- AWS ElastiCache Redis with in-transit encryption disabled (Non-replication group)
- Azure Function App client certificate is disabled
- Azure Function App doesn't have a Managed Service Identity
- Azure Function App doesn't redirect HTTP to HTTPS
- Azure Function App doesn't use HTTP 2.0
- Azure Function App doesn't use latest TLS version
- GCP cloud storage bucket with uniform bucket-level access disabled
- GCP Firewall rule logging disabled
- GCP Firewall with Inbound rule overly permissive to All Traffic
- AWS CloudTrail is not enabled in all regions
- AWS ECR repository is exposed to public
- AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster with in-transit encryption disabled
- AWS IAM policy allows assume role permission across all services
- AWS S3 bucket accessible to unmonitored cloud accounts
- Azure Virtual Network subnet is not configured with a Network Security Group
- AWS S3 Bucket has Global DELETE Permissions enabled via bucket policy
- AWS S3 Bucket has Global GET Permissions enabled via bucket policy
- AWS S3 Bucket has Global LIST Permissions enabled via bucket policy
- AWS S3 Bucket has Global PUT Permissions enabled via bucket policy
- Azure SQL Server advanced data security does not have an email alert recipient
- Azure SQL Server advanced data security does not send alerts to service and co-administrators
- Azure SQL server send alerts to field value is not set
- SQL DB instance backup configuration is not enabled
- Azure Cosmos DB key based authentication is enabled
- Azure Cosmos DB Virtual network is not configured
- Azure Cosmos DB Private Endpoint Connection is not configured
- AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) is not using the latest predefined security policy
- AWS RDS database instance is publicly accessible
- AWS ECS cluster with container insights feature disabled
- AWS RDS cluster delete protection is disabled
- AWS RDS cluster not configured with IAM authentication
- AWS RDS instance delete protection is disabled
- AWS RDS instance not configured with IAM authentication
- AWS ECS cluster with container insights feature disabled
- AWS Lambda functions with tracing not enabled
- AWS RDS cluster delete protection is disabled
- AWS RDS cluster not configured with IAM authentication
- AWS RDS instance delete protection is disabled
- AWS RDS instance not configured with IAM authentication
- Azure Storage account container storing activity logs is publicly accessible
- Azure storage account has a blob container with public access
- MAS TRM 2021
- Risk Management in Technology (RMiT)
- AWS IAM role/user with unused CloudTrail delete or full permission
- AWS Lambda functions with tracing not enabled
- AWS SNS topic not configured with secure data transport policy
- Azure disk is unattached and is encrypted with the default encryption key instead of ADE/CMK
- Azure Storage account container storing activity logs is publicly accessible
- Azure storage account has a blob container with public access
- Azure VM data disk is encrypted with the default encryption key instead of ADE/CMK
- AWS ECS IAM policy overly permissive to all traffic
- AWS S3 bucket policy overly permissive to any principal
- GCP MySQL instance database flag skip_show_database is not set to on
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_duration is not set to on
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_error_verbosity is not set to default or stricter
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_executor_stats is not set to off
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_hostname is not set to off
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_parser_stats is not set to off
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_planner_stats is not set to off
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_statement is not set appropriately
- GCP PostgreSQL instance database flag log_statement_stats is not set to off
- GCP SQL server instance database flag external scripts enabled is not set to off
- GCP SQL server instance database flag remote access is not set to off
- GCP SQL server instance database flag user connections is not set
- GCP SQL server instance database flag user options is set
- AWS ECS/Fargate task definition execution IAM Role not found
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) not in use
- Azure Security Center SQL auditing and threat detection monitoring is set to disabled
- Azure Security Center SQL encryption monitoring is set to disabled
- Azure Security Center storage encryption monitoring is set to disabled
- Azure Security Center vulnerability assessment monitoring is set to disabled
- AWS EBS volume region with encryption is disabled
- CSA CCM v.4.0.1
- CIS v1.4.0 (AWS)
- AWS EBS snapshot is not encrypted
- AWS EBS Snapshot with access for unmonitored cloud accounts
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) listener that allow connection requests over HTTP
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) with access log disabled
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) with listener TLS/SSL is not configured
- AWS Network ACLs with Inbound rule to allow All Traffic
- AWS Network ACLs with Outbound rule to allow All Traffic
- AWS RDS DB snapshot is encrypted using default KMS key instead of CMK
- AWS RDS instance is not encrypted
- AWS RDS instance with copy tags to snapshots disabled
- AWS RDS instance with Multi-Availability Zone disabled
- AWS RDS retention policy less than 7 days
- Azure SQL databases Defender setting is set to Off
- Azure Virtual Machine Boot Diagnostics Disabled
- Azure Virtual Machine is not assigned to an availability set
- Azure VM OS disk is encrypted with the default encryption key instead of ADE/CMK
- Alibaba Cloud disk automatic snapshot policy is disabled
- Alibaba Cloud ECS instance release protection is disabled
- AWS EBS volume not encrypted using Customer Managed Key
- AWS EBS volumes are not encrypted
- AWS IAM sensitive activities by User
- AWS IAM sensitive configuration updates
- Azure Virtual Machine does not have endpoint protection installed
- GCP Load balancer sensitive configuration updates
- GCP VM Instances without any Label information
- Root user activities
- Sensitive configuration updates
- Sensitive IAM updates
- Sensitive network configuration updates in AWS
- Sensitive Network configuration updates in GCP
- Sensitive permission exposed for website configuration updates of S3 Buckets
- Sensitive SQL instance updates
- Sensitive Storage configuration updates
- Sensitive User actions
- Azure Active Directory Security Defaults is disabled
- Azure AD Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf is enabled
- GCP storage bucket is logging to itself
- GCP storage bucket is not configured with default Event-Based Hold
- AWS EMR cluster is not enabled with local disk encryption
- AWS EMR cluster is not enabled with local disk encryption using CMK
- AWS CloudWatch Log groups encrypted using default encryption key instead of KMS CMK
- AWS EC2 instance detailed monitoring disabled
- AWS ECS Cluster instance volume encryption for data at rest is disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain is not configured with HTTPS
- AWS IAM policy allows decryption actions on all KMS keys
- AWS VPC endpoint policy is overly permissive
- GCP App Engine Identity-Aware Proxy is disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain has Dedicated master set to disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain Encryption for data at rest is disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain has Index slow logs set to disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain has Search slow logs set to disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain has Zone Awareness set to disabled
- AWS Elasticsearch domain publicly accessible
- AWS ElasticSearch cluster not in a VPC
- AWS CloudWatch Log groups not configured with definite retention days
- AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster encryption not configured with CMK key
- AWS IAM policy is overly permissive to all traffic via condition clause
- AWS IAM policy overly permissive to STS services
- HITRUST v.9.4.2
- AWS EC2 instance allowing public IP in subnets
- AWS ECS task definition elevated privileges enabled
- AWS ECS/ Fargate task definition execution IAM Role not found
- AWS Security Group allows all traffic on ports which are not commonly used
- Azure Key Vault audit logging is disabled
- Azure Security Center 'Standard # tier' is not selected
- Azure SQL Server advanced data security is disabled
- Azure Virtual Network subnet is not configured with a Network Security Group
- GCP User managed service account keys are not rotated for 90 days
- Storage Bucket does not have Access and Storage Logging enabled
- Threat Detection on SQL databases is set to Off
- AWS IAM configuration updates invoked from Parrot Security Linux machine
- AWS IAM configuration updates invoked from Pentoo Linux machine
- AWS IAM configuration updates invoked from Kali Linux machine
- CIS v1.2.0 (GCP)
- AWS Lambda Function is not assigned to access within VPC
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer (Classic) with access log disabled
- AWS Lambda Environment Variables not encrypted at-rest using CMK
- AWS Elastic IP not in use
- AWS SNS topic not configured with secure data transport policy
- AWS SNS topic with cross-account access
- Azure Activity log alert for delete policy assignment does not exist
- Azure Monitor Diagnostic Setting does not captures appropriate categories
- Azure Storage account containing VHD OS disk is not encrypted with CMK
- OCI users Auth Tokens have aged more than 90 days without being rotated
- OCI users customer secret keys have aged more than 90 days without being rotated
- GCP VM instances have block project-wide SSH keys feature disabled
- AWS CloudFormation stack configured without SNS topic
- AWS Customer Master Key (CMK) rotation is not enabled
- AWS IAM Groups with administrator access permissions
- AWS SQS server side encryption not enabled
- GCP SQL database instance is not configured with automated backups
- GCP VM disks not encrypted with Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK)
- GCP VM instance configured with default service account
- GCP VM instance using a default service account with full access to all Cloud APIs
- GCP VM instance with Shielded VM features disabled
- GCP VM instance with the external IP address
- GCP VM Instances enabled with Pre-Emptible termination
- GCP VM instances have block project-wide SSH keys feature disabled
- GCP VM instances have IP Forwarding enabled
- GCP VM instances have serial port access enabled
- GCP VM instances with excessive service account permissions
- GCP VM Instances without any Custom metadata information
- GCP VM Instances without any Label information
- GCP VM instances without metadata, zone or label information
- AWS Amazon Machine Image (AMI) infected with mining malware
- AWS ECS cluster not configured with a registered instance
- AWS ECS cluster not configured with active services
- AWS SNS topic is exposed to unauthorized access
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for Container Registries
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for SQL servers on machines
- AWS IAM policy allows assume role permission across all services
- Azure Load Balancer diagnostics logs are disabled
- GCP Firewall rules allow inbound traffic from anywhere with no target tags set
- GCP Projects have OS Login disabled
- AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) not configured with AWS Web Application Firewall v2 (AWS WAFv2)
- AWS EC2 instance not configured with Instance Metadata Service v2 (IMDSv2)
- AWS Security Group allows all traffic on ICMP (Ping) protocol
- Azure Network Security Group allows all traffic on ports which are not commonly used
- GCP Pub/Sub topic is not encrypted using a customer-managed encryption key
- GCP VM instance template with IP forwarding enabled
- NIST SP 800-172
- MPAA Content Protection Best Practices (Motion Picture Association of America Version 4.08)
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) with ACM certificate expiring in 90 days
- AWS Redshift Cluster not encrypted using Customer Managed Key
- AWS Redshift instances are not encrypted
- Azure Security Center 'Standard # tier' is not selected
- AWS SNS topic policy overly permissive for publishing
- AWS SNS topic policy overly permissive for subscription
- Azure Key Vault Firewall is not enabled
- Azure Key Vault Purge protection is not enabled
- NIST SP 800-171 Revision 2
- AWS IAM effective permissions are over-privileged (7 days)
- AWS IAM effective permissions are over-privileged (90 days)
- AWS cross-account resource access through IAM policies
- AWS effective permissions granting wildcard resource access
- AWS entities with risky permissions
- AWS resources that are publicly accessible through IAM policies
- Okta user with effective permissions to create AWS IAM users
- AWS IAM policy allows assume role permission across all services
- Azure Application Gateway does not have the Web application firewall (WAF) enabled
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for Audit Configuration Changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for Cloud Storage IAM permission changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for IAM custom role changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for Project Ownership assignments/changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for SQL instance configuration changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for VPC Network Firewall rule changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for VPC network changes
- GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for VPC network route changes
- Threat Detection on SQL databases is set to Off
- PCI DSS v3.2.1
- Azure Security Center web application firewall monitoring is set to disabled
- GCP Firewall rule logging disabled
- GCP Log bucket retention policy not enabled
- GCP Log bucket retention policy is not configured using bucket lock
- MITRE ATT&CK v8.2 Cloud Matrix for Enterprise
- Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD)
- CIS Alibaba Cloud Foundation Benchmark v.1.0.0
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) listener that allow connection requests over HTTP
- AWS Network ACLs allow ingress traffic to server administration ports
- DB ports exposed to network traffic from the internet
- Instance is communicating with ports known to mine Bitcoin
- Instance is communicating with ports known to mine Ethereum
- Instances exposed to network traffic from the internet
- OCI File Storage File System Export is publicly accessible
- CIS Azure v1.3.0
- AWS KMS sensitive configuration updates
- Azure Container registries Public access to All networks is enabled
- Azure Function App authentication is off
- Azure Function App client certificate is disabled
- Azure Function App doesn't have a Managed Service Identity
- Azure Function App doesn't redirect HTTP to HTTPS
- Azure Function App doesn't use HTTP 2.0
- Azure Function App doesn't use latest TLS version
- Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) v.1.02
- CIS v1.3.0 (Azure)
AWS Default Security Group does not restrict all traffic
AWS RDS database not encrypted using Customer Managed Key
Azure App Service Web app authentication is off
Azure App Service Web app client certificate is disabled
Azure App Service Web app doesn't have a Managed Service Identity
Azure App Service Web app doesn't redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Azure App Service Web app doesn't use HTTP 2.0
Azure App Service Web app doesn't use latest TLS version
Azure Load Balancer diagnostics logs are disabled
Azure SQL Server advanced data security does not send alerts to service and co-administrators
GCP VM disks not encrypted with Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK)
GCP VM instances have IP Forwarding enabled
GCP VM instances with excessive service account permissions
- CIS v1.3.0 (AWS)
- CIS v1.1.0 (GCP)
- CIS v1.1.0 (GKE)
- GCP API key not restricting any specific API
- GCP API key not rotating in every 90 days
AWS S3 configuration updates invoked from Kali Linux machine
AWS S3 configuration updates invoked from Parrot Security Linux machine
AWS S3 configuration updates invoked from Pentoo Linux machine
Azure CDN Endpoint Custom domains is not configured with HTTPS
Azure CDN Endpoint Custom domains using insecure TLS version
OCI Block Storage Block Volume does not have backup enabled
OCI Block Storage Block Volume is not restorable
OCI Block Storage Block Volumes are not encrypted with a Customer Managed Key (CMK)
OCI Compute Instance boot volume has in-transit data encryption is disabled
OCI Compute Instance has Legacy MetaData service endpoint enabled
OCI Compute Instance has monitoring disabled
OCI Default Security List of every VCN allows all traffic on SSH port (22)
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for IAM group changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for IAM policy changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for Identity Provider changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for Identity Provider Group (IdP) group mapping changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for network gateways changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for Network Security Groups changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for route tables changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for security list changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for user changes
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for VCN changes
OCI File Storage File System access is not restricted to root users
OCI File Storage File System Export is publicly accessible
OCI File Storage File Systems are not encrypted with a Customer Managed Key (CMK)
OCI IAM local (non-federated) user account does not have a valid and current email address
OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users does not have a lowercase character
OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users does not have a number
OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users does not have a symbol
OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users does not have an uppercase character
OCI IAM password policy for local (non-federated) users does not have minimum 14 characters
OCI MFA is disabled for IAM users
OCI Network Security Group allows all traffic on RDP port (3389)
OCI Network Security Groups (NSG) has stateful security rules
OCI Object Storage bucket does not emit object events
OCI Object Storage Bucket has object Versioning disabled
OCI Object Storage Bucket is not encrypted with a Customer Managed Key (CMK)
OCI Object Storage bucket is publicly accessible
OCI security group allows unrestricted ingress access to port 22
OCI Security List allows all traffic on SSH port (22)
OCI security lists allows unrestricted ingress access to port 3389
OCI tenancy administrator users are associated with API keys
OCI users API keys have aged more than 90 days without being rotated
OCI VCN has no inbound security list
OCI VCN Security list has stateful security rules
- CIS v1.0.0 (OCI)
- CIS v1.1.0 (OCI)
- AWS S3 buckets are accessible to public
- AWS VPC has flow logs disabled
- GCP Storage buckets are publicly accessible to all authenticated users
- GCP Storage buckets are publicly accessible to all users
- GCP VM instances have block project-wide SSH keys feature disabled
- AWS Classic Load Balancer is in use for internet-facing applications
- AWS KMS Key policy overly permissive
- AWS KMS sensitive configuration updates
- AWS S3 bucket publicly readable
- AWS S3 bucket publicly writable
- AWS SageMaker notebook instance with root access enabled
- Azure Security Center MCAS integration Disabled
- Azure Security Center WDATP integration Disabled
- Azure SQL Server ADS Vulnerability Assessment 'Also send email notifications to admins and subscription owners' is disabled
- Azure SQL Server ADS Vulnerability Assessment 'Send scan reports to' is not configured
- Azure SQL Server ADS Vulnerability Assessment is disabled
- Azure SQL Server ADS Vulnerability Assessment Periodic recurring scans is disabled
- Azure Storage accounts soft delete is disabled
- GCP API key not restricting any specific API
- GCP API key not rotating in every 90 days
- GCP compute engine image not encrypted using customer-managed key
- GCP GCE Disk snapshot not encrypted with CSEK
- GCP KMS encryption key not rotating in every 90 days
- AWS IAM policy allows assume role permission across all services
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to DNS port (53)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to FTP port (21)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to HTTP port (80)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to Microsoft-DS port (445)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to MongoDB port (27017)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to MySQL DB port (3306)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to NetBIOS-SSN port (139)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to Oracle DB port (1521)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to POP3 port (110)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to PostgreSQL port (5432)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to RDP port (3389)'
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to SMTP port (25)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to SSH port (22)
- GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to Telnet port (23)
- AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) is not using the latest predefined security policy
- AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) has expired certificates
- AWS EBS snapshot is not encrypted
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) load balancer with invalid security groups
- AWS Glue connection do not have SSL configured
- AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) is not using the latest predefined security policy
- AWS SQS queue access policy is overly permissive
- Azure PostgreSQL Database Server Firewall rule allow access to all IPV4 address
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for App Service
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for Azure SQL database servers
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for Key Vault
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for Kubernetes
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for Servers
- Azure Security Center Defender set to Off for Storage
- Azure SQL Servers Firewall rule allow access to all IPV4 address
- Azure Virtual machine NIC has IP forwarding enabled
- GCP GCR Container Vulnerability Scanning is disabled
- GCP Kubernetes cluster shielded GKE node with integrity monitoring disabled
- GCP Kubernetes cluster shielded GKE node with Secure Boot disabled
- GCP Kubernetes Engine cluster not using Release Channel for version management
- GCP Kubernetes Engine cluster workload identity is disabled
- Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard (CPS 234)
- AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) listener that allow connection requests over HTTP
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) Application Load Balancer (ALB) with access log disabled
- AWS IAM policy allows full administrative privileges
- Internet exposed instances
- Primitive IAM roles should not be used
- Publicly exposed DB Ports
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) SSL negotiation policy configured with weak ciphers
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer v2 (ELBv2) with deletion protection feature disabled
- AWS IAM role/user with unused CloudTrail delete or full permission
- AWS S3 bucket having policy overly permissive to VPC endpoints
- Azure App Services FTP deployment is All allowed
- Azure Custom Role Administering Resource Locks not assigned
- Azure Key vaults diagnostics logs are disabled
- Azure PostgreSQL Database Server 'Allow access to Azure services' enabled
- Azure Storage account Encryption Customer Managed Keys Disabled
- Azure Virtual Machines are not utilising Managed Disks
- Azure Virtual machine scale sets are not utilising Managed Disks
- CIS v1.2.0 (Azure)
- AWS Default Security Group does not restrict all traffic
- AWS EKS cluster security group overly permissive to all traffic
- AWS Security Group Inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic on all protocols (-1)
- AWS Security Group allows all traffic on ports which are not commonly used
- AWS Security Group overly permissive to all traffic
- Internet connectivity via TCP over insecure port
- Azure Virtual Machine Boot Diagnostics Disabled
- Azure Virtual Machine scale sets Boot Diagnostics Disabled
- Azure App Services Remote debugging is enabled
- AWS Elastic File System (EFS) with encryption for data at rest is disabled
- Azure storage account logging for tables is disabled
- Azure storage account logging for queues is disabled
- Alibaba Cloud MFA is disabled for RAM user
- Alibaba Cloud Security group is overly permissive
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic to SSH port (22)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to Windows RPC port (135)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to NetBIOS port (138)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to MSQL port (4333)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to RDP port (3389)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to Telnet port (23)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to VNC Listener port (5500)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to SQLServer port (1434)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to MYSQL port (3306)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to SMTP port (25)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to DNS port (53)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to PostgreSQL port (5432)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to FTP- Data port (20)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to CIFS port (445)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to FTP port (21)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to SQLServer port (1433)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to NetBIOS port (137)
- AWS Security Groups allow internet traffic from internet to VNC Server port (5900)
- Azure Network Security Group having Inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic on UDP protocol
- Azure Network Security Group having Inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic on any protocol
- Azure Network Security Group having Inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic on TCP protocol
- GCP Kubernetes Engine Clusters have HTTP load balancing disabled
- Azure Network Security Group having Inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic on UDP protocol
- Azure Network Security Group having Inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic on any protocol
- Initial commit of all 548 policies in this repository