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+import {Meta} from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
+import {Light, Dark} from './index';
+# FAB
+> [FAB] Floating Action Button is a component for represent the primary action of screen
+## Usage
+import {FAB} from 'dooboo-ui';
+## Props
+| | Types | Description | Default |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- |
+| isActive | `boolean` | | |
+| FABItems | `Array- ` | List of id and iconName form each FABItems | |
+| onPressFAB | `() => void` | Press callback for main FAB button | |
+| onPressFABItem | `(item?: Item) => void` | Press callback for main FAB button | |
+| renderFAB? | `() => ReactElement` | | |
+| renderFABItem? | `(item: Item, idx: number) => ReactElement` | | |
+| style? | `Styles` | | |
+| styles? | `Styles` | Extra Props for FAB styles | |
+## FABItem
+| | Types | Description | Default |
+| ---- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
+| icon | `IconName` | | |
+| id | `string` | Id for distinguishing from other FABItems that passed from onPressFABItem callback | |
+## Styles
+| | Types | Description | Default |
+| ---------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------- | ------- |
+| FAB? | `StyleProp` | Style for main FAB | |
+| FABItem? | `StyleProp` | Style for FABItem | |
+| iconSize? | `number` | | 24 |
+| buttonSize | `ButtonSize` | | |
+| gap? | `number` | Gap between FAB Buttons | 20 |
+## Demo
+#### Light Theme
+#### Dark Theme
diff --git a/docs/src/components/FAB/index.tsx b/docs/src/components/FAB/index.tsx
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+import {FAB, ThemeProvider, withTheme} from 'dooboo-ui';
+import {FC, ReactElement, useState} from 'react';
+import {SafeAreaView, View} from 'react-native';
+import styled from '@emotion/native';
+import {useFonts} from 'expo-font';
+const StoryContainer = styled.View`
+ flex: 1;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 300px;
+ align-self: stretch;
+ background-color: ${({theme}) => theme.background};
+const FABContainer: FC = () => {
+ const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
+ const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({
+ IcoMoon: require('../../assets/doobooui.ttf'),
+ });
+ if (!fontsLoaded) return ;
+ return (
+ setActive((prev) => !prev)}
+ onPressFABItem={() => {}}
+ />
+ );
+const FABStory = withTheme(FABContainer);
+export const Light = (): ReactElement => (
+export const Dark = (): ReactElement => (