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114 lines (89 loc) · 3.85 KB


Obtain AWS STS Tokens by authenticating to ADFS via Azure, getting SAML claim from Azure, and passing the claims to AWS STS service.

Who is this tool for?

  • Your organization manages AWS role assignments in Azure's AWS application
  • You use portal to login to AWS
  • You authenticate via ADFS

Getting Started

Building from Source

The tool is a single binary:

  • Linux/MAC: go-get-aws-keys
  • Windows: go-get-aws-keys.exe

Run the following commands:

git clone
cd go-get-aws-keys
make BUILD_OS="darwin"
make BUILD_OS="windows" BUILD_ARCH="amd64"
make BUILD_OS="windows" BUILD_ARCH="386"

The commands build binaries for various operating systems:

$ find bin/ -type f

Configuration File

The configuration file name is go-get-aws-keys-config.yaml. The location of the file depends on the type of an operation system it is used on (see instructions below).

  tenant_id: '9c5399e3-e3e4-49aa-b6c7-e27d618ae206'
  application_id: 'f4cd2b32-6d0d-423d-85ce-9acc0318a4fe'
  - account_id: '000000000001'
    role: 'Administrator'
    region: 'us-east-1'
    profile_name: 'default'
  - account_id: '000000000002'
    role: 'Administrator'
    region: 'us-east-1'
email: ''
password: 'My@Password' # nor recommended

The configuration file has azure section for Azure specific configuration. Please reach out to Azure AD administrator to provide you with Azure Tenant ID and the ID for the AWS application in Azure.

The configuration file also has aws section for defining the roles that a user want to assume.

After go-get-aws-keys gets temporary STS credentials it puts them into .aws/credentials file. The value of the profile_name key in aws section defines the name of the profile the tool will create or update:

  • If the profile already exists in .aws/credentials file, then that specific section will be overwritten.
  • If the profile name does not exist, then it the profile will be appended to the credentials file.
  • If the profile name is not being set in the configuration file, then the profile name will match the following pattern ggk-<Account ID>-<Role Name>

This is what you would expect to see when invoking go-get-aws-keys:

$ go-get-aws-keys
Enter password for
INFO[0003] Added default aws credentials profile to /home/jsmith/.aws/credentials
INFO[0003] Added ggk-000000000002-Administrator aws credentials profile to /home/jsmith/.aws/credentials

Linux and MAC OS

  • Create a configuration file: ~/.aws/go-get-aws-keys-config.yaml
  • Place go-get-aws-keys in your executable path


  • Go to "View Advanced System Settings" in "System Properties"
  • Click "Environment Variables"
  • Amend "Path" environment variable for your user by adding: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\go-get-aws-keys
  • Create C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\go-get-aws-keys directory
  • Unpack go-get-aws-keys.exe in to the above go-get-aws-keys directory
  • Unpack go-get-aws-keys-config.yaml in to C:\Users\<username>\.aws directory

Alternatively, a user may set up the environment variable in the following way:

setx path "%path%;%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Programs\go-get-aws-keys"