- Install the Violentmonkey browser extension if you don't have it already (greasemonkey or tampermonkey also work, but violentmonkey is recommended).
- Go to your "Installed Scripts" Page in Violentmonkey, then click on "+" and "Install from URL"
- Enter this URL and click ok:
- Now click "Install" on the new page that appears and you're set. Enjoy the plugin!
After installing the script, when a youtube video page is loaded, you will see a new menu item when you click on "..." with the title "Copy Transcript". It will look like this:
And as you might've already guessed, clicking this button will do the rest for you. And all of this open source and running locally in your browser, isn't that great?
There is millions of youtube videos. But humans only have a finite lifetime.
Sometimes we watch videos not just for pure entertainment, but to get some information out of it.
ChatGPT and other tools are very good at helping you out at moments like this. But they still need the transcript of the video.
To get the transcript of a video manually, you have to click the video description, then "show transcript", select the full transcript with your mouse or with shift and then CTRL + C.
One time, two times, three times it's ok. But the more you do it, you question yourself: Is there not a better solution? Some way to automate it for instance?
And that's what this script does!