A script is provided which approximates a QoE distribution with a Beta distribution for given MOS and SOS parameter. More details on the background and a detailed description is provided in the paper [QoEMAN2020].
This tool is published under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 at https://github.com/hossfeld/approx-qoe-distribution
The following paper is to be cited in the bibliography whenever the tool is used. [QoEMAN2020] Tobias Hossfeld, Poul E. Heegaard, Martin Varela, Lea Skorin-Kapov, Markus Fiedler. "From QoS Distributions to QoE Distributions: a System's Perspective". 4th International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE Management 2020), featured by IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2020), Ghent, Belgium.
Created on Thu Mar 26 21:51:00 2020 @author: Tobias Hossfeld
calcSOSParameterForMOSSOS(mos, sos, low=1, high=5)
Derives SOS parameter a from a numpy array of MOS values and SOS values.
- mos (numpy.ndarray): Array of MOS values for different conditions.
- sos (numpy.ndarray): Array of the SOS values corresponding for the related MOS value.
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- float: SOS parameter a
See also: Tobias Hossfeld, Poul E. Heegaard, Martin Varela, Sebastian Moeller. "QoE beyond the MOS: an in-depth look at QoE via better metrics and their relation to MOS." Quality and User Experience, 1, 2 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41233-016-0002-1
calcSOSParameter(y, low=1, high=5)
Derives SOS parameter a from subjective measurements provided as Pandas dataframe or Numpy ndarray.
- y (numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame): QoE ratings on a scale from [low;high]
which may be provided as Numpy array or as a Pandas dataframe. If y is a matrix,
each row i represents the ratings all users for test condition i. Each column j
represents the ratings from user j for all conditions. y[i,j] provides the
rating of user j for test condition i. y has dimension
. If y is a Pandas dataframe, it must consist a column 'rating' and a column 'condition'. Each individual 'rating' is provided as a separate entry for the particular 'condition'. - low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- float: SOS parameter a
- TypeError: If y is not provided as Numpy array or Pandas DataFrame
getBetaParamsForMOSSOS(mos, sos, low=1, high=5)
Returns the parameters of the Beta distribuiton given MOS and SOS on [low;high] rating scale.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos (float): Standard Deviation of Opinion Scores on the [low;high] rating scale.
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- (float, float): Tuple (a,b) of the parameters of the Beta distribution
- ValueError: If maximum SOS is exceeded for given MOS. If MOS is not in range [low;high].
See also: Tobias Hossfeld, Raimund Schatz, Sebastian Egger. "SOS: The MOS is not enough!." 2011 Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2011). IEEE, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2011.6065690
checkParameters(mos, sos_parameter=0.25, low=1, high=5)
Checks the input parameters if they are valid and potentially raises exceptions.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos_parameter (float): SOS parameter is scale independent and must be in the range [0;1].
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- ValueError: If SOS parameter is not in range [0;1]. If upper bound 'high' of rating scale is smaller than the lower bound 'low'. If MOS is not in range [low;high].
getBetaParams(mos, sos_parameter=0.25, low=1, high=5)
Returns the parameters of the Beta distribuiton given MOS and SOS parameter on [low;high] rating scale.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos_parameter (float): SOS parameter is scale independent and must be in the range [0;1].
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- (float, float): Tuple (a,b) of the parameters of the Beta distribution
- ValueError: If SOS parameter is not in range [0;1]. If upper bound 'high' of rating scale is smaller than the lower bound 'low'. If MOS is not in range [low;high].
getBetaCDF(x, mos, sos_parameter=0.25, low=1, high=5)
Returns the CDF value P(X <= x) of the Beta distribution X approximating the rating distribution given MOS and SOS parameter on [low;high] rating scale.
- x (float): Threshold of the user rating. The probability P(X <= x) is computed using the Beta distribution approximation, i.e. the probability that the user rating is smaller than x for given MOS and SOS parameter on the [low;high] rating scale.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos_parameter (float): SOS parameter is scale independent and must be in the range [0;1].
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- float: CDF value P(X <= x) of the Beta distribuiton X approximation.
- ValueError: If SOS parameter is not in range [0;1]. If upper bound 'high' of rating scale is smaller than the lower bound 'low'. If MOS or x is not in range [low;high].
getBetaPDF(x, mos, sos_parameter=0.25, low=1, high=5)
Returns the PDF value at x of the Beta distribution X approximating the rating distribution given MOS and SOS parameter on [low;high] rating scale.
- x (float): Threshold of the user rating. The PDF at x is computed using the Beta distribution approximation.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos_parameter (float): SOS parameter is scale independent and must be in the range [0;1].
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- float: PDF value at x of the Beta distribuiton X approximation.
- ValueError: If SOS parameter is not in range [0;1]. If upper bound 'high' of rating scale is smaller than the lower bound 'low'. If MOS or x is not in range [low;high].
getBetaDistribution(mos, sos_parameter=0.25, low=1, high=5)
Returns the Beta distribution X approximating the rating distribution given MOS and SOS parameter on [low;high] rating scale.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos_parameter (float): SOS parameter is scale independent and must be in the range [0;1].
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- scipy.stats.beta: Beta distribution approximation
- ValueError: If SOS parameter is not in range [0;1]. If upper bound 'high' of rating scale is smaller than the lower bound 'low'. If MOS or x is not in range [low;high].
getDiscreteDistribution(mos, sos_parameter=0.25, low=1, high=5)
Returns the discrete distribution X approximating the rating distribution given MOS and SOS parameter on a discrete rating scale from low to high.
- mos (float): Mean Opinion Score on the [low;high] rating scale.
- sos_parameter (float): SOS parameter is scale independent and must be in the range [0;1].
- low (float): Lower bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. low=1 for a 5-point scale.
- high (float): Upper bound of the rating scale used for the ratings, e.g. high=5 for a 5-point scale.
- scipy.stats.rv_discrete: discrete distribution based on Beta approximation
- ValueError: If SOS parameter is not in range [0;1]. If upper bound 'high' of rating scale is smaller than the lower bound 'low'. If MOS or x is not in range [low;high].