We're recommended use yarn because we keep the dependencies lock of yarn.
# In react-native-debugger directory
$ yarn
$ cd dist && yarn && cd ..
$ cd npm-package && yarn && cd ..
If you want to debug the NPM package, just run yarn link <the package path>
on your React Native project.
$ yarn dev:webpack # Then open the another terminal tab
$ yarn dev:electron
Please ensure the React Native Debugger
production app is closed.
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
Run lint and test, currently we just wrote E2E test for RNDebugger.
$ yarn lint
$ yarn test
You need to closes all React Native packager (or just make sure 8081
or 8088
port not listening) when running the test.
$ yarn run pack-macos
$ yarn run pack-linux
$ yarn run pack-windows
$ yarn run pack # all
If you want to build binaries yourself, please remove ../electron/update.js (and ../electon/main.js usage), osx-sign
in ../scripts/package-macos.sh.