Task daemon
Watching tasks status. Restart when the processes are gone.
Keeping get update notification from etcd. And restart the latest version.
Http interface to get the status of tasks. Oh it's ugly now :).
go get -u github.com/glight2000/td
"Tasks": [
"TaskName": "testa",
"TaskSuffix": "exe",
"TaskPath": "d:/",
"TaskArgs": [
"EtcdUrl": "",
"TaskName": "testb",
"TaskSuffix": "exe",
"TaskPath": "d:/",
"TaskArgs": [
"EtcdUrl": "",
"LogFile": "",
"Listen": ":9010",
"Auth": "abc"
Mutiple task with same name? Don't.
Set Listen
with "" to avoid being touch by other machines.
Keep Auth
blank to request directly otherwise use http://ip:port/?Auth=[Auth]
to invoke the tasks status.
td -c /usr/local/tdconf.json
Use etcd watcher.
Put value like:
"appname": "testb",
"version": 4,
"md5sum": "757A3E505A38FE482729E33923637597",
"updateurl": ""
will be checked.
This is use for windows and haven't tested on other os.
When there is no TaskSuffix.Oops.