This extension adds support for dynamical page content components called widgets.
The best way to install ipub/widgets is using Composer:
$ composer require ipub/widgets
After that you have to register extension in config.neon.
widgets: IPub\Widgets\DI\WidgetsExtension
Widget is special type of component. So you can create component as usual, but you have to use widget base control class
So now create component as usual:
use IPub\Widgets\Widgets;
class SuperCoolWidget extends Widgets\Component implements Widgets\IWidget
And its factory (info in czech):
use IPub\Widgets\Widgets;
use IPub\Widgets\Entities;
interface ISuperCoolWidgetFactory extends Widgets\IFactory
* @param Entities\IData|array $data
* @return SuperCoolWidget
public function create($data);
Now you have to register this component in your application. You can do it in you neon config file:
class: Your\Namespace\Widgets\SuperCoolWidget
implement: Your\Namespace\Widgets\ISuperCoolWidgetFactory
inject: true
tags: [ipub.widgets.widget]
Don't forget to put ipub.widgets.widget tag, this tag is used to identify widget component by extension.
And that is all for basic setup. This widget is now registered in widget manager.
All widgets have to be configured before they could be rendered on your page. This configuration must have some mandatory fields:
- widget title
- widget description for describing widget content.
- position which tell where widget should be rendered in page.
- status with bool value defining if widget is visible or hidden.
- priority which define widgets ordering in one position. Widget with higher number will be first.
So now we have to put widgets manager into your page.
namespace Your\Coool\Namespace\Presenter;
use IPub\Widgets;
class SomePresenter
* Insert extension trait (only for PHP 5.4+)
use Widgets\TWidgets;
public function beforeRender()
// Load widgets config via your model or from any array etc.
foreach($this->widgetsModel->loadWidgets() as $widgetConfig) {
// And register every widget in somePosition with configuration array
$this['widgets-somePosition']->addWidget($widgetConfig->type, $widget->data);
And in your presenter template just render component:
<div class="some-other">
{control widgets-somePosition}
And that's it, now your widget will be rendered in selected position.