This repository collects the implementation of the four models published in "On the performance of deep generative models of realistic sat instances" [1]. All these models follow the generation methodology proposed in "G2SAT: learning to generate SAT formulas" [2]. The original G2SAT code is available in
- Install PyTorch (tested on 1.0.0), please refer to the offical website for further details
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
- Install PyTorch Geometric (tested on 1.1.2), please refer to the offical website for further details
pip install --verbose --no-cache-dir torch-scatter
pip install --verbose --no-cache-dir torch-sparse
pip install --verbose --no-cache-dir torch-cluster
pip install --verbose --no-cache-dir torch-spline-conv (optional)
pip install torch-geometric
- Install networkx (tested on 2.3), make sure you are not using networkx 1.x version!
pip install networkx
- Install tensorboardx
pip install tensorboardX
[1] Iván Garzón, Pablo Mesejo, and Jesús Giráldez-Cru. On the performance of deep generative models of realistic sat instances. In Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2022).
[2] Jiaxuan You, Haoze Wu, Clark W. Barrett, Raghuram Ramanujan, and Jure Leskovec. G2SAT: learning to generate SAT formulas. In Proc. of the Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), pages 10552–10563, 2019.