Write JavaScript and TypeScript interchangeably for Node.js and browsers
This is meant as a base for standalone JavaScript/TypeScript libraries. It can be used to write server-side Node.js libraries, CLI tools, libraries for running in the browser.
This is an example repository that is ready to be set up. With Yarn installed, run:
npx create-gsandf-project --example universal-typescript new-project-name
This creates a new project in the current directory called new-project-name
Node.js and Yarn are required to work with this project.
To install all dependencies, run:
Then, you can start the test server to get started:
yarn test --watch
Alternatively, you can write your own yarn start
script depending on what's
being written.
See below for other scripts.
yarn build |
Builds the project to ./dist |
yarn format |
Format the source following the Prettier styles |
yarn test |
Run project tests |
yarn test --watch |
Run project tests, watching for file changes |