Navigate to contracts directory:
cd contracts
Install a local node:
docker run -d --name local-node -e USER_AGREEMENT=yes -p80:80 -v "${PWD%/*/*/*}/.ci/blockchain.conf":/ton-node/blockchain.conf tonlabs/local-node:0.36.3
Navigate to multisig directory:
cd multisig
Create build container:
make prepare-docker
Derive system wallet address:
make generate-docker NETWORK=localhost
As a result, the GoshGiver address will be generated,
for example:
========== GoshGiver address: 0:bdf777a7ff955e189b680801f4f338631a11f851b29cc2baaf8192dd4d549f98
Top up system wallet.
, specify the GoshGiver address that you received in the previous step:tonos-cli -u localhost call 0:ece57bcc6c530283becbbd8a3b24d3c5987cdddc3c8b7b33be6e4a6312490415 sendTransaction '{"dest":"0:bdf777a7ff955e189b680801f4f338631a11f851b29cc2baaf8192dd4d549f98","value":50000000000000000,"bounce":false}' --abi GiverV2.abi.json --sign GiverV2.keys.json
Deploy system wallet:
make deploy-docker
Navigate to GOSH-contracts directory:
cd ../gosh
Deploy GOSH smart-contracts:
make deploy-docker