The (net) emissions tokens network is a blockchain network for recording and trading the emissions from different channels such as the utility emissions channel, plus offsetting Renewable Energy Certificates and carbon offsets. Each token represents either an emissions debt, which you incur through activities that emit greenhouse gases, or an emissions credit, which offset the debt by removing emissions from the atmosphere.
Read more on the Hyperledger Emissions Tokens Network Wiki page.
To see a demo of how it works, check out this video.
See the documentation for more information and instructions:
for a broad overview of the contracts and how to compile, test, and deploy with Hardhatdocs/
for running the React interface that connects to the contracts either locally with Hardhat Network or to a public chaindocs/
for verifying with Etherscan to be able to format and make contract calls from their interfacedocs/
for testing with the web-based Remix IDE with the remixd daemondocs/
for instructions on deploying the contracts to different networksdocs/
for the CarbonTracker contract from the Oil & Gas Methane Emissions Reduction Project