Below is a list of all of our research teams, as well as all of the information you need to join. Any time you see an "@", that's a member's Slack handle! Click here to join our Slack organisation!
In addition to continuing to support open-source development, OpenMined will now also be a community for fostering novel research.
To read more about OpenMined Research, check out our blog post here!
Minimum Requirements:
- A Github Account
- An OpenMined Slack account (slack.openmined.org)
- Strong Python development skills
- Familiarity with an existing research-oriented deep learning framework (PyTorch, Tensorflow, or Jax)
- Familiarity with collaboration tools such as Google Colab, Jupyter Lab, and git
- Familiarity with at least one cloud provider (Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, etc.)
Ideal Requirements for Research Projects in Privacy:
- Completed PySyft's course and/or tutorials
- Have merged one or more pull requests into PySyft or PyGrid
- Have read/understood key papers in Differential Privacy, Secure Multi-party Computation, Federated Learning, Zero-knowledge Proofs, and Homomorphic Encryption.
Current OM Research Engineers List
More Information on How to Become an OM Research Engineer
Research Engineer Application Form
Minimum Requirements:
- You must have published at least 1 paper to a peer-reviewed journal or conference.
- You must have a current or recent (past 5 years) affiliation to a research institution (academic or industry).
- A Github Account
- An OpenMined Slack account (slack.openmined.org)
- Strong Python development skills
- Familiarity with an existing research-oriented deep learning framework (PyTorch, Tensorflow, or Jax)
- Familiarity with collaboration tools such as Google Colab, Jupyter Lab, and git
- Familiarity with at least one cloud provider (Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, etc.)
Ideal Requirements for Research Projects in Privacy:
- Completed PySyft's course and/or tutorials
- Have merged one or more pull requests into PySyft or PyGrid
- Have read/understood key papers in Differential Privacy, Secure Multi-party Computation, Federated Learning, Zero-knowledge Proofs, and Homomorphic Encryption.
Current OM Research Scientists List
More Information on How to Become an OM Research Scientist
Research Scientist Application Form