Now uses prepared SQL statements which eliminates any SQL injection vulnerability.
Added an "SQL-Less" feature for admins that don't want to use SQL, which can be configured in the config file.
This will also mean that users of that Liberatube instance can't create an account hence can't create playlists etc.
Added an option in the config that gives the option to change the default setting for loading comments.
Video Thumbnails are now rounded which makes it look nicer.
Now uses the Signika Negative font.
All the frameworks and fonts are stored locally.
Fixed a bug from issue #15 where the image on the login or # page would not load.
No longer uses pre-defined itags and now gets available itags.
The download options now show all the available downloads instead of using pre defined itags.
Removed the "Related Channels" tab since YouTube has removed it.
Removed the Dark theme and the Light theme.
The blur backdrop filter effect now works on Apple devices.
Docker compose for easy deployment and updating.
Add user icon on the channel page.
Added large image meta tags for videos.
Small UI updates with the search bar.
Captions are now being fetched dynamically.
Added clickable timestamps in comments and in the description.
Added a load comments button on the watch page.
You can now load more videos when searching.
Made and implemented a instance switcher.
Upcoming Features
Annotations (clickable links on the video).
DASH/HLS video through VideoJS.
Native language support.
Autoplay for playlists.
Watch History.
If you encounter a bug, please report it via an issue in this repo.
Please feel free to suggest new features.
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