# arduino-step-sequencer-afea0e-v2 A refactoring of eEdizon's arduino-step-sequencer-afea0e for Arduino Make Your Uno kit.<br> <br> Links to the original projects: <br> https://www.hackster.io/eEdizon/arduino-step-sequencer-afea0e <br> https://makeyouruno.arduino.cc/makeyouruno/module/projects/lesson/04-make-your-synth-shield <br> <br> CHANGELOG: <br> 05FEB2022: Unused variables removed, getNote() updated, comments updated. <br> 06FEB2022: Unused LED-related code removed, comments updated. <br> 10FEB2022: Data types reviewed, minor changes made to the code, including debug-related. <br> 26FEB2022: Comments and readme update. No changes to the code. <br> <br> TODO: <br> - review the main loop <br> - review debug code <br> - keep improving comments <br> <br> IDEAS: <br> - equal temperament <br> <br>