Write to your heart's content, include:
- A link to the Figma de# your story (list regularly updated here)
- A link to the Story(ies) in the description
- Is there a Jira ticket associated?
- If useful, add screenshots or videos
- If useful (and unclear), add a little explanation of why a certain path was taken
- Instructions on how to test
- Found any restrictions/limitations? Let us know!
Make sure the pull request:
- Follows the established folder/file structure
- Adds unit tests
- If it is a refactor or change to an existing component, have you verified it won't break existing Cypress tests or have you updated them?
- Did you verify some accessibility (a11y) basics?
- Adds/updates stories. Guidelines
- Adds/updates documentation (ie
) Guidelines - Has it been tested in Help Scout's supported browsers?
- Requests review from designer of the feature
- Add label (bug? feature?)