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File metadata and controls

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Router schema

Consist of 3 parts:

  • Router - an app that works by PostgreSQL protocol. It receives a SQL query, parses it, and decides to which shard it should be sent. Then returns the query response.
  • Admin Console - an app that works by PostgreSQL protocol. There you can manage sharding, see
  • GRPC API - an app that works by GRPC protocol. It is also used to manage sharding.

Query Path

The path of the query depends on:

  • Backend Rules settings: connections from a user app to the router.
  • Frontend Rules settings: connections from the router to each shard.
  • Sharding columns and key ranges added via Admin Console.


All SPQR configurations can be written in json, yaml or toml format. See examples in examples or pkg/config/router.go

general settings

Name Description
log_level can be fatal, error, warning, info, debug and `disabled``
host the router and its apps will be run on this host
router_port the router port
admin_console_port the admin console port
grpc_api_port the API port
init_sql a path to a SQL command, that will be run on the router's startup. It will be ignored if memqdb_backup_path exists.
router_mode mode in which router will be run. Can be LOCAL and PROXY. In local mode spqr works like an usual connection pooler with one shard, in proxy mode works with many shards.
jaeger_url a path to the Jaeger instance - open source software for tracing transactions between distributed services
world_shard_fallback can be true or false. If false, then router will raise an error when query will be impossible to send to particular shard. If true, then router will route unrouted query to the world shard.
show_notice_messages can be true or false. May help to debug the router and see to where it is actualy sending queries
time_quantiles list of time quantiles to show querry time statistics. When empty, no statistics is collected
memqdb_backup_path MemQDB backup state path. MemQDB's state restored if a file backup exists during the router startup. If there is no file, init.sql will be used.


Client's TLS config, see tls config description section


Name Description
db the database to connect to
usr the username with to connect
auth_rule authentication method, see
pool_mode the pooling mode to use. Can be SESSION or TRANSACTION
pool_prepared_statement use prepared statements or not. Can be false or true
pool_default use this rule by default. Can be true or false


Name Description
db the database to connect to
usr the username with to connect
pool_discard execute DISCARD ALL and reset client parameters before using the server from the pool.
pool_rollback execute ROLLBACK if server left in active transaction. Close connection otherwise.
pool_default use this rule by default. Can be true or false
auth_rule default authentication method for all shards
auth_rules map of different authentication methods for different shards


Name Description
db the database to connect to
usr the username with to connect
pwd the username's password
hosts list of data shard hosts in host:port format
type can be DATA or WORLD, see World
tls server's TLS config, see TLS config description section

tls config description

Name Description
sslmode supported modes:
-"disable" - disable TLS protocol
-"allow" - switch to TLS protocol on request
-"require" - TLS clients only
-"verify_ca" - require valid client certificate
-"verify_full" - require valid client ceritifcate
cert_file certificate file
key_file private key file