- What is this library for?
- What Platforms does it support?
- Running on macOS (darwin)
- Docker images for Ubuntu, Debian and Alpine
- Linux troubleshoot SEGV (Ubuntu, Debian)
- Sequelize Compatibility?
- Is the library production quality?
- How to install
- Does this library support electron?
- electron troubleshoot
- How do I set the app name on connection string?
- How does the driver handle SQL_VARIANT types
- Errors when passing strings > 2k in length.
- Api
- Read BigInt numbers as JS strings
- Sybase Adaptive Server
- thread pooling
- promises
- Table Value Parameters TVP
- User Binding
- Async Patterns
- Connecting
- ConnectionPool
- Executing A Query
- Geography Types
- Pause A Query
- Cancel A Query
- Subscribing To Driver Events
- Capturing Print Output
- Register Stored Procedure
- Executing Stored Procedures
- Table Binding
- Prepared Statements
- Easiest Way To See Library Being Used
- Testing The Driver
- Compiling The Driver
- Setup a development environment
This wiki describes NodeJS npm module msnodesqlv8. It has been forked from the Microsoft SQL server ODBC module msnodesql and has been reworked to be compatible with later versions of Node. New features are being introduced.
This npm module will allow a windows instance of Node JS to connect to a SQL server database and submit SQL queries via a javascript api.
The module is a mixture of C++ and javascript. Compiled binaries are supplied, therefore it should be up and running quickly for use against your database. Those familiar with the Microsoft original library will feel at home as the api is a super-set of existing functionality.
Please give the module a try and feel free to offer suggestions for improvement.
msnodesqlv8 will run on 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Node JS hosted on the Windows operating system. All major versions of Node are supported and tested i.e. >= 10 download node here. previous node releases.
if running on Linux, the odbc driver needs to be installed as outlined here ODBC 17. Please use version >= 17.5 which has been tested with this library. We are running test suite for Linux on AppVeyor which you can see via the badge at top of this page. Linux distros tested so far are Ubuntu 18.04, Alpine 3.12, Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 10.5 and Fedora 32. The driver also works under windows linux subsystem 2 (WLS).
cd docker\debian-msnodesqlv8\
from this folder build image
docker build . -t msnodesqlv8-debian
or with human readable log and clean rebuild
docker build --no-cache --progress=plain . 2>&1 | tee build.log
list the docker images
docker images
list these images only
docker images msnodesql*
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE msnodesqlv8-alpine latest 94aa468ed1b3 21 hours ago 1.25GB msnodesqlv8-debian latest c1eee90b2e4d 26 hours ago 2.42GB
start an interactive shell in a new container
docker run -it msnodesqlv8-debian bash
go to driver folder git repo
cd ~/app/driver/node_modules/msnodesqlv8
change the connection string in
cat .env-cmdrc
exit shell
exit <ret>
list containers
docker container ls
start a container
docker start abc6f443950c
connect interactive shell to the container
docker exec -it upbeat_easley bash
list all container running or stopped
docker ps -a
if the library crashes with segmentation fault it is likely related to version of ssl
if you have access to brew
brew install openssl
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/openssl@3/lib/libssl.so libssl.so.1.1
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libssl.so.1.1
me@me-pc:~/dev/js/published/samples/javascript$ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libssl.so.1.1
me@me-pc:~/dev/js/published/samples/javascript$ ps -ef | grep node
me 6350 1576 54 15:57 pts/0 00:00:39 node pooling.js
me 6634 6370 0 15:58 pts/1 00:00:00 grep node
me@me-pc:~/dev/js/published/samples/javascript$ pldd 6350
6350: /home/me/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.0/bin/node
me@me-pc:~/dev/js/published/samples/javascript$ uname -a
Linux me-pc 4.19.0-18-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.208-1 (2021-09-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux
me@me-pc:~/dev/js/published/samples/javascript$ node simple-demo.js
rows.length 36 elapsed 48
rows.length 36 elapsed 30
Note the driver has been tested on macOS High Sierra. MacOS native binaries are now supplied and should be available via NPM
You need to install Xcode before running those steps It is highly recommended to install nvm if not already present - launch a terminal
touch ~/.bash_profile # you need a profile even an empty one
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.0/install.sh | bash
# profile should contain
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
# restart terminal .... check nvm is installed
nvm --version
# install latest node e.g.
nvm install 15.5.0
# check node is installed
node --version
install g++ if not already present - below will invite you to install if not yet present.
g++ --version
Install Microsoft ODBC driver via HomeBrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew tap microsoft/mssql-release https://github.com/Microsoft/homebrew-mssql-release
brew update
# build odbc driver
HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_FILTERING=1 ACCEPT_EULA=Y brew install msodbcsql17 mssql-tools
fetch the node driver
# assume folder such as dev/js/sql/node_modules
git clone https://github.com/TimelordUK/node-sqlserver-v8.git msnodesqlv8
cd msnodesqlv8/
node-gyp rebuild
npm install
run a sample
cd samples/javascript
# edit the jaon file and set a valid connection - change local or add a new one and edit code
node throttle
stream fetch query with throttle back to server to slow results
on.submitted select top 750 * from master..syscolumns;
22:31:37 - [0] (rowCount 100): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:37 - [0] (rowCount 100): ... done, resume query
22:31:39 - [1] (rowCount 200): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:39 - [1] (rowCount 200): ... done, resume query
22:31:40 - [2] (rowCount 300): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:40 - [2] (rowCount 300): ... done, resume query
22:31:42 - [3] (rowCount 400): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:42 - [3] (rowCount 400): ... done, resume query
22:31:43 - [4] (rowCount 500): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:43 - [4] (rowCount 500): ... done, resume query
22:31:45 - [5] (rowCount 600): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:45 - [5] (rowCount 600): ... done, resume query
22:31:47 - [6] (rowCount 700): pause and dispatch 100 rows ...
22:31:47 - [6] (rowCount 700): ... done, resume query
[7] (rowCount 750): last dispatch 50 rows
tested platforms
OS | Node Version | ODBC Version | SSL version | action |
Windows 10 | 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 | 17, 18 | leave default | |
Windows 11 | 18, 20 | 18 | leave default | |
Ubuntu 22.04.2 | 18, 20 | 17, 18 | openssl 3.2 | e.g. tool/openssl.sh |
Ubuntu 20.04 | 18, 20 | 18 | openssl 3.2 | e.g. tool/openssl.sh |
Ubuntu 20.04 | 12, 14, 16 | 17, 18 | openssl 1.1 | leave default |
Lubuntu 20.04 | 18, 20 | 18 | openssl 3.2 | e.g. tool/openssl.sh |
Debian | 18, 20 | 17, 18 | openssl 3.2 | e.g tool/openssl.sh |
Alpine 3.16 | 18 | 18 | openssl 1.1.1t | leave default |
MacOS Big Sur | 18, 20 | 18 | libressl 2.8.3 | leave default |
for reference check appveyor - note for Node 18, openssl 3.2 is installed to allow Node 18 and this driver to work.
you must have odbc installed on system
odbcinst -j
unixODBC 2.3.11
DRIVERS............: /etc/odbcinst.ini
SYSTEM DATA SOURCES: /etc/odbc.ini
USER DATA SOURCES..: /home/me/.odbc.ini
SQLULEN Size.......: 8
SQLLEN Size........: 8
sudo apt install unixodbc
sudo apt install odbcinst
ensure ms driver odbc is installed.
check you now have ODBC entry
cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
[ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]
Description=Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
check which platform version you are running on
lsb_release -rs
using appveyor as reference providing above are installed, then using Node 12,14,16 should work - appveyor test is not doing anything other than install the git branch and run.
if you see a SEGV running node versions <= 16 then try node 18,20. If one of these versions work you very likely have open ssl 3 installed
this has been set up below to show the problem
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ node samples/javascript/streaming.js
Segmentation fault
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ node --version
look at the stack trace to see the violation occurs in openssl
gdb node
(gdb) run samples/javascript/streaming
Starting program: /home/me/.nvm/versions/node/v16.16.0/bin/node samples/javascript/streaming
warning: File "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db-1.0.so" auto-loading has been declined by your `auto-load safe-path' set to "$debugdir:$
from within gdb having seen SEGV
Thread 8 "node" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to LWP 31950]
0x000000000179eaf0 in EC_GROUP_order_bits ()
(gdb) bt
Thread 8 "node" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to LWP 31950]
0x000000000179eaf0 in EC_GROUP_order_bits ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x000000000179eaf0 in EC_GROUP_order_bits ()
#1 0x00007fffd631f60d in engine_unlocked_init () from /usr/local/ssl/lib64/libcrypto.so.3
#2 0x00007fffd631f796 in ENGINE_init () from /usr/local/ssl/lib64/libcrypto.so.3
#3 0x00007fffd636b7e7 in EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_from_pkey () from /usr/local/ssl/lib64/libcrypto.so.3
#4 0x00007fffd66f325b in ssl_setup_sigalgs () from /usr/local/ssl/lib64/libssl.so.3
#5 0x00007fffd66e858f in SSL_CTX_new_ex () from /usr/local/ssl/lib64/libssl.so.3
#6 0x00007ffff44aa4f7 in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#7 0x00007ffff44a50d2 in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#8 0x00007ffff44a599b in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#9 0x00007ffff446f5cf in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#10 0x00007ffff446c8cc in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#11 0x00007ffff446d675 in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#12 0x00007ffff446dcd4 in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#13 0x00007ffff43db23c in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#14 0x00007ffff440ff8e in ?? () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#15 0x00007ffff43d9dfa in SQLDriverConnectW () from /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/libmsodbcsql-18.2.so.1.1
#16 0x00007ffff4f952fd in SQLDriverConnectW (hdbc=0x7fffd0000bf0, hwnd=0x0, conn_str_in=0x4bb2e70, len_conn_str_in=110, conn_str_out=0x0,
conn_str_out_max=0, ptr_conn_str_out=0x0, driver_completion=0) at SQLDriverConnectW.c:776
#17 0x00007ffff521f003 in mssql::OdbcConnection::try_open(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<unsigned short, std::allocator<unsigned short> > >, int) () from /home/me/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8/build/Release/sqlserverv8.node
#18 0x00007ffff5231ffe in mssql::OpenOperation::TryInvokeOdbc() ()
from /home/me/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8/build/Release/sqlserverv8.node
#19 0x00007ffff522411f in mssql::OdbcOperation::Execute() ()
from /home/me/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8/build/Release/sqlserverv8.node
#20 0x0000000001560704 in worker (arg=0x0) at ../deps/uv/src/threadpool.c:122
#21 0x00007ffff7c51609 in start_thread () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
#22 0x00007ffff7b76133 in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
note in this case where ssl is being loaded from
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 3.2.0-dev (Library: OpenSSL 3.2.0-dev )
we are running Node 16 on Ubuntu with ms driver ODBC 18 and openssl 3.2. This is not a compatible configuration. In this case we must use node 18 or 20 to fix the problem.
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ nvm use 20.0.0
Now using node v20.0.0 (npm v9.6.4)
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ npm install
> msnodesqlv8@3.1.0 install
> prebuild-install || node-gyp rebuild
up to date, audited 877 packages in 4s
132 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
8 vulnerabilities (3 moderate, 5 high)
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ node samples/javascript/streaming.js
run with Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server}; Server=DESKTOP-VIUCH90;UID=linux; PWD=linux; Database=node;Encrypt=no;
submitted select top 5 * from master..syscolumns elapsed 2 ms
meta = [
"size": 128,
"name": "name",
"nullable": true,
"type": "text",
"sqlType": "nvarchar"
if you see SEGV whilst using Node 18, 20 you must either downgrade Node to version 16 assuming you are not on openssl 3.2 - or you must install openssl 3.2 which is done for app veyor Node 18 testing on Ubuntu.
you can use script used by appveyor as a reference. Note this script requires su access for install.
# note this should only be run by SA after checking dependencies for other systems
this script will download openssl from git, configure, build and install it to /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl. Note it is important to install to its own folder under local should you wish to easily reverse the effects of install.
should you encounter a problem e.g. another previkously working system now fails with new installed version of openssl then remove the ld dependency
me@asuszen:~/dev/js/sql/v8/node_modules/msnodesqlv8$ cd /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
me@asuszen:/etc/ld.so.conf.d$ ls
fakeroot-x86_64-linux-gnu.conf ld.wsl.conf libc.conf openssl- x86_64-linux-gnu.conf
me@asuszen:/etc/ld.so.conf.d$ sudo mv openssl- ~/
[sudo] password for me:
me@asuszen:/etc/ld.so.conf.d$ sudo ldconfig -v > /dev/null
/sbin/ldconfig.real: Can't stat /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu: No such file or directory
/sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once
/sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once
/sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once
/sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/usr/lib' given more than once
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.31.so is the dynamic linker, ignoring
the library now has direct support for sequelize, the popular JS ORM. Simply configure sequelize to point to dialectModulePath directly under msnodesqlv8/lib/sequelize
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
let sequelize = new Sequelize({
dialect: 'mssql',
dialectModulePath: 'msnodesqlv8/lib/sequelize',
dialectOptions: {
'user': '',
'password': '',
'database': 'scratch',
'connectionString': 'Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server= np:\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCALDB#2DD5ECA9\\tsql\\query;Database=scratch;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
'options': {
'driver': 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0',
'trustedConnection': true,
'instanceName': ''
pool: {
min: 0,
max: 5,
idle: 10000
function createUserModel () {
return sequelize.define('user', {
username: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
job: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
function userModel () {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let user = createUserModel()
// force: true will drop the table if it already exists
await user.sync({ force: true })
await Promise.all([
username: 'techno01',
job: 'Programmer'
username: 'techno02',
job: 'Head Programmer'
username: 'techno03',
job: 'Agile Leader'
]).catch((e) => reject(e))
let id1 = await user.findByPk(3)
console.log(JSON.stringify(id1, null, 4))
let agile = await user.findOne({
where: { job: 'Agile Leader' }
console.log(JSON.stringify(agile, null, 4))
let all = await user.findAll()
console.log(JSON.stringify(all, null, 4))
let programmers = await user
where: {
job: {
[Sequelize.Op.like]: '%Programmer'
limit: 2
const dataValues = programmers.rows.reduce((aggregate, latest) => {
return aggregate
}, [])
userModel().then(() => {
The library is subjected to extensive testing in continuous test cycles to ensure stability and accuracy. It is being used in production environments.
ensure you have an up to date version of node installed on your computer first :-
npm install msnodesqlv8
to use the code in your node javascript having installed :-
var sql = require('msnodesqlv8');
Yes. Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies. This library now ships with compiled binaries that are compatible with Electron.
some information in this thread may be of use in trying to complile against electron
"scripts": {
"copybinding": "copy .\\node_modules\\msnodesqlv8\\bindingdotgyp.old .\\node_modules\\msnodesqlv8\\binding.gyp",
"rebuild": "cd .\\node_modules\\.bin\\ && electron-rebuild -f -w msnodesqlv8 --module-dir ..\\..\\",
"movenode": "move .\\node_modules\\msnodesqlv8\\bin\\win32-x64-69\\msnodesqlv8.node .\\node_modules\\msnodesqlv8\\lib\\bin\\msnodesqlv8.node",
"postinstall": "npm run copybinding && npm run rebuild && npm run movenode",
here is a good starting point for React running in Electron using the superb boilerplate which works particularly well using visual studio code.
git clone --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate.git erb-msnodesqlv8
cd .\erb-msnodesqlv8\
cd .\app\
yarn add --dev electron-rebuild
yarn add msnodesqlv8
cd ..
yarn dev
for example replace app\components\Home.tsx with following to show module running in the renderer. This has been tested on both Windows and Linux. In the sample look at the console output to see list of databases selected assuming a valid connection string.
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import routes from '../constants/routes.json';
import { SqlClient } from 'msnodesqlv8/types';
import styles from './Home.css';
export default function Home(): JSX.Element {
const sql: SqlClient = require('msnodesqlv8');
const connectionString =
'Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}; Server=(localdb)\\node; Database={master}; Trusted_Connection=Yes;';
const query = 'SELECT name FROM sys.databases';
sql.query(connectionString, query, (err, rows) => {
return (
<div className={styles.container} data-tid="container">
<Link to={routes.COUNTER}>to Counter</Link>
Use the 'APP=my-application' such as in the example below. issue
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}; APP=msnodesqlv8; Server=np:\.\pipe\LOCALDB#8704E301\tsql\query; Database={scratch}; Trusted_Connection=Yes
c.query("select cast(10000 as sql_variant) as data;", (err, res) => {});
the driver on detecting variant type will query underlying type information and proceed to interpret column as that underlying type. In the example above the column therefore will be presented as javascript int type.
from 0.6 this is not necessary, the driver will automatically choose correct binding.
see issue
use one of the user binding functions which will force the driver to use the specified binding type rather than guessing from the input data. In this case WLongVarChar should resolve the issue of binding large strings.
function largeText() {
var len = 2200;
var s = "A".repeat(len);
sql.open(connStr, (err, conn) => {
conn.query("declare @s NVARCHAR(MAX) = ?; select @s as s", [sql.WLongVarChar(s)],
(err, res) => {
var ss = res[0].s;
assert(ss.length == len);
typescript type based information for this library. api
import {MsNodeSqlDriverApiModule as v8} from './lib/MsNodeSqlDriverApiModule'
import v8Connection = v8.v8Connection;
import v8PreparedStatement = v8.v8PreparedStatement;
import v8BindCb = v8.v8BindCb;
import v8BulkMgr = v8.v8BulkTableMgr;
import v8Error = v8.v8Error;
export const sql: v8.v8driver = require('msnodesqlv8');
var sql = require('msnodesqlv8');
export const sql: v8.v8driver = require('msnodesqlv8'); // typescript
sql.open(conn_str, function (err, conn) { });
sql.open( {conn_str : '', conn_timeout : 10}, function (err, conn) {});
conn.close(function () { });
When executing a query, the more flag may be used to indicate no further results will be returned. This optional paramater will be set true for example when queries of form 'select ....; select .....' are issued.
It is worth noting behaviour when a query such as below is executed.
let severity = 9; // or 14 for immediate terminate
RAISERROR(`'User JS Error', ${severity}, 1);SELECT 1+1;`;
here the first statement to run will be RAISEERROR. When submitting severity code less than 14, the driver has an oppertunity to read the error code and proceed to returning results on the follwing query. In this case the more flag will be set true and the error condition set. A further callback can be expected with the results and err code not set.
When error code is >= 14 the driver immediately terminates as odbc will not allow results to be obtained from further queries. In this case the more flag will be false and the err condition set to the RAISEERROR.
This behaviour is demonstrated in following test code which loops forever executing this example to prove the connection will recover from a termination of this kind.
node test\edge-case.js -t busy --delay=500 --severity=14
node test\edge-case.js -t busy --delay=500 --severity=9
var q = conn.query(sql, function (err, results, more) { });
// call a proc - omit callback and listen to events
const q = conn.callproc (name, paramsOrCb, function (err, results, output, more) { }))
// helper promise to accumulate results, info messages, output variables
const q = await conn.callprocAggregator(procName, o, options)
var q = conn.query(sql, [], function (err, results, more) { });
sql.query(conn_str, q, [], function (err, results, more) { });
conn.query({query_str: '',query_timeout: 10}, (err, results, more) => {});
conn.prepare(select, function (err, ps) { });
ps.preparedQuery([], function (err, res) { });
ps.free(function () { });
q.on('error', function(err) { }); // Error type i.e. e.message
q.on('meta', function(meta) { }); // array of column meta data relating to query.
q.on('column', function(col, v) { }); // value relating to column for current row
q.on('info', function(e) { }); // Error type i.e. e.message
q.on('rowcount', function(count) { });
q.on('row', function(row) { }); // the start of index row
q.on('done', function() { }); // no more results - statement still natively exists
q.on('submitted', function() { }); // statement has been sent to native driver.
q.on('output', function() { }); // stored proc call unbinds output params
q.on('open', function() { }); // new connection is open
q.on('closed', function() { });
q.on('free', function() { }); // when native driver releases resources on statement
var pm = conn.procedureMgr();
pm.callproc(sp_name, [], function(err, results, output) { });
var tm = conn.tableMgr();
tm.bind(table_name, function (bm) {});
test('use tableMgr bulk insert single non UTC based date with datetime col', testDone => {
async function runner () {
const helper = new TypeTableHelper(theConnection, 'datetime')
const testDate = new Date('Mon Apr 26 2021 22:05:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)')
const expected = helper.getVec(1, () => testDate)
const table = await helper.create()
const promisedInsert = util.promisify(table.insertRows)
const promisedSelect = util.promisify(table.selectRows)
try {
await promisedInsert(expected)
const res = await promisedSelect(expected)
res.forEach(a => {
delete a.col_a.nanosecondsDelta
assert.deepStrictEqual(res, expected)
} catch (e) {
runner().then(() => {
bm.insertRows([], function () {});
bm.selectRows([], function (err, res) {});
bm.deleteRows([], function () {});
bm.updateRows([], function () {});
res = bm.getSummary();
From version 0.4.1 the library node supports Table Value Parameters
please refer to tvp.js for examples
assuming a type is created in the database
CREATE TYPE TestTvpType AS TABLE (username nvarchar(30), age int, salary real)
use a connection object to get a Table representing this type.
function (asyncDone) {
theConnection.getUserTypeTable(tableTypeName, function (err, t) {
table = t
assert(table.columns.length === 3)
add some rows to the table.
var vec = [
function (asyncDone) {
// see above
create a table parameter from the Table. This method can also accept an mssql Table type.
var tp = sql.TvpFromTable(table)
create a table in the datbase representing the type.
create TABLE TestTvp (
username nvarchar(30),
age int,
salary real
add a stored procedure to insert to the table from the new type
create PROCEDURE InsertTestTvp
@tvp TestTvpType READONLY
set nocount on
n FROM @tvp tvp
invoke the stored procedure to insert records.
function (asyncDone) {
// see above to create a table
var tp = sql.TvpFromTable(table)
table.rows = []
theConnection.query('exec insertTestTvp @tvp = ?;', [tp], function (err) {
function (asyncDone) {
theConnection.query('select * from ' + tableName, function (err, res) {
assert.deepEqual(vec, res)
if an existing table exists. i.e. Employee - bind to it using tablem manager
function (asyncDone) {
var tableName = 'Employee'
var tm = theConnection.tableMgr()
tm.bind(tableName, function (bulk) {
bulkMgr = bulk
then can get a sql representation of the table
function (asyncDone) {
var sql = bulkMgr.asUserType()
theConnection.query(sql, function (err) {
which is represented as below
CREATE TYPE EmployeeType AS TABLE (BusinessEntityID int, NationalIDNumber nvarchar(15), LoginID nvarchar(256), OrganizationNode hierarchyid, OrganizationLevel smallint, JobTitle nvarchar(50), BirthDate date, MaritalStatus nchar, Gender nchar, HireDate date, SalariedFlag bit, VacationHours smallint, SickLeaveHours smallint, CurrentFlag bit, rowguid uniqueidentifier, ModifiedDate datetime)
can also get a Table representing the database table
function (asyncDone) {
var parsedJSON = helper.getJSON()
// construct a table type based on a table definition.
var table = bulkMgr.asTableType()
// convert a set of objects to rows representing the table
// use a type the native driver can understand, using column based bulk binding.
var tp = sql.TvpFromTable(table)
// can now use the tvp with the driver and bind all data in one go.
theConnection.query('select * from ?;', [tp], function(err, res) {
configure either the oonnection to return all numbers as strings.
test('query a numeric - configure connection to return as string', testDone => {
async function runner () {
const num = '12345678.876'
const q = `SELECT CAST(${num} AS numeric(11, 3)) as number`
const res = await theConnection.promises.query(q)
try {
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.first[0].number, num)
} catch (e) {
runner().then(() => {
or issue as a query
test('query a -ve numeric - configure query to return as string', testDone => {
async function runner () {
const num = '-12345678'
const q = `select ${num} as number`
const res = await theConnection.promises.query({
query_str: q,
numeric_string: true
try {
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.first[0].number, num)
} catch (e) {
runner().then(() => {
the library runs most features against Sybase such as below with promised query or legacy callback.
const sql = require('msnodesqlv8')
const { GetConnection } = require('./get-connection')
const connectionString = new GetConnection().connectionString
const query = 'SELECT top 5 * FROM syscomments'
// "Driver={Adaptive Server Enterprise}; app=myAppName; server=localhost port=5000; db=pubs3; uid=sa; pwd=ooooo;"
function legacyQuery () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
sql.open(connectionString, (err, con) => {
if (err) {
con.query(query, (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
con.close(() => {
async function promised () {
const connection = await sql.promises.open(connectionString)
const res = await connection.promises.query(query)
console.log(`promised ${JSON.stringify(res, null, 4)}`)
await connection.promises.close()
return res
async function q1 () {
const d = new Date()
try {
const rows = await legacyQuery()
const elapsed = new Date() - d
console.log(`legacyQuery rows.length ${rows.length} elapsed ${elapsed}`)
console.log(`legacyQuery ${JSON.stringify(rows, null, 4)}`)
} catch (err) {
the library can now be used by a thread worker as outlined below.
master worker
const path = require('path')
const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, './worker-item.js')
const { Worker } = require('worker_threads')
const worker1 = new Worker(filePath)
const worker2 = new Worker(filePath)
function dispatch (worker) {
worker.on('message', msg => {
switch (msg.command) {
case 'task_result': {
console.log(JSON.stringify(msg, null, 4))
worker.on('error', error => {
function sendTask (worker, num) {
command: 'task',
num: num
function clean () {
setTimeout(async () => {
await Promise.all([
}, 5000)
for (let i = 0; i < 40; i += 2) {
sendTask(worker1, i)
sendTask(worker2, i + 1)
const { parentPort } = require('worker_threads')
const sql = require('msnodesqlv8')
const { GetConnection } = require('./get-connection')
const connectionString = new GetConnection().connectionString
async function compute (msg) {
try {
console.log(`worker receive task ${msg.num}`)
const conn = await sql.promises.open(connectionString)
const query = `select ${msg.num} as i, @@SPID as spid`
const res = await conn.promises.query(query)
await conn.promises.close()
command: 'task_result',
data: `spid ${res.first[0].spid}`,
num: msg.num,
fib: getFib(msg.num)
} catch (e) {
parentPort.emit('error', e)
parentPort.on('message', async msg => {
switch (msg.command) {
case 'task': {
await compute(msg)
default: {
console.log(`unknown command ${msg.command}`)
function getFib (num) {
if (num === 0) {
return 0
} else if (num === 1) {
return 1
} else {
return getFib(num - 1) + getFib(num - 2)
see promises.ts under samples/typescript for some example code of how to use these promise methods.
Some promises have been added to the API for a more modern async approach. They are all collected under 'object.promises.promise' (pool.promises.open(), sql.promises.query(..), sql.promises.callProc(..), connection.promises.query(..) etc)
see index.js for definitions
export interface AggregatorPromises {
query(sql: string, params?: any[], options?: QueryAggregatorOptions): Promise<QueryAggregatorResults>
callProc(name: string, params?: any, options?: QueryAggregatorOptions): Promise<QueryAggregatorResults>
interface SqlClientPromises {
query(conn_str: string, sql: string, params?: any[], options?: QueryAggregatorOptions): Promise<QueryAggregatorResults>
callProc(conn_str: string, name: string, params?: any, options?: QueryAggregatorOptions): Promise<QueryAggregatorResults>
open(conn_str: string): Promise<Connection>
export interface PoolPromises extends AggregatorPromises {
open(): Promise<Pool>
close(): Promise<any>
interface ConnectionPromises extends AggregatorPromises {
prepare(sql: string): Promise<PreparedStatement>
getTable(name: string): Promise<BulkTableMgr>
close(): Promise<any>
cancel(name: string): Promise<any>
export interface BulkTableMgrPromises
select(cols: any[]): Promise<any[]>
insert(rows: any[]): Promise<any>
delete(rows: any[]): Promise<any>
update(rows: any[]): Promise<any>
export interface PreparedPromises {
free(): Promise<any>
query(params?: any[], options?: QueryAggregatorOptions) : Promise<QueryAggregatorResults>
for example using the connection pool using promises.
async function pool() {
try {
const connStr: string = getConnection()
const size = 4
const options: PoolOptions = {
connectionString: connStr,
ceiling: size
const pool: Pool = new sql.Pool(options)
await pool.promises.open()
const all = Array(size * 2).fill(0).map((_, i) => pool.promises.query(`select ${i} as i, @@SPID as spid`))
const promised: QueryAggregatorResults[] = await Promise.all(all)
const res = promised.map(r => r.first[0].spid)
await pool.promises.close()
console.log(`pool spids ${res.join(', ')}`)
} catch (e) {
async function adhocQuery() {
try {
const connStr: string = getConnection()
const res: QueryAggregatorResults = await sql.promises.query(connStr, 'select @@SPID as spid')
console.log(`ashoc spid ${res.first[0].spid}`)
} catch (e) {
async function openSelectClose() {
try {
const connStr: string = getConnection()
const conn: Connection = await sql.promises.open(connStr)
const res: QueryAggregatorResults = await conn.promises.query('select @@SPID as spid')
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 4))
await conn.promises.close()
} catch (e) {
use a promise to open connection, call a proc and close all from one promise - or call from a connection. Note all results are aggregated i.e. you are returned a result containing all queries etc
async function adhocProc() {
try {
const connStr: string = getConnection()
const proc = new ProcTest(connStr, sampleProc)
await proc.create()
const msg = 'hello world'
const res: QueryAggregatorResults = await sql.promises.callProc(connStr, sampleProc.name, {
param: msg
await proc.drop()
console.log(`adhocProc returns ${res.returns} from param '${msg}''`)
} catch (e) {
async function proc() {
try {
const connStr: string = getConnection()
const proc = new ProcTest(connStr, sampleProc)
await proc.create()
const conn: Connection = await sql.promises.open(connStr)
const promises: ConnectionPromises = conn.promises
const msg = 'hello world'
const res: QueryAggregatorResults = await promises.callProc(sampleProc.name, {
param: msg
console.log(`proc returns ${res.returns} from param '${msg}''`)
await proc.drop()
await promises.close()
} catch (e) {
use a promise to fetch a table and insert rows to it.
async function table() {
try {
const connStr: string = getConnection()
const connection = await sql.promises.open(connStr)
const tm: BulkTableTest = new BulkTableTest(connection, sampleTableDef)
const table: BulkTableMgr = await tm.create()
const vec: SampleRecord[] = getInsertVec(10)
console.log(`table = ${tm.createTableSql}`)
await table.promises.insert(vec)
const read = await connection.promises.query(tm.selectSql)
console.log(`table ${read.first.length} rows from ${tm.tableName}`)
console.log(JSON.stringify(read.first, null, 4))
await tm.drop()
await connection.promises.close()
} catch (e) {
- ensure visual studio 2015 is installed, community edition should be fine. If you do not want the full IDE it is also possible to build with the tools available from Microsoft here
- make sure you have latest version of node installed.
- install node-gyp globally :- npm install -g node-gyp
- download and install the git client
- clone the code base :- git clone git-src msnodesqlv8
- start a shell command and cd into new folder :- copy bindingdotgyp.old binding.gyp
- make sure Python27 is installed
- node-gyp clean configure build --verbose --arch=x64
- if you wish to edit and compile code for Debug, open the generated solution file in VS2015. i.e. build\binding.sln
- copy the node.lib to Debug for example C:\Users<usr>.node-gyp\6.10.0\Debug from x64 folder.
- build from visual studio.
- to run this target change to debug mode from file sqlserver.native.js
can convert the API easily into a promise based API
async function test (request, response) {
response.statusCode = 200
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
let sqlOpen = toPromise(sql.open)
try {
let connection = await sqlOpen(connectionString)
let connectionQuery = toPromise(connection.queryRaw)
try {
let d = new Date()
let data = await connectionQuery(query)
let elapsed = new Date() - d
response.end(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4))
let close = toPromise(sql.close)
await close()
} catch (err) {
} catch (err) {
\\ use any conversion utility ....
function toPromise (f) {
return function (args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function handler (err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (args) {
f(args, handler)
} else {
the msnodesqlv8 library works nicely with the brilliant library asynquence written by Kyle Simpson. Here it is possible to run many different sorts of patterns but using generators to manage an iteration of promises is particularly worth noting.
here the little promise based wrapper has been used to provide promises around the driver. This code and others like it can be found in the wrapper test
now operations can be made to look "serialsed" letting AQS manage the iteration. There are many other patterns avaialble such as gates and waterfalls.
let ASQ = require('asynquence-contrib');
testPrepare: string = `select len(convert(varchar, ?)) as len`;
private prepare(): Promise<any> {
let inst = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ASQ().runner(function *() {
let connection = yield inst.sqlWrapper.open();
let command = connection.getCommand().sql(inst.testPrepare);
command = yield command.prepare();
let res = yield command.params([1000]).execute();
assert.deepEqual(res.asObjects, inst.expectedPrepared, "results didn't match");
yield command.freePrepared();
yield connection.close();
}).or((e: any) => {
By default, the driver will guess the appropriate type based on the type passed in. The api contains methods to force the driver to assign a given type if required.
conn.query("declare @v tinyint = ?; select @v as v", [sql.TinyInt(255)],
(err, res) => {});
Bit(v:number): any;
BigInt(v:number): any;
Int(v:number): any;
TinyInt(v:number): any;
SmallInt(v:number): any;
Float(v:number): any;
Numeric(v:number): any;
Money(v:number): any;
SmallMoney(v:number): any;
Decimal(v:number): any;
Double(v:number): any;
Real(v:number): any;
WVarChar(v:String) : any;
Char(v:String) : any;
VarChar(v:String) : any;
NChar(v:String) : any;
NVarChar(v:String) : any;
Text(v:String) : any;
NText(v:String) : any;
Xml(v:String) : any;
WLongVarChar(v:string) : any;
UniqueIdentifier(v:String) : any;
VarBinary(v:any) : any;
LongVarBinary(v:any) : any;
Image(v:any) : any;
Time(v:Date) : any;
Date(v:Date) : any;
DateTime(v:Date) : any;
DateTime2(v:Date) : any;
DateRound(v:Date) : any;
SmallDateTime(v:Date) : any;
DateTimeOffset(v:Date) : any;
Ensure the module has been installed first.
A standard connection string can be used to open a connection to the database. Note that in the example below a trusted connection is used and hence authentication is based on the windows login ID used for executing the instance of Node JS. You can also use a connection string where user and password is specified using a SQL Server account.
use the sql.open function :-
var sql = require('msnodesqlv8');
function connect() {
var connStr = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=<host>;Database={scratch};Trusted_Connection=Yes;";
sql.open(connStr, function (err, conn) {
// connection is now ready to use.
A Timeout in seconds can be specified to hand into the driver :-
var sql = require('msnodesqlv8');
function connect_timeout() {
var co = {
conn_str: connStr,
conn_timeout: 2 // specified in seconds.
sql.open(co, function (err, conn) {
if (err) {
you can now submit queries through a native library connection pool. This pool creates a set of connections and queues work submitting items such that all connections are busy providing work exists. A keep alive is sent periodically to check connection integrity and idle connections beyond a threshold are closed and re-created when queries submitted at a later point in time. Queries can be cancelled and paused / resumed regardless of where they are in the work lifecycle
examples can be seen here and here
// call a proc - omit callback and listen to events
const q = pool.callproc (name, paramsOrCb, function (err, results, output, more) { }))
// helper promise to accumulate results, info messages, output variables
const q = await pool.callprocAggregator(procName, o, options)
export interface PoolOptions {
floor?: number
ceiling?: number
heartbeatSecs?: number
heartbeatSql?: string
inactivityTimeoutSecs?: number
connectionString: string
const pool = new sql.Pool(options)
the following example shows the pool being used.
const sql = require('msnodesqlv8')
const pool = new sql.Pool({
connectionString: 'Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=(localdb)\\node;Database=scratch;Trusted_Connection=yes;'
pool.on('open', (options) => {
console.log(`ready options = ${JSON.stringify(options, null, 4)}`)
pool.on('debug', msg => {
console.log(`\t\t\t\t\t\t${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()} <pool.debug> ${msg}`)
pool.on('status', s => {
console.log(`status = ${JSON.stringify(s, null, 4)}`)
pool.on('error', e => {
const testSql = 'waitfor delay \'00:00:10\';'
function submit (sql) {
const q = pool.query(sql)
console.log(`send ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}, sql = ${sql}`)
q.on('submitted', d => {
console.log(`query submitted ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}, sql = ${d.query_str}`)
q.on('done', () => console.log(`query done ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}`))
return q
for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
const q = submit(testSql)
switch (i) {
case 5:
console.log('cancel a query')
case 6:
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('resume a paused query')
}, 50000)
setInterval(() => {
}, 60000)
when running against SQLServer, the library will try and fetch a stored procedure definition from the database hence it will be registered automatically and cached
However for other ODBC connections such as Sybase the proc must be registered manually.
see examples below for usage
async function runProcWith (connection, spName, p) {
console.log(`call proc ${spName} with params ${JSON.stringify(p, null, 4)}`)
const res = await connection.promises.callProc(spName, p)
const returns = res.first[0]['']
console.log(`proc with params returns ${returns}`)
async function makeProc (connection, spName) {
try {
const pm = connection.procedureMgr()
const def = `create or replace proc tmp_name_concat
@last_name varchar(30) = "knowles",
@first_name varchar(18) = "beyonce" as
select @first_name + " " + @last_name `
await connection.promises.query(def)
const params = [
pm.makeParam(spName, '@last_name', 'varchar', 30, false),
pm.makeParam(spName, '@first_name', 'varchar', 18, false)
const proc = pm.addProc(spName, params)
return proc
} catch (err) {
async function proc () {
const connection = await sql.promises.open(connectionString)
const spName = 'tmp_name_concat'
await makeProc(connection, spName)
try {
await runProcWith(connection, spName, {
first_name: 'Baby'
await runProcWith(connection, spName, {})
await runProcWith(connection, spName, {
first_name: 'Miley',
last_name: 'Cyrus'
await connection.promises.close()
} catch (err) {
async function runOutputProcWith (connection, spName, p) {
console.log(`call output proc ${spName} with params ${JSON.stringify(p, null, 4)}`)
const res = await connection.promises.callProc(spName, p)
console.log(`output proc with params returns ${JSON.stringify(res, null, 4)}`)
async function makeOutputProc (connection, spName) {
try {
const pm = connection.procedureMgr()
const def = `create or replace proc tmp_square
@num decimal,
@square decimal output as
select @square=@num* @num`
await connection.promises.query(def)
const params = [
pm.makeParam(spName, '@num', 'decimal', 17, false),
pm.makeParam(spName, '@square', 'decimal', 17, true)
const proc = pm.addProc(spName, params)
return proc
} catch (err) {
async function procOuput () {
const connection = await sql.promises.open(connectionString)
const spName = 'tmp_square'
await makeOutputProc(connection, spName)
try {
await runOutputProcWith(connection, spName, {
num: 15
await connection.promises.close()
} catch (err) {
async function makeSelectProc (connection, spName) {
try {
const pm = connection.procedureMgr()
const def = `create or replace proc tmp_input_output
@len_last int output,
@len_first int output,
@first_last varchar(48) output,
@last_name varchar(30) = 'knowles',
@first_name varchar(18) = 'beyonce'
as begin
select @first_last = @first_name + " " + @last_name
select @len_first = len(@first_name)
select @len_last = len(@last_name)
select len(@first_last)
await connection.promises.query(def)
const params = [
pm.makeParam(spName, '@len_last', 'int', 4, true),
pm.makeParam(spName, '@len_first', 'int', 4, true),
pm.makeParam(spName, '@first_last', 'varchar', 48, true),
pm.makeParam(spName, '@last_name', 'varchar', 30, false),
pm.makeParam(spName, '@first_name', 'varchar', 18, false)
const proc = pm.addProc(spName, params)
return proc
} catch (err) {
async function procAsSelect () {
const connection = await sql.promises.open(connectionString)
const spName = 'tmp_input_output'
try {
const proc = await makeSelectProc(connection, spName)
const meta = proc.getMeta()
const select = meta.select
const res = await connection.promises.query(select, ['Miley', 'Cyrus'])
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 4))
await connection.promises.close()
} catch (err) {
var q = connOrPool.callproc (name, paramsOrCb, function (err, results, output, more) { }))
use the connection procedure manager to execute stored procedures.
var pm = conn.procedureMgr();
now you can use an input object to send in params
const spName = 'test_sp_get_optional_p'
const a = 10
const b = 20
const def = `alter PROCEDURE <name> (
@plus INT out,
@a INT = ${a},
@b INT = ${b}
AS begin
set @plus = @a + @b;
fetch the stored proc using the proc manager
const pm = theConnection.procedureMgr()
pm.get(spName, proc => {
// can now call the proc with input object or legacy param array.
to call with no params, the driver now assumes they are default input and will not bind them i.e.
const o = {}
proc.call(o, (err, results, output) => {
you can bind one param
// default param b wil not be bound by driver
const o = {
a: 10
proc.call(o, (err, results, output) => { })
or both
// bind both a an b overriding defaults.
const o = {
a: 10,
b: 20
proc.call(o, (err, results, output) => { })
an example including all output and 1 optional
const a = 20
const def = `alter PROCEDURE <name> (
@t1 INT out,
@t2 INT out,
@t3 INT out,
@a INT = ${a}
AS begin
set @t1 = @a;
set @t2 = @a * 2;
set @t3 = @a * 3;
// use the default input and collect output variables.
const o = {}
proc.call(o, (err, results, output) => {
if (output) {
const expected = [
a * 2,
a * 3
assert.deepStrictEqual(expected, output)
assuming a stored procedure exists in the database as below, where two input int are passed in, added together by the procedure and returned as an output parameter.
USE [scratch]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[test_sp_get_int_int](
@num1 INT,
@num2 INT,
SET @num3 = @num1 + @num2
with a connection opened, the stored procedure manager can be used to execute a proc :-
function exec_proc(conn) {
var pm = conn.procedureMgr();
pm.callproc('test_sp_get_int_int', [10, 5], function(err, results, output) {
var expected = [99, 15];
assert.deepEqual(output, expected, "results didn't match");
The return value will always be the first member of the output vector. In this case that value has been assigned 99. Each output parameter in order will then appear, in this case we have the sum of the input parameters On first invocation, the procedure manager will ask the server to return the meta data associated with the procedure. This information is cached and used on subsequent calls. The information is held alongside that connection in the library and hence will be lost each time the connection is closed.
If you wish to see what information is stored for a procedure without actually executing it, the describe function may help. It will callback with the associated meta data showing parameters and sql signature used to invoke the procedure.
function describe() {
sql.open(connStr, function (err, conn) {
var pm = conn.procedureMgr();
pm.describe('test_sp_get_int_int', function (meta) {
As an alternative, a procedure object can be fetched by an application where a call method can be called. A helper property 'select' is available on the meta data which alows a query to be submitted to invoke a stored procedure if that is preferred. Else use the method call on the returned proc.
function (asyncDone) {
var pm = theConnection.procedureMgr()
pm.get(spName, function (proc) {
var meta = proc.getMeta()
// use an mssql style select
var s = meta.select
theConnection.query(s, [10, 5], function (err, results) {
var expected = [{
num3: 15,
___return___: 99
assert.deepEqual(results, expected, 'results didn\'t match')
function (asyncDone) {
var pm = theConnection.procedureMgr()
pm.get(spName, function (proc) {
var count = pm.getCount()
assert.equal(count, 1)
proc.call([10, 5], function (err, results, output) {
var expected = [99, 15]
assert.deepEqual(output, expected, 'results didn\'t match')
Where no parameters are required, simply omit the array and provide name and callback function only :-
pm.callproc('test_no_param', function(err, results, output) {
A global timeout can be given in seconds to the procedure manager which will be sent to the driver on every call made through it. Hence an error will be raised should the procedure not complete within the allocated time.
If SQL statements are repeatedly executed many times during the execution of a node program, a user may choose to encapsulate some into stored procedures which are compiled server side.
An alternative now available is the use of prepared statements available in this module. Prepared statements fetch meta data describing the query, allocate memory on the client which is bound to the columns representing the query. This is done just once, where each call then only requires potential parameters to be bound. This means efficiency gains over the same SQL string being submitted each time to the database.
Once a connection has been opened, the prepare function can be used to prepare a statement. The provided callback is invoked with an object on which the preparedQuery will allow repeated invocations. If necessary, different parameters can be included :-
function employeePrepare(done) {
var query =
`SELECT [ModifiedDate]
FROM [scratch].[dbo].[Employee]
WHERE BusinessEntityID = ?`;
sql.open(connStr, (err, conn) => {
conn.prepare(query, (e, ps) => {
ps.preparedQuery([1], (err, fetched) => {
ps.free(() => {
The prepared statement can be used until the free function is invoked. This call is necessary to release the resources associated with the statement. Clearly with poor client side management, leaks are possible. Take care to ensure once the statement is finished with, the free function is called. A collection of the most frequently called statements can be collected by a client into a useful object for use throughout the application.
Some helper functions are avaialble for each prepared statement :-
var meta = ps.getMeta(); // column meta data reserved in driver
var sql = ps.getSignature(); // the sql used to create prepared statement.
var id = ps.getId(); // unique integer reprenting statement
There are some more examples in the test file prepared.js.
for adhoc queries, a connection can opened, sql submitted and results collected all in one call. The driver will close the connection when completed :-
function connectQuery() {
var q = "declare @s NVARCHAR(MAX) = ?; select @s as s";
sql.query(connStr, q, ['node is great'], function (err, res) {
If the client will be submitting many queries within close proximity of time, it is probably better to open a connection explicitly. This connection can then be used to make may calls. This will generally be more efficient but will hold a connection to database open for the lifetime of the client. Holding many connections can impact overall performance. The design to use is therefore dependent on requirements.
function openQuery() {
sql.open(connStr, function (err, conn) {
var q = "declare @s NVARCHAR(MAX) = ?; select @s as s";
conn.query(q, ['node is great'], function (err, res) {
Where required, a timeout in seconds can be specified for a specific query. In this case, an error will be raised should the query not return within the allocated period.
function timeout() {
sql.open(connStr, function (err, conn) {
var queryObj = {
query_str: "waitfor delay \'00:00:10\';",
query_timeout: 2
conn.query(queryObj, function (err, res) {
assert(err != null);
assert(err.message.indexOf('Query timeout expired') > 0);
If the query() function is used on the API, the raw row results returned by the database are converted to javascript objects such that an array of objects are returned, where each in the array represents a single row.
however, raw rows can be fetched where an object is returned thus :-
meta: [],
rows: []
this is illustrated below where res.rows
would be an array of arrays where each sub array contains each column.
function employee() {
sql.open(connStr, function (err, conn) {
conn.queryRaw("select * from Employee", function (err, res) {
examples can be seen here
It may be necessary in stream mode to periodically pause a query to process a set of rows before resuming the next batch. This can be done as follows using the pauseQuery and resumeQuery API.
test('pause a large query every 100 rows', testDone => {
let expected = 0
const q0 = theConnection.query(`select top 3000 * from syscolumns`)
q0.on('row', () => {
let rows = 0
const q = theConnection.query(`select top 3000 * from syscolumns`)
q.on('error', (e) => {
q.on('row', () => {
if (rows % 100 === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50)
q.on('done', () => {
assert.strictEqual(expected, rows)
a paused query can be cancelled without having to be in a polling mode.
test('pause a large query and cancel without resume', testDone => {
let rows = 0
const q = theConnection.query(`select top 3000 * from syscolumns`)
q.on('error', (e) => {
q.on('row', () => {
if (rows % 100 === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
q.cancelQuery(() => {
}, 50)
if a new query is submitted using a connection with a pending paused query then the paused is killed to allow the next to execute.
test('pause a large query to only get 10 rows then submit new query whilst other paused (first killed)', testDone => {
const q = theConnection.query(`select top 3000 * from syscolumns`)
const pauseAt = 10
let rows = 0
q.on('error', (e) => {
q.on('row', () => {
if (rows % 10 === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
assert.strictEqual(pauseAt, rows)
// submit a new query will kill previous
theConnection.query(`select top 3000 * from syscolumns`, (err, res) => {
}, 200)
examples can be seen here
for example using procedure
create PROCEDURE InsertGeographyTvp @tvp geographyTvpType READONLY
set nocount on
INSERT INTO spatial_test
SELECT (case
when GeogCol1 like 'POINT%'
then geography::STPointFromText([GeogCol1], 4326)
when GeogCol1 like 'LINE%'
then geography::STLineFromText([GeogCol1], 4326)
when GeogCol1 like 'POLY%'
then geography::STPolyFromText([GeogCol1], 4326)
end )
n FROM @tvp tvp
where table and type is
CREATE TABLE spatial_test ( id int IDENTITY (1,1), GeogCol1 geography, GeogCol2 AS GeogCol1.STAsText() )
create type ${tableTypeName} AS TABLE ([GeogCol1] nvarchar (2048))`
then can send a set of geography types in one go
test('use tvp to insert geography LINESTRING, POINT and POLYGON using pm in 1 call', testDone => {
let table
let procedure
const coordinates = geographyHelper.getCoordinates()
const lines = geographyHelper.asLines(coordinates)
const points = geographyHelper.asPoints(coordinates)
const polygon = geographyHelper.asPoly(coordinates)
const allGeography = lines.concat(points).concat(polygon)
const expected = geographyHelper.asExpected(allGeography)
const fns = [
asyncDone => {
geographyHelper.createGeographyTable(async, theConnection, t => {
table = t
asyncDone => {
const pm = theConnection.procedureMgr()
pm.get('InsertGeographyTvp', p => {
procedure = p
asyncDone => {
allGeography.forEach(l => {
// each row is represented as an array of columns
table.rows[table.rows.length] = [l]
const tp = sql.TvpFromTable(table)
table.rows = []
procedure.call([tp], err => {
asyncDone => {
theConnection.query(geographyHelper.selectSql, (err, res) => {
assert(res.length === allGeography.length)
assert.deepStrictEqual(res, expected)
async.series(fns, () => {
easiest way to cancel now is probably with pause then cancel
test('pause a large query and cancel without resume', testDone => {
let rows = 0
const q = theConnection.query(`select top 3000 * from syscolumns`)
q.on('error', (e) => {
q.on('row', () => {
if (rows % 100 === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
q.cancelQuery(() => {
}, 50)
From version 0.3.1 onwards the library now supports query cancel. This can only be achieved with queries submitted on polling based statements.
sql.PollingQuery("waitfor delay \'00:00:20\';")
examples are provided in the unit test file below.
var q = theConnection.query(sql.PollingQuery("waitfor delay \'00:00:20\';"), function (err) {
assert(err.message.indexOf('Operation canceled') > 0);
q.cancelQuery(function (err) {
in the above example, the driver is instructed to use polling based query submission, thus allowing the cancelQuery function to be called. In polling mode, performance is reduced, this will not be noticed for long running queries but will for large numbers of short running queries. Hence this mode by default is switched off and for any applications not using cancel based queries the driver behaves exactly as before.
prepared queries can also be cancelled as shown in the example below. Note the submitted event is used to indicate when a query has actually been sent to the c++ driver. If a cancel is issued on a statement before submission it will be "soft" removed from the work queue and hence never submitted to the driver. This would be the case on back to back queries sent through the connection where the driver will work to complete one whilst holding back the rest.
var fns = [
function (async_done) {
theConnection.prepare(sql.PollingQuery(s), function (err, pq) {
prepared = pq;
function (async_done) {
var q = prepared.preparedQuery(['00:00:20'], function (err, res) {
assert(err.message.indexOf('Operation canceled') > 0);
q.on('submitted', function() {
q.cancelQuery(function(err) {
async.series(fns, function () {
cancel can also be called on a stored proc call, in this case polling needs to be enabled on the proc manager itself.
function (async_done) {
var pm = theConnection.procedureMgr();
pm.setPolling(true); // allow polling
var q = pm.callproc(sp_name, ['0:0:20'], function (err) {
assert(err.message.indexOf('Operation canceled') > 0);
q.on('submitted', function () {
q.cancelQuery(function (err) {
an error is expected when trying to cancel a query running on a blocked statement. This will be reported on the callback to the cancel and the execuring query will remain executing to completion.
var q = theConnection.query("waitfor delay \'00:00:3\';", function (err) {
theConnection.cancelQuery(q, function (err) {
assert(err.message.indexOf('only supported') > 0);
When executing a query, certain events will be raised by the driver as it progresses. These events can be useful for debugging or drilling into performance measurements. The examples below show how to subscribe to these events.
Note if no callback is provided and an all event streaming approach is taken, one advantage is data is handed back without being cached in the driver. When the result set becomes large this can be a substantial amount of memory whilst the row set is read to completion.
By processing data via the streaming api a more efficient approach can be taken and reduce large volitity in memory footprint.
It should be noted that a large single column (e.g. 50k binary or text) will result in many smaller transactions between the driver and javascript until the entire column is read. In this case the data is held before being released and freed via the column event.
var s = "select top 1 id, name, type, crdate from sysobjects so where so.type='U'";
var q = conn.query(s, function (err, res) {
console.log("res.length = " + res.length);
q.on('meta', function(meta) {
console.log('meta[0].name = ' + meta[0].name);
q.on('column', function(colIndex, data) {
console.log('column = ' + colIndex);
q.on('rowcount', function(count) {
console.log('rowcount = ' + count);
q.on('row', function(row) {
console.log('row = ' + row);
q.on('done', function() {
q.on('error', function(err) {
q.on('info', function(err) {
q.on('submitted', function(q) { // when driver is actually working this query.
use the info event as illustrated below.
sql.open(conn_str, (err, conn) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
let x = 1;
if (err) {
throw err;
setInterval(() => {
let q = conn.query(`print 'JS status message ${x}'; SELECT ${x} + ${x} as res;SELECT ${x} * ${x} as res2`,
(err, results, more) => {
if (more && !err && results && results.length === 0) {
console.log(`[${x}] more = ${more} err ${err} results ${JSON.stringify(results)}`);
if (more) return;
q.on('info', (e:Error) => {
console.log(`print: ${e.message.substr(e.message.lastIndexOf(']') + 1)}`)
}, delay);
The connection table manager can be useful in interacting with a single table :-
var tm = conn.tableMgr();
to interact with a specific table, first invoke bind and provide a callback which will be invoked when the manager is ready :-
tm.bind('Employee', onBind);
now insert some rows into the table.
function onBind(bulkMgr) {
// get an array of objects represented by the bound table.
var parsedJSON = helper.getJSON();
bulkMgr.insertRows(parsedJSON, insertDone);
note that this is achieved with a single transaction to the server as memory is reserved for the entire insert, hence this can save network overhead of individual insert statements.
updates can also be sent against a set of rows in one transaction. For example, update column ModifiedDate based on primary key BusinessEntityID :-
function insertDone(err, res) {
assert(res.length == 0);
var newDate = new Date("2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");
var modifications = [];
parsedJSON.forEach(function(emp) {
emp.ModifiedDate = newDate;
modifications.push( {
BusinessEntityID : emp.BusinessEntityID,
ModifiedDate : newDate
var updateCols = [];
name : 'ModifiedDate'
bulkMgr.updateRows(modifications, updateDone);
Note in the above example, the modified vector from parsedJSON could also be sent to the driver for the update. The method setUpdateCols is required to indicate which columns are being modified.
The summary can be used to re-assign all updateable columns :-
function updateDone(err, res) {
assert(res.length == 0);
var summary = bulkMgr.getSummary();
A batch size can be specified where the input vector is split and submitted in sets of that batch size.
Rows can also be fetched based for example on primary key :-
function insertDone(err, res) {
var keys = extractKey(parsedJSON, 'LoginID');
bulkMgr.selectRows(keys, bulkDone);
Where non primary key selects are required, use the setWhereCols function :-
function insertDone(err, res) {
var whereCols = [];
name : 'LoginID'
var parsedJSON = helper.getJSON();
var keys = extractKey(parsedJSON, 'LoginID');
bulkMgr.selectRows(keys, bulkDone);
Rows can also be deleted based on the where condition :-
function insertDone(err, res) {
var whereCols = [];
name : 'LoginID'
var parsedJSON = helper.getJSON();
var keys = extractKey(parsedJSON, 'LoginID');
bulkMgr.deleteRows(results, bulkDone);
Note, that the table mananger can be used along with prepared statements such as below where the table manager is used to fetch column data for a table, and then a prepared statement used against the generated select signature.
// use the select signature to construct a prepared query.
function(async_done) {
var summary = bulkMgr.getSummary();
console.log("prepare the above statement.");
var select = summary.select_signature;
conn.prepare(select, function(err, ps) {
ps.preparedQuery([1], function(err, res) {
assert.check(res.length == 1);
In summary, the table manager can help when interacting with individual tables by allowing objects to be inserted, updated, deleted and selected.
bulkMgr.insertRows([], cb); // bulk insert objects.
bulkMgr.selectRows([], cb); // select based on where columns.
bulkMgr.deleteRows([], cb); // delete based on where columns.
bulkMgr.updateRows([], cb); // update based on where columns.
bulkMgr.setBatchSize(batchSize); // submit vector in batches to server.
bulkMgr.setWhereCols([]); // set the where condition for select,delete and update.
bulkMgr.setUpdateCols([]); // set which columns will be updated from input vector.
bulkMgr.getMeta(); // obtain interesting information for bound table.
bulkMgr.columns(); // all columns for the table.
bulkMgr.getSummary(); // gives sql signatures for the table.
you must be on only ODBC 17 to use this feature.
BCP allows fast insert speed from client to a designated table. This is achieved via allocating fixed positions in memory binding each column on that table and re-populating/sending each row to the server. It is in effect a memory copy from the client to the table.
a 16 column Employee table mixed with binary, varchar, date, int and decimal can insert over 50k rows in 3 seconds (vs 25 seconds using non bcp) over a network, smaller tables speeds can be over 100k a second.
// see bcp.js unit tests - bind to a table
async create () {
const promisedQuery = util.promisify(theConnection.query)
const tm = theConnection.tableMgr()
const promisedGetTable = util.promisify(tm.getTable)
await promisedQuery(this.dropTableSql)
await promisedQuery(this.createTableSql)
const table = await promisedGetTable(this.tableName)
return table
// set the flag to turn on bcp and send rows to server using fast memory copy.
const table = await helper.create()
const promisedInsert = util.promisify(table.insertRows)
const promisedQuery = util.promisify(theConnection.query)
This protocol is not part of the ODBC specification and its use therefore depends on using correct ODBC driver. For linux users, this should work out the box as ODBC 17 is the only driver supported and this is one used for BCP. The feature has been tested on Ubuntu, MacOS, Debian and Alpine.
For windows users, older drivers can still be used on all non bcp functions just as before - however presently only ODBC 17 is supported for bcp. Hence you need to have installed ODBC data source "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server". No other driver will work and attempts to do so will probably crash the node instance.
see wiki for more details or bcp unit tests - bcp is accessed via the table manager i.e. binding to a table and enabling bcp on that table returned.
The demo file is a pretty good place to see many of the features being used.
make sure an instance of database is available to connect too. Edit the connection with the appropriate string.
from command line, navigate to where the npm module has been installed :-
admin@DESKTOP MINGW64 ~/dev/js/test/node_modules/node-sqlserver-v8 (master)
$ node mssql-demo.js
The demo is divided into a set of distinct areas. Open the file, look for the var demos
array and edit down to 1 or more tests to focus on a particular area. Hopefully the demo file provides some snippets which can be copied for use in your own programs.
If no SQL server instance is available to connect too, or indeed simply as an excellent test environment sqllocaldb is highly recommended. Select SqlLocalDB.msi and install. Once complete, from a command shell prompt (cmd), use the following commands :-
sqllocaldb create node
sqllocaldb start node
sqllocaldb info node
The create command is only required to be run once. Next, if not already installed, download SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe from same location (or x86 for 32 bit platforms). If you do any work at all with SQL server this is a superb and invaluable full featured IDE to develop and run SQL.
using the connection details provided by info, you should be able to connect to the database instance. Create a database for use with the demo and your own development. This can be done in the IDE by right clicking on Databases and selecting New Database.
Note, some useful commands are shown here which prevents your local SQL server instance from shutting down within a period of inactivity. Very useful during periods of development.
if you wish to run a unit test through an IDE, then the following file :-
provides a simple start point. Simply change the test run to whichever you require such as query.js