This is a pure-Janet implementation of a min-max heap that uses a custom comparator function to order elements.
Quick example, using cmp
as a convenient way to construct comparator functions.
(import heap)
(use cmp/import)
(def users (heap/new (by :score)))
(heap/push users {:name "Ian" :score 20})
(heap/push users {:name "Johnny" :score 15})
(heap/peek-min users)
# {:name "Johnny" :score 15}
(heap/pop-max users)
# {:name "Ian" :score 20}
(heap/pop-max users)
# {:name "Johnny" :score 15}
# create a heap (constant time)
(heap/new cmp)
# add values to the heap (log time)
(heap/push heap value)
# inspect values (constant time)
# raises if the heap is empty, unless
# you supply a default value
(heap/peek-min heap &opt default)
(heap/peek-max heap &opt default)
# remove and return values (log time)
# raises if the heap is empty, unless
# you supply a default value
(heap/pop-min heap &opt default)
(heap/pop-max heap &opt default)
# constant time
# Note! The native versions of these functions
# will give the wrong answers
(heap/length heap)
(heap/empty? heap)
# linear time
(heap/contains? heap value)
The implementation makes no guarantees about pop order for elements that compare identically (it does not try to enforce FIFO or LIFO ordering).