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Maintainer: Mike Pearson

Based on angular-generator

This generator produces a base Angular project in LiveScript.

  • Bootstrap with Less/Recess as an alternative to Sass/Compass. This is useful if you want to use angular-ui/bootstrap,
  • Font-awesome instead of glyphicons.

It is tested most extensively with these options enabled.

Provisional Usage

NB: Until things stabilise further I won't publish this as a node module, so to use you will have to git clone the repo, cd to it, and run npm link. The generator will then be available globally so skip the install step.

Install generator-angular-ls:

npm install -g generator-angular-ls

Make a new directory, and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

Run yo angular-ls, optionally passing an app name.

yo angular-ls [app-name]


Available generators:

Note: Generators are to be run from the root directory of your app.


Sets up a new AngularJS app, generating all the boilerplate you need to get started. The app generator also optionally installs Twitter Bootstrap and additional AngularJS modules, such as angular-resource.


yo angular-ls


Generates a controller and view, and configures a route in app/scripts/app.js connecting them.


yo angular-ls:route myroute

Produces app/scripts/controllers/myroute.js:

angular.module 'myrouteController' []
  .controller 'MyrouteController', <[$scope]> ++ ($scope) ->

Produces app/views/myroute.html:

<p>This is the myroute view</p>


Generates a controller in app/scripts/controllers.


yo angular-ls:controller user

Produces app/scripts/controllers/user.js

angular.module 'userController' []
  .controller 'UserController', <[$scope]> ++ ($scope) ->


Generates a directive in app/scripts/directives.


yo angular-ls:directive foo

Produces app/scripts/directives/foo.js:

angular.module 'fooDirective' []
  .directive 'foo', <[]> ++ ->
    template: '<div></div>'
    restrict: 'E'
    link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
      element.text 'this is the foo directive'


Generates a filter in app/scripts/filters.


yo angular-ls:filter foo

Produces app/scripts/filters/myFilter.js.

angular.module 'fooFilter' []
  .filter 'foo', <[]> ++ ->
    (input) ->
      'foo filter: ' + input


Generates an HTML view file in app/views.


yo angular-ls:view user

Produces app/views/user.html:

<p>This is the user view</p>


Generates an AngularJS service.


yo angular-ls:service myService

Produces app/scripts/services/myService.js:

angular.module('fooService') []
  .service 'Foo', <[]> ++ ->
    # AngularJS will instantiate a singleton by calling "new" on this function

You can also do yo angular:factory, yo angular:provider, yo angular:value, and yo angular:constant for other types of services.


THIS IS NOT WORKING YET - tests fail. If you know why, please send a pull request.

Generates an AngularJS service decorator.


yo angular-ls:decorator fooService

Produces app/scripts/decorators/serviceNameDecorator.js:

angular.module 'fooServiceDecorator' []
  .config <[$provide]> ++ ($provide) ->
    $provide.decorator "fooService", ($delegate) ->
      # decorate the $delegate


In general, these options can be applied to any generator, though they only affect generators that produce scripts.

Minification Safe

generator-angular-ls always produces minification-safe code. It does this by prefixing the <[]> ++ to any function -> that may inject modules. Edit this code to reflect the modules you need. e.g.

angular.module 'fooFilter' []
  .filter <[$window $log]> ++ ($window, $log) ->
    # filter which depends on $window and $log

Bower Components

The following packages are always installed by the app generator:

  • angular
  • angular-mocks
  • angular-scenario

The following additional modules are available as components on bower, and installable via bower install:

  • angular-cookies
  • angular-loader
  • angular-resource
  • angular-sanitize

All of these can be updated with bower update as new versions of AngularJS are released.


Yeoman generated projects can be further tweaked according to your needs by modifying project files appropriately.


You can change the app directory by adding a appPath property to bower.json. For instance, if you wanted to easily integrate with Express.js, you could add the following:

  "name": "yo-test",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "appPath": "public"

This will cause Yeoman-generated client-side files to be placed in public.


For tests to work properly, karma needs the angular-mocks bower package. This script is included in the bower.json in the devDependencies section, which will be available very soon, probably with the next minor release of bower.

While bower devDependencies are not yet implemented, you can fix it by running:

bower install angular-mocks

By running grunt test you should now be able to run your unit tests with karma.

Note that karma will not run any tests until a file has been touched.


See the contributing docs

When submitting an issue, please follow the guidelines. Especially important is to make sure Yeoman is up-to-date, and providing the command or commands that cause the issue.

When submitting a PR, make sure that the commit messages match the AngularJS conventions.

When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.

When submitting a new feature, add tests that cover the feature.


BSD license


yeoman generator-angular hacked to support livescript






No releases published


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