Have you added support for a non Arduino board to the Arduino IDE? Please let everyone know by publishing your package_YOUR-NAME_PACKAGE-NAME_index.json URL.
If you are using Arduino IDE 1.6.6 then you may need to open Boards Manager twice before the entry for a newly added Boards Manager URL will appear (issue #3795).
Adafruit: https://adafruit.github.io/arduino-board-index/package_adafruit_index.json
- Adafruit AVR Boards (Flora, Metro, Trinket, Pro Trinket, & Gemma)
- Adafruit SAMD Boards (Feather M0)
- TeeOnArdu USB MIDI support for Leonardo & Micro
- arcore USB MIDI support for Leonardo & Micro
Adelino: http://adelino.cc/package_adelino_index.json
- Adelino is a dual-microcontroller development board based on ATmega32U4 and ESP8266 (using ESP-12F WiFi module), inspired by Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Yún
Akafugu: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akafugu/akafugu_core/master/package_akafugu_index.json
- Akafugu Breadboard Adapter (Internal 8MHz Clock)
- Akafugu Breadboard Adapter (External 16MHz Clock)
- Akafuino L
- Akafugu Nixie Clock
- XLR8: FPGA accelerated AVR compatible Boards
- Ameba (RTL8195AM, RTL8711AM, RTL8711AF)
Arduino MKR1000 - Beta: http://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_mkr1000_index.json
- Hackster.io - MKR1000 Build
- This appears to be seriously outdated. MKR1000 support has long since been added to the standard Arduino SAMD Boards package available in Boards Manager without adding a 3rd party URL. Possibly this version was written for the beta test version of the MKR1000, which had a different pinout than the final version of the board?
Arachnid Labs: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arachnidlabs/arachnidlabs-boards/master/package_arachnidlabs.com_boards_index.json
- Tsunami (http://www.arachnidlabs.com/tsunami/) Signal generator based on Arduino Leonardo (AD9838)
Ardhat: https://ardhat.github.io/ardhat-board-support/arduino/package_ardhat_index.json
Arduboy: https://arduboy.github.io/board-support/package_arduboy_index.json
- Arduboy miniature game system and developer kit
Arducam: http://www.arducam.com/downloads/ESP8266_UNO/package_ArduCAM_index.json
- Arducam ESP8266 UNO
- Arducam ESP32S UNO (http://www.arducam.com/downloads/ESP32_UNO/package_ArduCAM_ESP32S_UNO_index.json)
Ariadne Bootloader: https://per1234.github.io/Ariadne-Bootloader/package_codebendercc_ariadne-bootloader_index.json
- Arduino Ethernet/Ethernet Shield/W5100 bootloader
Arrow: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ioteamit/smarteverything-core/master/package_arrow_index.json
- SmartEverything Fox
- SmartEverything Lion
- SmartEverything Dragonfly
- SmartEverything Tiger
ATFlash: https://mesom.de/atflash/package_atflash_index.json
- Engage the following controllers with 8 MHz (and 9600 Baud) standalone on breadboard (without anything else!):
- ATtiny84A
- ATtiny85
- ATmega328P
- All can be programmed via an UNO and the integrated Tiny Safe Boot (TSB) bootloader or the integrated ISP programming
- More on the ATFlash website
Atmega & Attiny cores: http://www.leonardomiliani.com/repository/package_leonardomiliani.com_index.json
- ATmega644/644P & ATmega1284P core (w/bootloader)
- ATmega168P/328P core (for standalone MCUs)
- ATtiny24/44/84, ATtiny25/45/85, and ATtiny2313/4313 core (I2C & SoftSerial)
ATmegaxxM1-C1: https://thomasonw.github.io/ATmegaxxM1-C1/package_thomasonw_ATmegaxxM1-C1_index.json
- ATmega32M1
- ATmega64M1
- Others to come.
- ATtiny45 / ATtiny85 and ATtiny44 / ATtiny84 support
ATtinyCore: http://drazzy.com/package_drazzy.com_index.json
- ATtiny25/45/85, 24/44/85, 261/461/861, 87/167, 48/88, 2313/4313
- ATtiny441/841, 1634, 828 (optiboot support on 841/1634/828)
AutomationDirect.com: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/facts-engineering/facts-engineering.github.io/master/package_productivity-P1AM-boardmanagermodule_index.json
- P1AM-100 The ProductivityOpen P1AM-100 is an automation platform compatible with Productivity1000 Series I/O modules, P1AM Series shields, and Arduino MKR format shields.
avdweb: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/avandalen/SAM15x15/master/package_avdweb_nl_index.json
- SAM 15x15: Arduino Zero compatible board
avr_boot: https://zevero.github.io/avr_boot/package_zevero_avr_boot_index.json
- SD card bootloader for ATmega processors:
Azure IoT Hub (MXChip): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VSChina/azureiotdevkit_tools/master/package_azureboard_index.json
- AZ3166 v1.0
- Azure IoT Hub
Barebones ATmega Chips (no bootloader): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carlosefr/atmega/master/package_carlosefr_atmega_index.json
- ATmega8/168/168p/328/328P (internal and external clocks)
Breadboard Arduino: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oshlab/Breadboard-Arduino/master/avr/boardsmanager/package_oshlab_breadboard_index.json
- GitHub - Breadboard-Arduino
- ATmega328P (8 MHz internal)
Canique: https://resources.canique.com/ide/package_canique_index.json
chipKIT: https://github.com/chipKIT32/chipKIT-core/raw/master/package_chipkit_index.json
- Microchip PIC32 based boards
- All supported chipKIT boards including UNO32, MAX32, uC32, Fubarino SD, Fubarino Mini, WF32, WiFire, etc.
- Main chipKIT.net site http://chipkit.net/
- chipKIT forums http://chipkit.net/forum
clkdiv8: http://clkdiv8.com/download/package_clkdiv8_index.json
- Sparrow V4 Board: http://clkdiv8.com
Cosa: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikaelpatel/Cosa/master/package_cosa_index.json
- AdaFruit ATmega32U4
- Anarduino MiniWireless
- Arduino Diecimila
- Arduino Duemilanove
- Arduino Leonardo
- Arduino Mega 1280
- Arduino Mega 2560
- Arduino Micro
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Pro Micro
- Arduino Pro Mini
- Arduino Uno
- Breadboards: ATtinyX4, ATtinyX5, ATtinyX61, ATmega328, ATmega1284
- ITEAD Studio IBoard
- LilyPad Arduino
- LilyPad Arduino USB
- Moteino
- Moteino Mega
- Pinoccio Scout
- Microduino-Core
- Microduino-Core32u4
- Microduino-Core+
- PJRC Teensy 2.0
- PJRC Teensy++ 2.0
- Wicked Device WildFire V3
Cytron Technologies: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CytronTechnologies/Cytron-Arduino-URL/master/package_cytron_index.json
- Cuteduino
DFRobot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DFRobot/DFRobotDuinoBoard/master/package_dfrobot_index.json
- Bluno M0 MainBoard(Nuc123LD4AN0) * NUC123LD4AN0/P/PA/A
- DFRduino M0 MainBoard(Nuc123LD4AN0) * NUC123LD4AN0/P/PA/A
- Bluno M3 MainBoard(STM32) STM32/P/PA/A
DFRobotIot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DFRobot/DFRobotDuinoBoard/master/package_dfrobot_iot_mainboard.json
- DFRobot 8266 Iot Mainboard (ESP8266)
DFRobot ESP32 Iot: https://git.oschina.net/dfrobot/FireBeetle-ESP32/raw/master/package_esp32_index.json
- DFRobot ESP32 Iot Mainboard (Firebeetle ESP32 SKU: DFR0478)
Digistump (Official): http://digistump.com/package_digistump_index.json
- Digispark (16.5 MHz)
- Digispark Pro (16 MHz)
- Digispark Pro (16 MHz) (32 byte buffer)
- Digispark Pro (16 MHz) (64 byte buffer)
- Digispark (16 MHz - No USB)
- Digispark (8 MHz - No USB)
- Digispark (1 MHz - No USB)
- Digistump DigiX
- Note: Includes driver installer for Windows installs
Dwengo: http://www.dwengo.org/sites/default/files/package_dwengo.org_dwenguino_index.json
Electronica Elemon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MauricioJancic/Elemon/master/package_Elemon_index.json
- EESA-IOT 5.0 v1.0 more info in http://www.elemon.com.ar/NovedadesDet.aspx?Id=56
- Elektor.Labs support, main site
- Elektor Uno R4 (ATmega328PB, project page): https://github.com/ElektorLabs/Arduino/releases/download/v1.0.1/package_elektor_uno_r4_1_8_x_index.json
- Platino Universal AVR Board (supports 28-pin and 40-pin devices), project page)
- AVR Playground (dev board with many peripherals + mikroe Click slot, project page)
- eRIC Nitro (with on-board LPRS radio module), project page): https://github.com/ElektorLabs/Arduino/releases/download/v1.0.1/package_elektor_index.json
Engimusing: https://engimusing.github.io/arduinoIDE/package_engimusing_modules_index.json
- Engimusing has a variety of small boards which are centered around the Silicon Labs Gecko microprocessors.
- More information can be found at https://www.engimusing.com.
- EFM32G232
- EFM32TG110
- EFM32TG222
- EFM32WG840
- EFM32ZG108
- EFM32ZG222
ESP8266 Community: https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
- Generic ESP8266 modules
- Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266
- NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12)
- NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E)
- Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 (ESP-12)
- SparkFun Thing
- SweetPea ESP-210
- WeMos D1
- WeMos D1 mini
Espressif ESP32: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json
- Many variants of ESP32 boards
- ATtiny84, ATtiny85, ATtiny861, ATtiny167, ATtiny2313, ATtiny88
ftDuino: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harbaum/ftduino/master/package_ftduino_index.json
Goldilocks 1284p: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/feilipu/feilipu.github.io/master/package_goldilocks_index.json
- Goldilocks 20MHz
- Goldilocks 22.1184MHz
- Goldilocks Analogue (24.576MHz, integrated MCP4822 DAC & Headphone Amp, Mic Amp for ADC, SPI SRAM & EEPROM)
HidnSeek: http://hidnseek.github.io/hidnseek/package_hidnseek_boot_index.json
- Main HidnSeek site: https://hidnseek.fr
- An ATmega328P for IoT in low power mode with USB Battery charger, GPS, Accelerometer, Temperature, Pressure, SIGFOX RF link (w/USB boot loader)
In-Circuit: http://library.radino.cc/Arduino_1_8/package_radino_radino32_index.json
- radino32 DW1000
- radino32 SX1272
- radino32 CC1101
- radino32 WiFi
- radino32 nRF8001
- radino CC1101
- radino WiFi
- radino nRF8001
- radino RF69
- radino RF233
Infineon Technologies: https://github.com/Infineon/Assets/releases/download/current/package_infineon_index.json
- GitHub Project: https://github.com/Infineon/XMC-for-Arduino
- Supported Boards:
- IntoRobot-Atom (STM32F103)
- IntoRobot-Neutron (STM32F411)
- IntoRobot-Nut (ESP8266)
- IntoRobot-Fig (ESP32)
IOTEAM: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ioteamit/ioteam-arduino-core/master/package_ioteam_index.json
- Dustino
Iteaduino Lite: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/udif/ITEADSW_Iteaduino-Lite-HSP/master/package/package_iteaduino_lite_index.json
- Iteaduino Lite is a cheap Arduino clone (no longer sold), which is based on an ATmega88 chip clone called LGT8F88A.
- This package is fork of the original Itead GitHub repository which was intended to be manually installed over an Arduino 1.0.x or 1.5.x and did not contain a JSON based plugin release.
Kristian Sloth Lauszus: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lauszus/Sanguino/master/package_lauszus_sanguino_index.json
- Sanguino
Konekt Dash/DashPro (Official): http://downloads.konekt.io/arduino/package_konekt_index.json
- Cortex M4-based global cellular dev kits, support for all board variants, support for USB and over-the-air programming straight from within Arduino IDE
- Main Konekt site: https://konekt.io
- Konekt forums: https://community.konekt.io
- Konekt GitHub: https://github.com/konektlabs
- Tutorial: https://content.konekt.io/tutorials/hardware/konekt-dash/getting-started/
- Laika Explorer:
- ATmega88PA
- Laika Explorer:
Lattuino: http://fpgalibre.sf.net/Lattuino/package_lattuino_index.json
- Lattuino is an Arduino implementation using an iCE40 FPGA
- Is compatible with Arduino UNO, but with less memory
- Web page: http://fpgalibre.sourceforge.net/Lattuino_en/index.html
- FPGA board used: http://fpgalibre.sourceforge.net/Kefir_en/index.html
- Lattuino IP and API: https://github.com/INTI-CMNB/Lattuino_IP_Core
- Support IP cores: https://github.com/FPGALibre/fpgacores
LinkIt ONE (Seeed Studio): http://download.labs.mediatek.com/package_mtk_linkit_index.json
- MediaTek v1.0
LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo (Seeed Studio): http://download.labs.mediatek.com/package_mtk_linkit_smart_7688_index.json
- LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo(Atmega32U4)(3.3V)(8MHz)
LinkIt 7697: http://download.labs.mediatek.com/package_mtk_linkit_7697_index.json
- LinkIt 7697
MattairTech LLC: https://www.mattairtech.com/software/arduino/package_MattairTech_index.json
- MT-D21E (ATSAMD21ExxA)
- MT-D11 (ATSAMD11D14AM)
- MT-DB-U1 (AT90USB162)
- MT-DB-U2 (ATmega32U2)
- MT-DB-U4 (ATmeaga32U4)
- MT-DB-U6 (AT90USB646/AT90USB1286)
Maxim Integrated: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaximIntegratedMicros/arduino-collateral/master/package_maxim_index.json
- GitHub Project: https://github.com/MaximIntegratedMicros/arduino-max326xx
- Supported Boards:
MegaCore: https://mcudude.github.io/MegaCore/package_MCUdude_MegaCore_index.json
- ATmega2561/V
- ATmega2560/V
- ATmega1281/V
- ATmega1280/V
- ATmega640/V
- ATmega128/L/A
- ATmega64/L/A
MicroCore: https://mcudude.github.io/MicroCore/package_MCUdude_MicroCore_index.json
- ATtiny13
MightyCore: https://mcudude.github.io/MightyCore/package_MCUdude_MightyCore_index.json
- ATmega1284/P
- ATmega644/P/PA/A
- ATmega324P/PA/A
- ATmega164P/PA/A
- ATmega32
- ATmega16
- ATmega8535
MiniCore: https://mcudude.github.io/MiniCore/package_MCUdude_MiniCore_index.json
- ATmega328/P/PA/A
- ATmega168/P/PA/A
- ATmega88/P/PA/A
- ATmega48/P/PA/A
- ATmega8
Moteino (Official): https://lowpowerlab.github.io/MoteinoCore/package_LowPowerLab_index.json
- Moteino (16 MHz)
- MoteinoMEGA (16 MHz)
- All about Moteino
Navspark: http://navspark.mybigcommerce.com/content/package_navspark_index.json
- Navspark-GL: Arduino Compatible Development Board with GPS/GLONASS
- NavSpark: Arduino Compatible Development Board with GPS
NeKuNeKo: https://nekuneko.github.io/arduino-board-index/package_nekuneko_index.json
- SoK Zero Dawn (SAMD21J18A)
- SoK M4 Advance (SAMD51J20A)
NicoHood HoodLoader2: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NicoHood/HoodLoader2/master/package_NicoHood_HoodLoader2_index.json
- ATmega16u2
- ATmega32u2
- ATmega8u2
- AT90USB162
- Original ATmega16u2 DFU Firmware
- Arduino Uno HID-Bridge
- Arduino Mega 2560 HID-Bridge
Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards: https://sandeepmistry.github.io/arduino-nRF5/package_nRF5_boards_index.json
- GitHub Project: https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-nRF5
- Plain nRF52 MCU Supported Boards:
- Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 DK
- Shenzhen Taida Century Technology nRF52 low cost development board
- RedBear Blend 2
- RedBear Nano 2
- nRF51 Supported Boards:
- Plain nRF51 MCU
- BBC micro:bit
- Bluz DK
- Nordic Semiconductor nRF51822 Development Kit + nRF51422 Development Kit
- PCA10000
- PCA10001, PCA10002, PCA10003, PCA10004 via nRF6310(nRFgo)
- Nordic Semiconductor NRF51 Dongle
- OSHChip
- RedBearLab BLE Nano
- RedBearLab nRF51822
- Waveshare BLE400
- ng-beacon
- Seeedstudio Tinyble
- Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 DK
- OLIMEX (AVR BOARDS): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OLIMEX/Arduino_configurations/master/AVR/package_olimex_avr_index.json
- Examples for OLIMEX AVR Arduino-like boards (OLIMEXINO-328, OLIMEXINO-32u4, OLIMEXINO-NANO, etc)
- Examples for OLIMEX AVR Digispark-like boards (OLIMEXINO-85, OLIMEXINO-85S, OLIMEXINO-85BC, FOSDEM-85, etc)
- Libraries and examples for various OLIMEX shields and UEXT extension boards (MOD-LCD1x9, SHIELD-LCD16x2, MOD-IO2, etc)
- OLIMEX (PIC BOARDS): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OLIMEX/Arduino_configurations/master/PIC/package_olimex_pic_index.json
- Library and examples for OLIMEX UEXT extension board (MOD-GPS)
- Note: Since the tools (compiler, uploader, drivers) are from chipKIT's package you have to add their *.json file (https://github.com/chipKIT32/chipKIT-core/raw/master/package_chipkit_index.json) in the list of "Additional Boards Managers URLs" (installation of chipKIT's package is not required).
- OLIMEX (STM BOARDS): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OLIMEX/Arduino_configurations/master/STM/package_olimex_stm_index.json
- Examples for OLIMEX STM32-E407
- OLIMEX (AVR BOARDS): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OLIMEX/Arduino_configurations/master/AVR/package_olimex_avr_index.json
- OMC: Open Motion Controller
Open Panzer: https://openpanzerproject.github.io/OpenPanzerBoards/package_openpanzer_index.json
- TCB (Tank Control Board) with ATmega2560 processor
OpenTracker: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geolink/opentracker-arduino-board/master/package_opentracker_index.json
- GeoLink OpenTracker
panStamp: http://panstamp.org/arduino/package_panstamp_index.json
- panStamp AVR w/ Atmega328p
- panStamp NRG w/ CC430F5137 (TI MSP430 core + CC1101)
- Quirkbot support
RFduino (Discontinued): http://rfduino.com/package_rfduino_index.json
- RFduino
RedBear: https://redbearlab.github.io/arduino/package_redbear_index.json
- RedBear Duo (Cortex-M3, WiFi + BLE)
- RedBear discussion forum
RedBearLab: https://redbearlab.github.io/arduino/package_redbearlab_index.json
- RedBearLab AVR+BLE (ATmega32U4 + nRF8001) Boards (Blend and Blend Micro).
Riddle&Code Ltd.: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RiddleAndCode/RnCAtmega256RFR2/master/Board_Manager/package_rnc_index.json
- ATmega256RFR2 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (Complete package including bootloader)
RIG by REKA: http://rig.reka.com.my/package_rig_index.json
- RIG Cell Lite Cellular Based IoT Board
- ATtiny85
- ATtiny84
- ATmega8
- ATmega328
- ATmega32U4
Seeeduino(Seeed Studio): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seeed-Studio/Seeeduino-Boards/master/package_seeeduino_index.json
- Seeeduino V3.0(ATmega328P)
- Seeeduino Mega 2560
- Seeeduino V4(ATmega328P)
- Seeeduino Lotus
- Seeeduino Lite
- Simba AVR: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eerimoq/simba-releases/master/arduino/avr/package_simba_avr_index.json
- Arduino Mega
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Pro Micro
- Arduino Uno
- Simba ESP: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eerimoq/simba-releases/master/arduino/esp/package_simba_esp_index.json
- ESP-01
- ESP-12E
- Simba SAM: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eerimoq/simba-releases/master/arduino/sam/package_simba_sam_index.json
- Arduino Due
- Simba AVR: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eerimoq/simba-releases/master/arduino/avr/package_simba_avr_index.json
- kendryte k210 (MAIX): http://dl.sipeed.com/MAIX/Maixduino/package_Maixduino_k210_index.json
- MAIX One Dock
- MAIX Bit
- K210 (MAIX) CDN: http://dl.sipeed.com/MAIX/Maixduino/package_Maixduino_k210_dl_cdn_index.json
- CDN mirror of K210 (MAIX)
- kendryte k210 (MAIX): http://dl.sipeed.com/MAIX/Maixduino/package_Maixduino_k210_index.json
- SODAQ AVR: http://downloads.sodaq.net/package_sodaq_index.json
- SODAQ Mbili
- SODAQ Tatu
- SODAQ SAMD: http://downloads.sodaq.net/package_sodaq_samd_index.json
- SODAQ Autonomo
- SODAQ ExpLoRer
- SODAQ AVR: http://downloads.sodaq.net/package_sodaq_index.json
- Spresense
- AVR Boards (ATmega128RFA1 Development Board, Digital Sandbox, Fio v3, MaKey MaKey, Mega Pro (Mini) 3.3V, ProMicro 3.3V & 5V, Serial 7-Segment Display)
STM32 core (official): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stm32duino/BoardManagerFiles/master/STM32/package_stm_index.json
- Provide support of the following STM32 series:
- STM32F0, STM32F1, STM32F2, STM32F3, STM32F4, STM32F7
- STM32G0, STM32G4
- STM32H7
- STM32L0, STM32L1, STM32L4
- STM32MP1 (cortex-M)
- List of current supported boards:
- Provide support of the following STM32 series:
STM8: https://github.com/tenbaht/sduino/raw/master/package_sduino_stm8_index.json
- An Arduino-like programming API that can be used from within the Arduino IDE or for Makefile-controlled builds.
- Using the SDCC and written in plain C instead of C++.
- STM8F103 breakout board
- ESP14 Wifi board
- STM8S105Discovery board
STM32F1xx/STM32F4xx/STM32F3xx Series: http://dan.drown.org/stm32duino/package_STM32duino_index.json
- STM32 Discovery F407
- STM32Stamp F405
- Netduino2 F405
- STM32F3Discovery
- Maple Mini
- Maple (Rev 3)
- Maple (RET 6)
- Microduino Core STM32 to FLASH
- STM Nucleo F103RB (STLink)
- Generic STM32F103C series
- Generic STM32F103R series
- Generic STM32F103T series
- Generic STM32F103V series
- Generic STM32F103Z series
- Generic GD32F103C series
Talk²: http://talk2arduino.wisen.com.au/master/package_talk2.wisen.com_index.json
- Talk² Whisper Node: Ultra-low power Arduino + RFM69 running on single AA battery
TKJ Electronics: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TKJElectronics/Balanduino/master/package_tkj_balanduino_index.json
- Balanduino
TL7788 Kit: https://rawgit.com/hunianhang/nufront_arduino_json/master/package_tl7788_index.json
- TL7788 Kit v1.0.3
UDOO: https://udooboard.github.io/arduino-board-package/package_udoo_index.json
- UDOO Quad/Dual
- UDOO Neo
Windows 10 IoT Core: https://github.com/ms-iot/iot-utilities/raw/master/IotCoreAppDeployment/ArduinoIde/package_iotcore_ide-1.6.6_index.json
- Windows 10 IoT Core
- Raspberry Pi 2 & 3
- Minnowboard MAX
- Windows 10 IoT Core
wirino: https://per1234.github.io/wirino/package_per1234_wirino_index.json
- GitHub repository: https://github.com/per1234/wirino
- Boards:
- Wiring S
- Wiring S with Play Shield
- Wiring V1.0
- Wiring Mini V1.0
- Wiring V1.1 ATmega1281
- Wiring V1.1 ATmega2561
- Dependencies:
XMegaForArduino project: https://github.com/XMegaForArduino/IDE/raw/master/package_XMegaForArduino_index.json
- Github project: http://github.com/XMegaForArduino
- Support for several XMEGA processors (some may require compiler patches), more to come
- Basic 'pins_arduino.h' files for 'standard' layouts, described in the file
- Intended to be the basis for your own custom XMEGA-based board
- Supports dedicated pins for hardware serial flow control
- Implements a low-current 'wait' state for delay and wait for interrupt
- bootloaders for 'arduino' and 'wiring' protocol.
- USB support 'under development' (for ATxmega128A1U, others)
- Provides new libraries for SPI, SD, 2-wire so you can start using these right away
- Includes patch files for compilers and tools (source patch), and instructions on how to modify earlier IDE versions
- Leverages XMEGA's internal 32 MHz clock in the startup code (no external crystal or resonator required)
- Advanced interrupt handling support (basically ANY pin can be an interrupt).
- Advanced pin settings include pull up, pull down, on both input and output
- Project is still in a 'beta' state, but is fully functional for nearly all practical uses, and as 'Arduino compatible' as could be made possible.
Zoubworld core: http://zoubworld.com/~zoubworld_Arduino/files/Release/package_Zoubworld_index.json
- based on ATSAMC21/ATSAMC20, ATSAMD21, ATSAML22, ATSAML21, ATSAME54 32 bit MCU core (ARM core CM0+ and CM4)
- Zoubworld Core (http://zoubworld.com/~zoubworld_Arduino and https://github.com/zoubata/ArduinoCore-samd)
- Pilo: extension I/O board for Raspberry Pi
- Captor: captor board for robot (Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04, Sharp GP2Y*, motor coder, Photoelectric Sensors Infrared)
- Line: line detector for robot
EBot Arduino core: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanu-krishnan/ebot-arduino-core/master/package_ebots.cc_index.json
- based on Atmega1284p
AmbaSat-1 Satellite: https://ambasat.com/boards/package_ambasat-1.com_index.json
- AmbaSat-1 Space Satellite: The Low Earth Orbit Space Satellite Development Kit