React you a WordPress for much good
Server-rendered, code-split React applications can be tough. Connecting them to a properly built WordPress setup is even tougher.
This is an attempt to consolidate our best work and let future projects gain from improvements over time.
What's included:
- ⚛️ A full React.js site with server-side rendering and code-splitting
- 💚 ESLint, Prettier, and other configs are set up and ready to go or be modified
- 〰️ A WordPress theme that turns the CMS into a headless CMS
This is meant as a base for a WordPress site with a Next.js-powered React front-end. This isn't just a theme, it's a separate front-end project, too.
If you'd prefer the WordPress installation be separate, consider the Next.js starter.
If you're using a different CMS or not using a CMS at all, see the main readme for other options.
This is an example repository that is ready to be set up. With Yarn installed, run:
npx create-gsandf-project --example wordpress-next new-site-name
This creates a new project in the current directory called new-site-name
Node.js and Yarn are required to work with this project.
First install project dependencies:
yarn install
Start the server using one of the predefined start scripts. For example:
yarn start
See below for other scripts and ways to run against different environments.
yarn install |
Installs all dependencies |
yarn start:dev |
Runs the project locally using remote data from the development server |
yarn start |
Same as yarn start:dev |
yarn dev |
Same as yarn start:dev |
yarn start:stage |
Runs the project locally using remote data from the staging server |
yarn start:prod |
Runs the project locally using remote data from the production server |
yarn validate |
Runs linting, type checks, tests, etc. |
We typically use the wp sync db for moving content between environments.
For more of a deep dive, see the docs for the projects this one depends on:
- @gsandf/ui - common components, hooks, theming, and other helpers
- Next.js - handles server-side rendering and routing
- WPGraphQL - GraphQL API for WordPress