The game Othello, written in C. Play against another player or a computer of varying difficulties. Or, watch two computers play! The AI evaluates board states as far as 6 moves into the future, so it's quite good at finding the optimal move.
Play the game by running play.exe. You can set player types via two flags, "-b" and "-w", for black and white, followed by an argument indicating the player type. Any unspecified players will be assumed to be human.
Argument | Meaning |
h | This color will be controlled via your human input to the program! |
m | Minimax AI: The computer will pick the move that leads to the optimal board state 6 moves from now (assuming that you, too, pick the optimal moves). This is very hard to beat. |
e | Edge AI: The computer will choose a valid move that leads to the best board state, not looking ahead any further than this move. It prefers edges and corners. |
f | First-move AI: The computer just makes the first legal move it finds. |
For example, to play a game between two bots, where the white player uses the edge strategy, and the black player uses the minimax strategy, you would run "./play.exe -w e -b m"
When playing the game, specify the location at which you want to place a piece via a two digit number "xy", where x is the row, and y is the column.