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Adding Substratum support to your ROM

In order to add Substratum support to your ROM, you will need to add our changes to your appropriate repos and inline Theme Interfacer. We prefer that the Substratum app be downloaded from the Play Store by the users who want it but if you want to inline it, it must be included as a prebuilt (which I will go over below).

If you are based on LineageOS, you may consider checking out this thread, as it will be tailored specifically to that ROM. Anything AOSP based should follow this guide.

Step 1: Add our framework changes

We keep all of our framework changes in the SubstratumResources organization.

Currently, there are changes in the following repos (between OMS7 and our exposures that we have tried to label).

For the projekt_*.xml files, you can add those changes to your own ROM's xml files without any issues. If you get merge conflicts on any of the framework changes, look back on the history for the file and see why it was altered (most CAF ROMs will run into this issue due to changes to AssetManager).

I hope that everyone running a ROM knows how to run git but if not, here is a brief breakdown on how to fetch our changes.

git fetch URL BRANCH
git cherry-pick SHA1


git fetch n-mr2
git cherry-pick 7b1db662f29429470ae603f070aedbdb5851f155

You can also cherry pick the changes all together by typing:

git cherry-pick FIRSTSHA1^..SECONDSHA1


git cherry-pick 7b1db662f29429470ae603f070aedbdb5851f155^..9500b19884081a9d09521a96bf4a057f1d3e5ec7

Step 2: Compile Theme Interfacer

First, you will need to track our Theme Interfacer package by adding the following to your manifest (leave out the remote if you already have one for Github):

<remote name="github"
        fetch="" />

<project path="packages/services/ThemeInterfacer" name="substratum/interfacer" remote="github" revision="n-rootless" />

You may also fork it and add our changes as we push them (you will need to pay close attention to our repos as Theme Interfacer changes will occasionally need to line up with a new Substratum release.)

After that, you will need to add Theme Interfacer to the list of packages to build in your vendor:


After that, you are done! You can build your ROM and download the app from the Play Store!

Let us promote you if you do decide to add support. Fill out the ROM submission form in our supported ROMs list so we can add you!

Compiling Substratum as a prebuilt

Should you want to inline Substratum into your ROM directly, you must do it using this procedure so that users can properly update from the Play Store.

The latest Substratum APK can be retrieved from APK Mirror.

Add this bit to your file for your prebuilt apps (assuming the Substratum APK in that same folder, otherwise change the LOCAL_SRC_FILES line):

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := Substratum
# Make sure the build system doesn't try to resign the APK
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Substratum.apk

This will keep the certificate of the APK intact so that the Play Store can install updates successfully. If you include debug APKs, we will not support your users.