rosbags can be downloaded from Google Drive (need EPFL account)
the file structure is as follows:
. ├── readme.md ├── real │ ├── thymio_real_with_obstacle_avoidance.bag │ └── thymio_real_without_obstacle.bag └── simu └── thymio_simulation_navigation_with_obstacle_avoidance.bag
to visualize the annotated images from rosbag-
default (visualize rosbag in simulation scene):
roslaunch ros_basics_exercise set_simu_waypoints_obstacle.launch
visualize rosbag in real-world scene:
roslaunch ros_basics_exercise set_simu_waypoints_obstacle.launch is_simu:=false
visualize with other bags in real world:
roslaunch ros_basics_exercise view_with_rosbag.launch is_simu:=false real_bag_name:=thymio_real_without_obstacle