Welcome! Here we gather those who build, run, and spread Klimatkollen.se. The rules are simple – get involved where you feel you can help! Many do this in their spare time, and no one is expected to respond quickly or at all. Here is an invite to our Discord server:
Klimatkollen exists to provide citizens with insight and answers to three questions:
- How are the climate emissions progressing?
- What is the forecast if emissions continue as today?
- How should emissions be reduced to meet the Paris Agreement?
From 2024–2026, we have support from Google.org to develop AI and show how companies' emissions are progressing.
We who are here believe in open source and open APIs. As citizens, we have the right to know how emissions are progressing and what is being done about them. We believe in openness and participation – active citizens make society better and strengthen democracy.
We communicate constructively with each other and externally. We try to solve problems, not create them. We are kind and encourage each other and others.
We want to create a digital climate movement. This means that the next person who joins the server is as important as those of us who are already here. Please help welcome new people and kindly point them in the right direction.
If you have sensitive questions, such as security issues or information shared with you in confidence, you should not write them here but contact ola@klimatkollen.se or frida@klimatkollen.se. Do not share information from here with outsiders without first asking the user for permission.
Ultimately, our most important goal is to reduce climate emissions in Sweden (and the planet) and reach the Paris Agreement. Thank you for contributing your time and knowledge!