This document details the steps needed in order to run a P4 pipeline on an Intel PAC N3000 card using the Netcope compiler and SDK.
The Stratum container will run on the server with the FPGA card in it. However before running the Stratum container there are some things that need to be done on the OS first.
You should login to the Intel support site as per the following link and install the card and the OPAE software as per the user guide here:
The following links point to software bundles referenced in the install guide.
Runtime installer
: configuration installer
At this point your Intel PAC N3000 FPGA card should be ready for you to install the FPGA pipeline firmware (i.e. output from the Netcope Portal compiler).
You will first need to contact your Netcope representative to get a license to use both the Netcope Portal compiler and the Netcope SDK before proceeding further.
Once you have your login details to the Netcope Portal you should be able to login to the portal here:
At this point you should follow the Netcope Portal instructions to compile and synthesis the FPGA firmware. Make sure that you select the correct SDK version and FPGA card model in order for the compilation to be compatible with the Intel PAC N3000 card that you are using (i.e. there are different versions of the Intel PAC N3000 card: 2x2x25G and 2x4x10G).
Once the compilation task finishes you should be able to download the resulting FPGA firmware and put it on the same server that the Intel PAC N3000 card is plugged into.
The resulting FPGA firmware (i.e. named fw.bin in the example script below) now needs to be signed and then updated to the FPGA card (i.e. N3000).
The following script can be used to achieve this task.
#/bin/bash -
# Creating an unsigned image from the Netcope firmware
python3.6 /usr/local/bin/PACSign SR -t UPDATE -H openssl_manager \
-y -i fw.bin -o fw_signed.bin
# Flash card
sudo fpgasupdate fw_signed.bin
# Reboot card
sudo rsu bmcimg
- The final step is to produce the p4info file that is used by the controller and stratum to communicate over the P4 Runtime interface. This is normally done by compiling the P4 pipeline using the p4c compiler.
This can be done by passing in the the P4 pipeline as follows:
$ p4c-bm2-ss --arch v1model -o ${OUT_DIR}/bmv2.json \
--std p4-14 -DTARGET_BMV2 -DCPU_PORT=128 \
-DWITH_PORT_COUNTER --Werror=legacy \
--p4runtime-files ${OUT_DIR}/p4info.txt \
where the file top.p4
is the top level P4 pipeline file from which all
the others are included (note: that the Netcope compiler requires that the
top level P4 file be named top.p4
Note: the Stratum control plane port (i.e. CPU_PORT is set to 128 and is the P4 port number of the first DPDK port).
Note: if the @pragma use_external_mem
statement is used in the P4
pipeline then this must be commented out in order for the p4c compile
above to successfully complete.
- Take the compiler generated p4info.txt file and parse it through a python translator that fixes some of the problems between P4-14 and the generated p4info.txt file for the generated Netcope firmware.
cd ~/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/np4intel/docker
export PYTHONPATH=./py_out
./scripts/ --p4info ${OUT_DIR}/p4info.txt \
--platform np4 --p4info-out configs/p4info_np4.txt
This will put the resulting NP4 specific p4info file into the configs directory ready to be used by the Stratum startup scripts.
Note: you'll need to contact your Netcope representative to obtain access to the Netcope SDK software bundle tarball.
- Untar the Netcope SDK tarball into a directory
cd ~/
tar xzf np4_intel_4_7_1-1.tgz
- Go to the centos driver folder in the Netcope NP4 bundle cloned in the previous step and run the install script.
cd ~/np4_intel_4_7_1-1/centos
sudo bash np4-intel-n3000-4.7.1-1-centos.bin
Note: a full readme is contained in the ~/np4_intel_4_7_1-1/centos directory
All that should be needed to create the stratum NP4 docker image is a system running docker. Refer to your OS for these instructions.
- Change to docker directory of stratum for NP4 Intel
cd ~/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/np4intel/docker
- run the container build script passing the Netcope Ubuntu SDK binary as an argument to the command line.
./ ~/np4_intel_4_7_1-1/ubuntu/np4-intel-n3000-4.7.1-1-ubuntu.bin
The following instructions detail how to configure and run the Stratum NP4 Intel container on a CentOS host OS.
- Update the configurations
Take a look in the configs directory and update the configs as necessary.
cd ~/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/np4intel/docker/configs
The files in the directory are as follows:
- p4info_np4.txt: the P4 Info file (produced in the P4 pipeline compilation)
- dpdk_config.pb.txt: Is a config file that passes DPDK EAL init arguments to the DPDK libraries and can also disable DPDK all together if required (i.e. for testing)
- pipeline_config.pb.txt: is the forwarding pipeline config file that is autogenerated at run time via the script
- stratum.flags: is the flags that are passed to stratum on start up
- device_configs/device_config_node_id_1.pb.txt: is the device config file for node id 1, each FPGA device is given a unique "node id" and then the parameters in this file are used to initialise the NP4 and DPKD interfaces.
- Run the Stratum NP4 Intel container
cd ~/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/np4intel/docker
The stratum binary should now be running, log files can be found in the logs directory (i.e. logs/stratum_np4*).
- Running a bash cli in the container
By default the start script will run the stratum NP4 Intel binary but an optional argument "--bash" can be passed to instead run a bash cli to allow you to manually start stratum using the script.
./ --bash
- Running the debug version of the Stratum binary
Similar to the --bash
parameter above, the --debug
parameter can be
passed to the start up script that will then run the debug version of
the stratum binary with all the symbol tables included. This can be used
to debug problems using gdb and the source code.
./ --debug
- At this point the ptf framework can be used to load tables or a real control plane can be started to talk to Stratum on port 9559. If it's on the local machine it will likely be localhost:28000 (depends on your docker network settings). You will need to configure the network to redirect packets to this container if your trying to access stratum off box (i.e. using ipchains).