they implement. Reactive documents could explain the model and simultaneously allow people to explore the model. Here's Victor:

"a spreadsheet is not an explanation. It is merely a dataset and model; it cannot be read. An explanation requires an author, to interpret the results of the model, and present them to the reader via language and graphics.

Explorable explanations enable discovery: You can play with the parameters, and by looking at the consequences you start to have suspicions about what is true, and may even be able to empirically establish some of your suspicions.

Explorable explanations stimulate questions

Interactivity is not the point; combining exploration and explanation is the point: Here's Victor on this:

It's tempting to be impressed by the novelty of an interactive widget such as this, but the interactivity itself is not really the point. The primary point of this example -- the reason I call it an "explorable explanation" -- is the subtlety with which the explorable is integrated with the explanation.

Like the proposition example earlier, the filter description works as a static explanation -- it can be read like normal text. The reader is not forced to interact in order to learn. The reader interacts if he wants to go deeper, if he has piqued curiosity or unanswered questions. There are no UI elements screaming for attention. The reader is not transported off to a separate "interactive" context. Instead, the reader simply nudges the examples that the author has already presented.

Most interactive widgets dump the user in a sandbox and say "figure it out for yourself". Those are not explanations. To me, an essential aspect of the "explorable explanation" concept is that the author holds up his end of the conversation. The author must guide the reader, and provide a structure for the learning experience. Only then can the reader respond, by asking and answering the questions that the author provokes.

I guess people often draw a distinction between a model we can play with (like, for example, a spreadsheet), and an explanation. Victor's key idea here is to integrate the two, and that we gain something by doing that integration.

What happens when we step outside the model? This is

Use cases: With something like this I think it's a mistake to ask the question "So what could it be used for?" Instead, it'd be better to simply try out lots of use cases, and see what works well, and what doesn't.

Building a simplifed version of tangle: I took a look at the library. It's very nice. However, the API is pretty complicated. It'd be nice to have a templating system that made it a lot easier to use tangle. Maybe a Wordpress plugin that made it trivially possible to compile to tangle?

What's a neat reactive document that I could write? Maybe one that showed off the ideas of relativity? Maybe one that did some kind of scenario planning along the lines championed by the futurists? Maybe I could include it in my Clock of the Long Now essay, for the analysis of the relativistic clock?

Explorable examples: Victor gives a very beautiful example of a digital filter where you can literally move the parameters of the filter around, and dynamically see how the frequency response changes.

Could we combine tangle with mathjax? That'd be a fun project!

Text as an environment to think in: Here's Victor:

The goal of Explorable Explanations is to change people's relationship with text. People currently think of text as information to be consumed. I want text to be an environment to think in.

Scientific communication as sequential art: Another of Bret Victor's ideas. I was struck by the following, which seems to sum up much of Victor's philosophy:

When an algorithm is described in prose (or code), we are typically given only the rules of the system — we can't see the data or the state. In order to understand what the algorithm is doing, we have to "play computer" and imagine the state in our head. Illustrating the state of an algorithm at each step can make the description dramatically easier to follow.

Furthermore, Victor does this in such a way that's not merely an illustration, but there is actually

Core idea: using multiple representations of concepts, and coupling those representations, so we can interact with them in different ways: We could imagine doing this to illustrate something like the eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix. We could have two coupled descriptions:

matrix <=> eigenvalues and eigenvectors

We could interact with either description, and see how it affects the other.

Scientific communication and comics: More from Victor:

Finally, "comic-style" needn't mean characters, dialog, word balloons, or sound effects. Let alone superheroes or anthropomorphic animals. The comic form is about sequences of tightly-integrated words and pictures, together conveying a message more powerfully than the sum of their parts. The potential of this form to explain difficult concepts is unmatched and underused.

I am strikingly reminded of Manny Knill's idea of writing a paper that would just be figures to illustrate the Solovay-Kitaev theorem. Essentially Manny was proposing exactly what Victor is suggesting above.

Source material

Who is working on this? Many people and organizations are working on this problem. Looked at a certain way, for example, it's a problem that many software companies are working on. But often they don't think they're working on this. They may be primarily focused on trying to turn a profit. Or if they do think they're working on this, it's a secondary motivation. Motivation matters.

Bret Victor: One of the people who is most consciously working on this problem is Bret Victor.

Bret Victor's principle: Very roughly speaking, it's to make the output of code fully visible, in real time. What makes this such a powerful principle is that it means that we can take something abstract (a program), and then give it another representation (the visualisation), and then flip back and forth between the two.

Is there a good way of building Victor's visual representation easily into the program?

Get Victor's principle more correct:

Explore the links on Victor's page as stimulus:

Project ideas

Attention manager:

Essay on how online tools can amplify our collective intelligence:

Other material

Task management: One of the hardest things we can do.

Why are all these projects of Victor's just at the prototype stage? I think the answer is that there's really two very hard tasks here. One is developing interesting prototypes (which Victor has done, as PARC did, and so on). The other is developing those prototypes into mass market products. Both tasks are tremendously difficult to do.

What would it mean to make mathematics executable?

"The interface fundamentally determines behaviour": (Rory Sutherland This is another perspective on the idea that "the medium is the message".

What can we learn from?

Who is working on this? Which aspects are there too many people working on? Which aspects are there too few people working on? What are some ideas I can bring in from left field? MIT Media Lab.

Corporate environments versus academia: It's interesting to think about the environments in which one can do this kind of work. Corporations are usually design to take prototypes and turn them into products. Academia funnels people toward a few areas deemed fashionable (often for spurious reasons), and draws the highest-expertise people out of work at the coalface. This is not a recipe for success.

Why aren't corporations good at the full prototype-product pipeline?