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Debug settings

Dmitry Shin edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 17 revisions

The default command is guide, but you can change this in your index.js file.

All debug messages are output to the Toolbox (Tera-Proxy) console.

Toolbox(/8) Command description
guide debug s Displaying information about the skills of the boss on/off.
guide debug am Displaying info about the abnormality applied on you by the boss on/off.
guide debug ae Displaying info about the abnormality applied on you by the server on/off.
guide debug ab Displaying info about the abnormality applied on the boss on/off.
guide debug ar Displaying info about removing abnormality from you on/off.
guide debug ad Displaying info about removing abnormality from the boss on/off.
guide debug h Displaying info about the health of the boss on/off.
guide debug ns Displaying info about the NPC spawn on/off.
guide debug nd Displaying info about the NPC despawn on/off.
guide debug dm Displaying info about the Dungeon Message on/off.
guide debug qb Displaying info about the Quest Balloon on/off.
guide debug all Displaying of all debug info (the above options are ignored) on/off.
guide debug chat Displaying debug info to the Proxy chat in the game on/off.
guide debug status Display the status of all debug mode settings.

Event handler commands

Toolbox(/8) Command description
guide event load zone Load the guide specified in the zone parameter (specifies the dungeon id from the list of supported). The test value can be specified to read the guide from the *guides/test.js * file (example file). All hooks associated with the guide will be added on upload.
guide event reload Reload the configuration and hooks of the currently loaded guide.
guide event unload Unload all configuration and remove hooks for the currently loaded guide.
guide event trigger key Execute an event from the loaded guide, where key is the event key.
guide event spawn context Create an object (item, sign, etc.), where context specifies a record in JSON format.
guide event text context Display a text message in the chat or on the screen, where context specifies a record in JSON format.


/8 guide event load 3026
/8 guide event trigger "s-3026-1000-2153-0"
/8 guide event text '{"sub_type":"message","message":"My Message"}'
/8 guide event spawn '{"sub_type":"item","id":"88704","sub_delay":"999999"}'