A simple and scalable employee directory application deployed on AWS, allowing you to view and manage employee information with photos stored in S3 and data in DynamoDB. Running as a Docker container on an EC2 instance within a VPC with subnets across multiple availability zones for high availability, it uses an Internet Gateway for internet access. Security groups and IAM roles ensure secure resource access. Auto Scaling adjusts the number of EC2 instances based on CPU usage, while an Application Load Balancer distributes traffic for reliability and performance.
- Prerequisites
- Dockerizing the app
- Architecture
- Deploying on AWS
- Auto Scaling
- Testing the Auto Scaling
- Results
- an AWS account (Free tier)
- Docker
add the necessary environment variables to the
file .env.exampleNODE_ENV= "production ,development" PORT= "port number" AWS_PROFILE=default PHOTOS_BUCKET= "bucket-name" DEFAULT_AWS_REGION= "region" TABLE_NAME= "name of the database table"
created two docker file versions :
- simplified version dockerfile
- optimized version dockerfile-optimized
the optimized version takes up less space but uses two stages unlike the simplified version, it also uses lightweight alpine images as base
docker build . -f dockerfile-optimized -t hamdiz0/empdir-app
pushed the optimized image version to dockerhub :
docker push hamdiz0/empdir-app
creata VPC with two subnets in two different avaibility zones
add a Internet Gateway and attached it to the VPC allowing access to internet
setup a Route Table for public access throught the created Internet Gateway
associate the subnetes to the public Route Table
create an Access List allowing both Inbound and Outbound traffic to the created subnets
create an custom IAM role for the EC2 instance to grant full access to S3 along with DynamoDB
add a security group to allow SSH (optional), HTTP and HTTPS traffic
create an S3 bucket to store the employees images
pre upload the employees images to the bucket for testing
add a policy to the bucket in the permissions tab to allow the EC2 instance to access the bucket using the IAM role
{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"AllowS3ReadAccess", "Effect":"Allow", "Principal": { "AWS":"arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT-NUMBER>:role/<ROLE>" // ensure only the IAM role can access the bucket }, "Action":"s3:*", // full access "Resource":[ "arn:aws:s3:::<BUCKET-NAME>", // allow operations on the bucket itself "arn:aws:s3:::<BUCKET-NAME>/*" // allow opertaions on the bucket objects ] } ] }
add CROS configuration to the bucket to avoid request issues
[ { "AllowedHeaders": ["*"], // allow all headers "AllowedMethods": [ // allow GET ,POST and PUT http methods "GET", "POST", "PUT" ], "AllowedOrigins": ["*"], // allow all traffic ,you can specify a specific url "ExposeHeaders": ["ETag"], "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000 } ]
add a DynamoDB table to store the employee information
launch the instance on a public subnet of the created VPC
attach the security group
add the "s3dynamodbfullaccess" role to the EC2
make sure the Metadata service is enabled with both versions v1 and v2 allowing the app to retrieve the instance metadata
add a script in the user data field to launch the app automaticly when the instance done creating
the script installs docker and launches the app as a container
#!/bin/bash USER_NAME="ubuntu" # install docker curl -fsSL https://test.docker.com -o test-docker.sh sudo sh test-docker.sh sudo usermod -aG docker $USER_NAME newgrp docker # run the employee directory app as container sudo -u $USER_NAME docker run -p 80:80 -d --name=empdir hamdiz0/empdir-app
alternatively you can launch the app directly not as a docker container with the following script
#!/bin/bash # Set environment variables export PORT="80" export PHOTOS_BUCKET="s3-bucket-name" export DEFAULT_AWS_REGION="region" export SHOW_ADMIN_TOOLS="1" # Update apt apt update -y # Install tools and dependencies apt install stress nodejs npm unzip -y # Create a dedicated directory for the application sudo mkdir -p /var/app cd /var/app # Download the app from S3 wget https://aws-tc-largeobjects.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ILT-TF-100-TECESS-5/app/app.zip # Extract it to the desired folder sudo unzip app.zip -d /var/app/ cd /var/app/ # Install dependencies npm install # Start the app npm start
a crontab expression can be added to strat the app on boot
@reboot docker run -p 80:80 -d --name=empdir hamdiz0/empdir-app
@reboot cd /var/app/ && npm start
the app can be accessed throught http using the EC2 instance ip@
create a target group for the EC2 instances
add the VPC along with the disired health check settings
create an Application Load Balancer (ALB)
add the VPC network and the created subnets along with the security group
add the target group to the ALB
the app can be accessed throught the ALB DNS name
configure the template with the AMI from the previous EC2 instance along with network settings , IAM role and user data (launching script)
make sure the auto assign public ip is enabled
add the created launch template
add the VPC with the desired availability zones
attach the load balancer and the target group
configue the scaling values to youre needs
add a scaling policy to scale up and down based on the CPU usage (50% in this case)
if you refresh the app page you will notice that the "Availability Zone" along with the "EC2 Instance Id" values change indicating that the app is being served by different instances
the app has a built in stress feature that uses the stress linux utility to simulate high CPU usage
start the stress test by clicking the "Stress Application Server For" button
the number of instances before starting the stress test
the number of instaces increases when the CPU usage exceeds the threshold from 2 to 4 instances
the cpu usage drops drastically after the app scales up
after the stress test is done the number of instances goes back to the initial value
- Application
- DynamoDB table
- adding an employee with an uploaded image