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Chico edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 8 revisions

Can I use my own camera ?

Yes you can just pass false to the third parameter of luven.init().

Manage your camera in your love.update() function as usual.

How many lights can I use simultaneously with Luven ?

By default 500, but if you want to increase or decrease this number you need to go in the luven.lua file change the var NUM_LIGHT ! But really ... will you need more ?

How can I use custom light shapes ?

Any kind of light you can dream about can be used in Luven without any code to change inside Luven itself.

With Luven v1.1 comes Luven.registerLightShape( name, spritePath, originX, originY )!

By default Luven have 3 light shapes :

  • round
  • rectangle
  • cone

All you need is an unique name for your light shape :

Luven.registerLightShape("cutoutRound", "assets/sprites/lights/cutoutRound.png")

If the sprite origin (for rotation and scaling) is in the center you don't need to give the 2 last parameters (originX and originY).

Then when you create a light :

Luven.addNormalLight(x, y, { 1, 0, 1 }, 0.6, Luven.lightShapes.cutoutRound)

And voilà.

I need something, I want to report a bug or give my feedback, how ?

Use this repo Issues :

For new features you can implement yourself what you need since Luven is open source. But I'll be happy to know about what your need was or are ! And I will surely löve discuss it with you ! 😃

For simple feedback just contact me on twitter : Or the Löve2D thread :

What does Luven mean ?

From the latin word : Lumen

Lumen + Love = Luven

Luven is already the name of a small village in Switzerland... I'm Swiss, Luven is Swiss, so that's great !

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